Magdalena Delphina (Magda) Janssens - of Antwerpen, Belgium - celebrated her 110th birthday.
She was born in Deurne (Antwerpen), on 16 March 1912.
Our Lady of Troost residential care center in Zandhoven had reasons to celebrate on Wednesday, because Magda Janssens celebrated her 110th birthday. This makes her the oldest Flemish and only has to tolerate the Walloon Marcelle Lévaz in Belgium, who is 364 days older.
The oldest Belgian ever, Woinke Turck from Machelen, was 112 and 186 days old. The oldest person in the world was the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 when she was 122 and had known Vincent van Gogh. But come on, Magda Janssens is also gradually becoming an anthropological phenomenon. After the death of the Lierse Julia Van Hool in April last year at the age of 111, Magda is now the old age dean of Flanders. After two minor parties due to the corona measures, she could now be celebrated again on Wednesday with her fellow residents of the entire second floor.
Last year the party was limited to a visit from daughter Francine (76) and son André (87) Ceulemans. Now everyone could propose a toast and the residential care center Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Troost provided tasty snacks, dessert and sparkling wine. As usual, director Charlotte Leemans recited a tribute poem in rhyme and mayor Luc Van Hove and alderman Mieke Maes came to celebrate the centenary. King Philippe and Queen Mathilde had a plant planted in a gold-coloured pot.
Magda Janssens survived corona last year – she was hardly ill from it – and does not take any medication except for a sleeping pill. She dozed off occasionally during her party. “Next year we will make it a birthday brunch, because Magda is always fitter in the morning,” says Charlotte Leemans. “She usually takes a nap after noon.” Mayor Luc Van Hove is also proud. "She has lived through two world wars, and hopefully not a third."
The third oldest in the Benelux - the Dutch Ebeltje Hut is 111 just like Marcelle Lévaz - has become somewhat emaciated and quieter. “But she can occasionally be sharp with a striking remark,” says Leemans. “If something isn't her cup of tea, she'll definitely say it.”
Daughter Francine visits her mother daily. “Mom does indeed have a mind of her own. Today, for example, she didn't want to put her teeth in. That's probably why her face seems a bit sunken. This is a tiring day for her.”
Showing up at the birthday party with or without teeth: you don't contradict a 110-year-old. Some old photos showed Magda as a beautiful young woman. At 90 and 100 she got a new pacemaker. Her children joked that she would live to be 110, because such a battery lasts ten years.
Magda still looks coquettish and has nicely coiffed hair. In Our Lady of Consolation they apparently pamper the residents, because in addition to Magda (110) there are also centenarians Jeanne (104), Marie (101) and Wiske (100). Staff will be 100 this year and unfortunately they recently had to say goodbye to Father André, who was 100 and still lived quite independently in a service flat.
Magda's secret is her golden genes. Her sister Laura was 103. Her children can easily lie about their age for ten years, they still look that good.
Next Sunday, the three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren will come to celebrate Magda a second time.
Magda comes from Deurne-Noord, lived in Wilrijk for a long time and moved to Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Troost when she was ninety, because her daughter Francine also lives in Zandhoven."
Happy birthday! It's always nice to see a new supercentenarian from the Benelux!
LAS Member/Administrator (since January 2020)
ESO Correspondent for Croatia (since 2 August 2021)