Mrs. Virginia “Estelle” Phillips Bell of South Hill, Virginia, USA, turned 110 on 29 January 2024
Happy Birthday Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Virginia “Estelle” Phillips Bell, born, raised a and life-long resident of the North View community celebrates her supercentenarian birthday of 110 years of age on January 29, 2024. Mrs. Bell was born in 1914 and attended North View School completing the 7th grade, which was customary during that time.
On November 28, 1934, she married Henry Wilbur Bell and reared four children. Although sharecropping was common at that time, the Bell’s purchased property and established a homestead. They farmed the land and grew tobacco, raised vegetables, and produced a comfortable living for the family. They raised four children: Freddie (deceased), Christine, Shirley, and Eugene. Their progeny includes eight grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren.
Her indoors time was spent enjoying her hobbies or crocheting, making Afghans, completing jigsaw puzzles, word search puzzles and playing board games.
Mrs. Bell became a member of the North View Baptist Church as a youth and remained a regular attendee until health changes prevented such. She worshipped in the wooden church until the new brick structure was built in 1987. As a special gesture, she donated a stained-glass window that bears the inscription Estelle Phillips Bell & Family.
Some of her memories shared by the family include being baptized in a creek, walking to church down long paths, Highway Forty-Seven being a dirt road, cooking on a wood heater which stayed fired every day-year-round. She was “Queen of the Kitchen” and loved cooking special dishes including her family’s favorites of fried chicken and coconut pies.
A neighbor describes Mrs. Bell as a kind and sweet lady who lives by the Golden Rule:
“Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.” She is described by some as being very humble and appreciative for all acts of kindness.
After her husband’s death in 1997, Mrs. Bell lived independently in her North View residence until she reached the age of 100.
In 2014, President Barack Obama recognized her with a proclamation of having reached the century mark. That same year, she left her home and relocated to Pine View Assisted Living Facility in South Hill, VA. where she calls home and is an “icon” to everyone who encounters her.
long life, they responded: “Our Mother, even to this day, continues to have a great sense of humor. She was always active, maintained a healthy diet and never suffered any major illnesses nor undergone any surgeries.
At the age of 110, Mrs. Bell has lived through several global pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish Flu, the 1957 H2N2 Asian Flu, the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu as well as the present Covid 19 and its variants. She has also witnessed great achievements and world changing events as transitioning to the computer age, World War, man going to the moon, election of United States first black president and many other events yet God has blessed her with longevity and to reach not just a milestone but a milestone as a supercentenarian of 110 years.
On Saturday, January 27, 2024, Mrs. Bell was honored, celebrated, and recognized sponsored by her North View Church Family. Attending was her Pastor, Robert Faulcon and her church family, her family members (local & those who traveled from a distance), Lisa Clary, Mayor Dean Marion and neighboring friends. Special recognition was made by South Hill’s Major Dean Marion and a Resolution presented from Mecklenburg County Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Bell received numerous birthday cards, gifts, flowers, and lovely birthday wishes.
A lifespan of 110 years has been witnessed in the history of the North View Baptist Church. Truly God has favored Mrs. Virginia “Estelle” Phillips Bell that few people attain. May God continue to bless her in His own way!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Mrs Bell.
@mrcatlord Could you please copy and paste the contents of any birthday article or obituary that you post? People from Europe cannot access American articles. Many thanks!
Happy belated birthday, Mrs Bell!
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