Artelina Tinoco Alv...
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Artelina Tinoco Alves (BRA) - 110

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Artelina Tinoco Alves, a resident of Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, celebrated her 110th birthday on 2 December. Her age was officially validated by LongeviQuest on 28 December.

Artelina Tinoco Alves was born in Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 2 December 1914, to parents Alfredo Jose Tinoco and Freidivina Tinoco Leite. She had six siblings.

In her youth, she assisted with farm work and sewed men’s clothing at home using a borrowed sewing machine. As she grew older, she turned her skills to crafting dresses for dolls. Her family describes her as a devoted and obedient follower of the Bible’s teachings, particularly Ephesians 6:2–3: “Honor your father and your mother.”

On 24 April 1942, she married Joaquim Avelino Alves, a native of Bom Jardim, born on 8 April 1912, and the son of Antonio Avelino Alves and Adelphina de Souza Gomes. Their marriage was under community property laws. The couple had six children: Édmo (deceased), Dirce, Altinéia, Alfredo, Ernestina, and Nora Ney. Over time, their family expanded to include 19 grandchildren (one deceased), 29 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren, some of whom reside in other cities and states across Brazil.

On 8 April 1962, she embraced the Baptist faith and was baptized by Pastor Samuel Leite at the Second Baptist Church of Olaria, Nova Friburgo, where she remains a devoted member to this day.
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diego reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1647

Congratulations and happy birthday Ms Artelina Tinoco Alves.

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