Greetings everyone,
Mr. Josino Levino Ferreira (*3 April 1913) is 111 years and 344 days old and, since he is a special person (2nd oldest validated living man in Brazil and in the world), we decided to organize a 112th B-Day Project for him:
Ben: organizer (background);
Ale76: campaign leader on the GSF;
Iara Souza: contact person to Mr. Ferreira´s family;
Gabriel Ainsworth: contact person to Mr. Ferreira´s family;
GeorgFuerholzer: organizer (front & background) (campaign leader on The 110 Club);
Nejmiyanis2006: project assistant on the 110 Club;
Ben1987: campaign leader LongeviQuest Top 10 Supercentenarians Group on Facebook.
WHAT IS ALLOWED: Wishes, Birthday-Cards, drawings, (sent via e-mail, or PM).
1) Posting wishes on the GSF (E-Mail to me is also fine);
2) Posting wishes via the 110 Club directly (E-Mail are also fine);
3) Posting wishes via the LongeviQuest Group (Facebook) (PM to Ben1987 is also fine).
(related to GSF as Participation-Channel) via e-mail:
Alessandro Delucchi [email protected]
(related to the 110 Club as Participation-Channel) via e-mail:
Georg Fürholzer: [email protected]
Nejmiyanis2006: [email protected]
DEADLINE: 01st Apr. 2025, 04:00 PM CET
To see the deadlines of the other B-Day-Organization-Channels, please visit them directly. It´s up to each B-Day-Channel-Leader himself to set his own "DEADLINE" earlier.
All wishes, birthday-cards & drawings are gonna be sent to Iara Souza, who is gonna forward them to one of his grandsons via Whatsapp.
TO ALL CONGRATULATORS: Please use only 1 B-Day Participation-Channel.
Please include your nationality.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
Happy 112th birthday 🎂 🥳 Josino Levino Ferreira, I hope you have a fantastic day filled with lots of love and hugs