A Puerto Rican-born woman currently residing in the American state of Ohio has turned 110. She was born on 19 May 1913, and is currently the second-oldest (known) living person born in Puerto Rico, as well as the second-oldest (known) living resident of Ohio.
While she isn't technically "anonymous" in the sense that she necessarily wants her name to remain private, her case is known exclusively through social media posts and it's unknown if her relatives would want her identity known, so her name and photos will stay unpublished until family contact is established.
Happy birthday!
Source: Confirmed by relative
Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)
Thanks for the update, @mendocino. Just to confirm... her age is not pending, but validated?
And obviously, happy 110th birthday to this woman! An amazing age to attain, as ever.
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