114th Birthday Proj...
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[Closed] 114th Birthday Project for Ethel Caterham

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Since Ethel Caterham (*21 Aug. 1909), is already 113 years, 347 days of age, we decided to organize a 114th B-Day Project for her! 

Ben: organizer (background):
GeorgFuerholzer: organizer (front&background);
Ale76: campaign leader on the GSF;
Ben1987 (Ben Hinchliffe): campaign leader (Top 10 Supercentenarians Group on Facebook);
Charlesm09: campaign leader (Charles Miller's Supercentenarian Page on Facebook).

WHAT IS ALLOWED: Wishes, Birthday-Cards, drawings, (sent via e-mail, or PM).

Posting your wishes directly on the GSF, or sending a PM to me;
Posting wishes on the 110 Club;
Posting wishes on the 10 Oldest People Group on Facebook, or sending a PM to Ben Hinchliffe on Facebook;
Posting wishes on the Charles Miller´s Supercentenarian Page on Facebook.

Georg Fürholzer: [email protected]
Charles Miller's Supercentenarian Page on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/events/652637466925497

DEADLINE: Aug. 19 2023 01:00 PM CET.

At the end of the project, all wishes will be sent to Georg Fürholzer and he will forward them to her nursing home.
1 of the nursing home leaders gave us the persmission to organize that and 1 employee will forward our wishes directly to her!

TO ALL CONGRATULATORS: Please use only 1 B-Day Participation-Channel!!!!



Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

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Hallo Hr. Ale! Ich habe bereits 2014 das Foto von Ihnen mit Georg und Frau Morano bewundert und ich habe Georg´s Announcement gelesen, auch wenn wir nicht auf Facebook befreundet sind und er sagte mir, dass Sie für GSF zuständig sind und ich habe mich gefreut, als er mir das sagte und so habe ich Georg gebeten, diese Nachricht an Sie zu übermitteln und meine weiteren Zeilen an Frau Caterham:

Guten Tag Frau Caterham! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen wunderbaren 114. Geburtstag mit 114 mal so viel Glück, wie bisher und ebenso weitere schöne Geburtstage! Liebe Grüsse ins "Vereinigte Königreich" Josef, 57 Jahre, Styria (Unterpremstetten)

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

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....please forward my wishes to the GSF boss! : Dear GSF boss! That´s my wish for Ethel Caterham from the UK:

Dear Mrs. Caterham! I wish you a very happy 114th Birthday! You are among the 200 oldest verified persons ever, that´s sure! My granny is "only 98 years young" I started to become interested in longevity in 1997! Back then 114 was a golden milestone! I´m very pleased to be 1 of your congratulators! I wish you a wonderful day and hopefully further B-Days to come. Philipp, 37 Frankfurt, Germany

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

ChrisR and diego reacted
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Happy 114th Birthday Mrs. Ethel Caterham! We wish you a wonderful day filled with happiness! I hope you get a mountain of presents with cake and ice cream! Enjoy your day!

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
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😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

ChrisR and diego reacted
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Hello everybody! Each of you is welcome to send her/his wishes there!

diego reacted
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Dear Ethel

From Australia I’d like to send you all the very best wishes from everyone here.

Congratulations on reaching such a wonderful age. 114 has not been reached by anyone in the United Kingdom for almost 10 years.

I wish you many more years of happiness.

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Liebe Frau Caterham, ich wünsche Ihnen Alles erdenklich Gute zu Ihrem 114. Geburtstag! Wie man in Österreich singt. Hoch soll sie leben, hoch soll sie leben, ihrem Fall 114 Mal hoch! Prost!


Grüsse aus Ilmitz, Burgenland, Österreich, Thomas H, 47 Jahre

diego reacted
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Boldog 114. születésnapot Mrs. Caterham! Ha most veled lennék, személyesen emelnék veled egy poharat, és bemutatnék egy magyarországi specialitást. Somló gombóc. Egyszerűen finom! G. Attila 1981-ben született Győrön, ahol ma élek. Ugyanennyi egészséget, örömet, szórakozást és sok izgalmas élményt kívánok! Üdvözlettel Magyarországról

diego reacted
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Hello everybody! Thanks to all persons who have already participated in the Ethel Caterham B-Day Project! Each of you, who hasn´t participated yet, has the possibility to participate via the following ways: Channel DEADLINES FOR PARTICIPATION in chronological order: Calculated as of CET  TOP 10 Supercentenarians Group on FACEBOOK: Aug. 19 00:59 AM CET (Aug. 18 2023 23:59 GMT) THE GLOBAL SUPERCENTENARIAN FORUM (GSF): Aug. 19 01:00 PM CET Charles Miller´s Supercentenarians PAGE  on Facebook: Aug. 19 03:00 PM CET The 110 Club: Aug. 19 2023 03:00 PM CET

ChrisR and diego reacted
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Happy 114th birthday, Mrs. Caterham (Doyenne of the United Kingdom and 9th Oldest Person Ever lived in the UK), wishing you a peaceful life ahead.

Congratulations for your reached milestones in the Longevity's field!

With deep respect from Genoa, Italy


Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

ChrisR reacted
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Last hours for voting.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

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Thanks to all participants! I´ve already sent all wishes to Mrs. Caterham´s nursing home via E-Mail!

diego reacted