Maria Farrugia (MLT...
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Maria Farrugia (MLT) - 111

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The oldest person ever from Malta, Mrs. Maria Farrugia - of Ħamrun, Malta - turns 111 today. She was born on 7 March 1912. Happy 111th birthday!



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Charlesm09

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Happy 111th birthday, Ms. Farrugia!
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Here is a newspaper source (based on a Facebook post).

Happy birthday!

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And the content of the Facebook post:

L-ixjeħ persuna f’Malta illum tagħlaq 111 sena... AWGURI Maria!
Sena ilu Maria Farrugia kienet tkellmet ma' The People of Malta
The People of Malta, bis-sapport ta' Maypole
“L-għomor f’idejn il-bambin. Ma hemmx sigrieti.”
– hekk qaltilna Maria Farrugia li llum qed tiċċelebra 110 snin. Maria, li hi mill-Ħamrun, hi l-ixjeħ persuna f’Malta. Hi twieldet fis-7 ta’ Marzu tal-1912.
Maria kellha ħajja sempliċi. F’ħajjitha hi għaddiet minn kollox. Ommha għexet sa 100 sena. Kienu 5 aħwa u wħud minnhom mietu żgħar. Tiftakar lil wieħed minn ħuha li miet ta' 37 sena meta laqtitu bomba f’wieħed mill-ewwel airaids li kien hawn fuq Malta. Maria twieldet il-Mosta, trabbiet l-Imsida u fi żmien il-gwerra kienet toqgħod il-Ħamrun. Hi ilha armla mill-1962. Kellha tlett itfal, li tnejn minnhom mietu. Lil Maria jieħdu ħsiebha t-tifla Carmen u n-neputi Stephen.
“Maria hi persuna veru pożittiva. Tipprova tkun indipendenti kemm jista’ jkun. Qatt ma smajnieha tgerger jew tgħid uff u ahh, ħlief meta veru tkun muġugħa.
Kienet ħajjata, kien passatemp tagħha u biex tipprova taqla’ xi ħaġa għall-familja. Kienet taħdem anki bil-ganċ, kienet tagħmel il-kutri. F’dak iż-żmien kollox kienet tagħmel, anki ddur bil-mogħża li kellhom il-familja u tbigħ il-ħalib. Bħala passatempi oħra għandha t-tisjir u tgħidx kemm kienet tħobb tmur it-tombla!
Tgħix ġurnata b’ġurnata. Li kien għaliha tagħti daqqa t’id f’kollox. Imma noqogħdu attenti, bilfors nibżgħu ftit. Imma ġieli nqabbduha tgħinna titwi xi flokk.”
Qaltilna li l-ħajja ta’ dari kienet isbaħ. Maria tiftakar kif kull nhar ta’ Ħamis filgħaxija kienu jmorru għall-‘Ora Santa’. Għexet il-pandemija tal-influwenza Spanjola, imma kienet għadha żgħira, u issa anki l-pandemija tal-Covid-19.
“Tgħożż il-familja. Filgħaxija, jekk ma tgħidx ir-rużarju ma torqodx. Tħobb tqalleb fir-ritratti u tirrakkontalna minn xiex għaddiet u tgħidilna l-ġrajjiet. Xi tħobb tiekol Maria? Xi ħaġa sempliċi; il-minestra u biċċa ħobż biż-żejt u żebbuġa.” – it-tifla Carmen u n-neputi Stephen
✠ ✠ ✠
"Life is in God's hands. There are no secrets."
- this is what Maria Farrugia had to say to us on this her 110th birthday. Maria, who hails from Hamrun, is the eldest person in Malta. She was born on the 7th of March 1912.
Maria has led a simple life. She has gone through everything. Her mother lived to a 100. They were 5 siblings some of whom died young. She remembers one of her siblings who died at 37 years old with a bomb during one of the first air raids on Malta. Maria was born in Mosta, grew up in Msida and went to live in Hamrun during the war. She was widowed in 1962 and had three children, two of whom have passed away. Her daughter Carmen and her grandson Stephen now take care of her.
"Maria is a positive person. She tries to be as independent as she possibly can. We have never heard her grumble or complain except when she is in real pain.
She was a seamstress, it was her hobby together as a means of earning something for the family. She also used to crochet, making blankets. At the time she used to do everything, even go around with the family goat to sell milk. She also enjoys cooking and used to love going to play bingo!"
She lives day by day. If it was up to her she would help everyone. But we are careful, it is understandable that we are cautious. But we do sometimes ask her to help us fold some clothes."
She told us that life when she was younger was better. Maria remembers how every Thursday evening they used to go to the "Ora Santa". She lived through the Spanish Flu, but she was still young, and now again through the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Her family is very dear to her. She will not sleep without saying the rosary. She loves going through old photographs and recalling what she went through and recounting anectodes. What does Maria like to eat? Simple food like vegetable soup and a slice of bread with oil and olives." - Maria's daughter Carmen and her grandson Stephen
Happy Birthday Maria!
The People of Malta supported by: Maypole

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