Ms. Angelina Torres Vallbona of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain turned 112 y.o. today.
She was born on 18 March 1913.
She is the Doyenne of Spain.
Angelina Torres Vallbona, the oldest living person in Spain, is celebrating her 112th birthday today in Barcelona, according to RAC1 and 3Cat.
Torres Vallbona was born on 18 March 1913, in Bellvís, Lleida, Spain, and was one of eight siblings. After her father’s accidental death when she was three, her family moved to Barcelona, where her mother worked while she attended a nun-run school. She later apprenticed at a shoe store, crafting ties for a modest wage, and also trained as a dressmaker at her mother’s insistence.
She later worked at Bragulat, and during the Spanish Civil War, she met her future husband, Josep, who served for six years. They married in 1942 but faced financial struggles, leading them to live with her in-laws. The couple had a daughter, Mercè. After becoming a widow at 61, she remained independent in a rental home until a femur injury forced a change. Following the injury, her daughter moved in with her, and they have lived together since.
It was initially believed that, on 23 November 2024, following the passing of 113-year-old Piedad Loriente Pérez, she became the oldest living person in Spain. However, it was later discovered that another 113-year-old woman, Juliana Teodora Artola Ondara, passed away on 28 January 2025. It is likely that Angelina succeeded her as the nation’s oldest living person.
Happy 112th birthday!
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (