117th Birthday Proj...
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[Closed] 117th Birthday Project for Maria Branyas Morera

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Greetings everyone,

Mrs. Maria Branyas Morera (*04th Mar. 1907) is already 116 years, 359 days of age, we got the permission and we decided to organize a 117th B-Day Project for her! 

Ben: organizer (background);
: personal: contact-person to Mrs. Branyas Morera & her family (wish collector);
Ale76: campaign leader on the GSF;
GeorgFuerholzer: organizer (front&background) (campaign leader on The 110 Club);
Ben1987: campaign leader Top 10 Supercentenarians Page Facebook;
Michael (TheGodFatherOfSwellnes): organizer & wish-collector the 110 Club;
Charles Miller (possibly, not clarified yet) campaign leader (Charles Miller´s Supercentenarian Page on Facebook)

WHAT IS ALLOWED: Wishes, Birthday-Cards, drawings, (sent via e-mail, or PM).

1st: Posting your wishes directly here on the GSF, or sending an e-mail to Ale 76;
2nd Posting wishes on the 110 Club via mail to TheGodFatherOfSwellnes or Georg Fürholzer;
3rd: Posting your wishes on the Maria Branyas Morera Fanpage on Facebook, or sending a PM to Ben1987 on Facebook;
4th: Posting your wishes on the Top 10 Supercentenarians Group on Facebook, or sending a PM to Ben1987 on Facebook;
5th: possibly (not clarified yet) Posting your wishes on the Charles Miller´s Supercentenarian Page on Facebook);


(related to GSF as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Alessandro Delucchi [email protected]

(related to the 110 Club as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Georg Fürholzer: [email protected]
TheGodFaterOfSwellness (Michael Kahler): [email protected]
Ben1987: via PM (110 Club, Facebook).

DEADLINE: Mar. 02nd 2024 08:00 PM CET

ADDITIONAL INFO: To see the deadlines of the other B-Day-Organization-Channels, please visit them directly. It´s up to each B-Day-Channel-Leader himself to set his own "DEADLINE" earlier.

At the end of the project, all wishes will be forwarded to Mrs. Branyas Morera´s family by Fabri.

TO ALL CONGRATULATORS: Please use only 1 B-Day Participation-Channel



Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

diego reacted
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Estimada Sra. Branyas Morera,

Feliz 117 cumpleaños y mis más sinceras felicitaciones por tu trayectoria como Decana de la Humanidad.

¡Felicitaciones por los hitos alcanzados en el campo de la Longevidad!
Eres la duodécima persona más longeva de la historia.

Con todo mi más profundo respeto.

Alessandro Delucchi
Corresponsal de LongeviQuest para Italia
[email protected]

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Pavlos123 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

[My message / dear Ale, please sent it ... ]

Happy 117th birthday! You are the only 12th person in human history to reach the age of 117. This is exactly the same number of people who have set foot on the moon, which shows how amazing your feat is.

--a fan nicknamed "Record_116" (real name: 外村 鮎太、Ayuta Tonomura, aged 25), Founder of Japan Longevity Fan Forum, member of Japan Mensa, member of Japan Transhumanist Association

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)

Pavlos123 and Ale76 reacted
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Posted by: @record_116

[My message / dear Ale, please sent it ... ]


Yes, for sure. Thank you.


Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 253

@ale76 Your text has some mistakes, below it is corrected:

Estimada Sra. Branyas Morera,

Feliz 117 cumpleaños y mis más sinceras felicitaciones por tu trayectoria como Decana de la Humanidad.

¡Felicitaciones por los hitos alcanzados en el campo de la Longevidad!
Eres la duodécima persona más longeva de la historia.

Con todo mi más profundo respeto.

Alessandro Delucchi
Corresponsal de LongeviQuest para Italia
[email protected]

Ale76 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 253

This is my message:

Moltes Felicitats, María! Vosté es molt honorable i única perquè és la dona més gran de la historia de Catalunya i de Espanya, i una de las més grans de Europa i de tot el món. Que passi un molt bon día i que sigui feliç.

- I.A.

Ale76 and Pavlos123 reacted
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@siam Fixed, thank you very much!

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 43

Happy 117th birthday, Maria Branyas Morera! Only 11 other people have been confirmed to have reached this rare age in world history. You are truly a person with many experiences who continues to defy time and the upper limits of human longevity. Writing to you from Greece I think that you are an excellent example of healthy, calm and long living in European regions close to the Mediterranean along with other supercentenarians like Jeanne Calment, Lucile Randon and Emma Morano. I wish you to have a very happy day with your loved ones and to continue to enjoy every little happiness you find every day.


Ale76 reacted
Fan and researcher
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Posts: 528

I wish you a joyful 117th birthday from Hungary, wonderful matriarch of humanity!


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

Ale76 reacted
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This is the last day for your wishes!

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 10

happy birthday number 117 María Branyas Morera that you have a great time with your loved ones,greetings from viña del mar chile

Ale76 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

Dear Mrs Branyas Morera.

i am writing from Australia to congratulate you on reaching the magnificent age of 117 and I wish you a very happy birthday.

You are a wonderful inspiration to many. as our world's oldest person and I wish you many more years of health and happiness.

With love and respect

Chris Redman


diego and Ale76 reacted