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Claims from Brazil (Age 108+)

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Male - Luiz Filipe dos Santos (11 May 1909? - 18 January 2022) of Joaquim Gomes, Alagoas

He passed away on the same day as Saturnino de la Fuente García, so if age claimed, this man might have been the WOLM for a couple of hours.

Death report:

"According to the identity document, Luiz Filipe would turn 113 on May 11, 2022

Longevity is something that everyone seeks, but these days, it's always much harder to live that long. In Joaquim Gomes, a former resident of Fazenda Bananeira, where he was born, Luiz Filipe dos Santos was born on May 11, 1909, just short of completing 113 years of age. In his identity he would complete new age in May of this year. He unfortunately passed away last Tuesday (18). His body was laid to rest at Fazenda Ribeiro, where he currently lived.


Luiz Filipe was well known around here, a farmer who dedicated his life in the countryside to raising his 11 children, grandfather of 51 grandchildren, 84 great-grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren and with a simple but honest life story, he won the hearts of many people. .


He was admitted to the city hospital and was sent home when he died in his own home. Luiz Filipe was buried in the São João Batista cemetery here in the municipality and many people went to pay their respects, including Mayor Adriano Barros, who was a good friend of him and his children.


Professor Severino, who also has his story at the Ribeiro farm, said he knew a lot about Seu Filipe and paid tribute by saying that he was a kind man, of an enviable character, and that he left, after having lived a beautiful story, “it is almost 113 years of life, so we are facing a victorious person and that his time has come to leave this life, my condolences to the whole family and the city loses a great man”. He concluded."


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Male - Álvaro José de Souza (14 Feb 1910?) of Riacho dos Machados, Minas Gerais


15 Feb 2022:

"Last Monday, February 14, 2022, Álvaro José de Souza, born in 1910, turned 112 years old in Riacho dos Machados in the North of Minas.

According to family information, Álvaro has 17 children, 3 (in memoriam), 44 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Noting that, two of their children are from Jaíba, identified by "Lena de Lelé and "Nem de Tia Dora".

"The secret for life is to eat well, sleep early and date a lot, says Álvaro!"

On January 19, 2022, the Guinness World Records Organization reported the death of the Spaniard Saturnino de La Fuente Garcia aged 112 years and 341 days as the oldest man in the world.

Thus, Álvaro José de Souza from the Riacho dos Machados municipality in the North of Minas, can assume the first place of the oldest living man in the world.

The 112th birthday celebration is a gift from God and happiness for the whole family with my grandfather's health, being a warrior in life, says the grandson known as Pequeno!"

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Female - Benedita Maria Conceição da Silva (18 Feb 1911) of Monte Alto, São Paulo

Birthplace: Taiúva, São Paulo


18 Feb 2022:

"This Friday, the 18th, Benedita Maria Conceição da Silva celebrates her 111th birthday, reaching the milestone of being the oldest woman in the city. Her life story is full of emotions, joys and pride in her achievements.
Born in Taiúva, she came to Monte Alto at a young age and lives here to this day, showing her passion for the city that welcomed her. She dedicated her life to working as a farmer for over twenty years on farms in this city.
As a young woman, she married Joaquim Pereira dos Santos and had eight children, five of whom were biological and three adopted. Mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-grandmother, Vó Benedita built her legacy with a lot of love and dedication to the lives of those around her.
For several years of his life, he attended the 'Creche do Idoso', a place where he received a lot of welcome and teaching. A well-behaved student, her day was taken up by the activities at the place: she liked to draw and paint, vibrated with joy on the gym equipment and liked to be at the table with everyone at tea and meal times.
Always very vain, 'Vó Ditinha', as she was affectionately called at the day care center, loves red nail polish, high-heeled shoes, jewelry and to tell – with pride – her experiences from the past and daily struggles.
Today, she lives with her daughter Nilda and her son-in-law Wagner and, alongside her family and friends, celebrates her life and the important milestone achieved.
The path followed with honesty and affection led her to live her 111 years of life with vigor."

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Female - Maria Martins de Souza (1909 - 24 Jan 2022) of Prata dos Baianos, Ecoporanga, Espírito Santo
Born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais


Death report:

"She died at the age of 113 to Dona Maria Martins de Souza, a resident of Ecoporanga. The information is from the site agitaeco.

She was one of the oldest in the municipality, even in the state of Espírito Santo. Dona Maria was born in 1909, in the state of Minas Gerais, in the city of Belo Horizonte. She leaves 9 children and more than 40 grandchildren.

Dona Maria died last Monday, 24/01/22, in the hospital Fumatre. The death was of natural causes. His burial will take place on Tuesday, at 18:40, in the cemetery of Ecoporanga."

16 Jan 2021:

"Our website is honored to tell a little about the story of a lady who lives in Ecoporanga, who is among the oldest living in the entire state of Espírito Santo. The oldest is 114 years old and lives in Barra de São Francisco.

Dona Maria Martins de Souza, 112 years old, was born in 1909, in the state of Minas Gerais, in the city of Belo Horizonte. She has lived in the Prata dos Baianos district, had 9 children and more than 40 grandchildren. She is strong and likes to talk a lot. To give you an idea, Dona Maria was born three years after Santos Dumont flew in the 14-Bis.

We are grateful for the support in the production of the article by Mr. Walmir Chances, who is one of his grandchildren. Walmir says that until last year, Maria was still dancing forró, as happened on her last birthday. She recently broke her femur in an indoor fall."

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Female - Maria Isabel da Conceição (17 Oct 1912 - 3 Mar 2022) of Patos, Paraíba

Birthplace: Ouro Branco, Rio Grande do Norte


17 Oct 2021:

"Since Maria Izabel da Conceição was born, on October 17, 1912, the world has gone through great moments that have changed the planet. Also in 1912, the famous ship Titanic sank going down in history and later being one of the biggest box office successes of modern cinema; in 1917 the people of Russia would make a socialist revolution that would change everything that is meant by the economic system and political relations; the world went through two world wars and nations faced great trials and pandemics.

Born in the city of Ouro Branco, in Rio Grande do Norte, Maria Izabel da Conceição, also known as Dona Mariana, had 11 children, but not all of them could be alive to accompany the vitality of the family matriarch. With Fidelino Germano de Araújo, who passed away almost 20 years ago, Dona Mariana had: Raimundo (in memory), Severino (in memory), Francisco (in memory), José, Francisca, Lindalva, Luís, Maria José, Maria of Fátima and the twins Maria Daguia and Raimunda.

Mariana has 62 grandchildren, 125 great-grandchildren and 67 great-grandchildren. The elderly woman is a devotee of Nossa Senhora do Desterro and her faith is consolidated in the Catholic Church. All her life, the old woman dedicated her family and tranquility to the foundation for living well.

Dona Mariana once said: “Whoever was not born to serve, is not fit to have been born”. This phrase serves as guiding words for all his family members spread throughout Brazil.

Maria Izabel da Conceição may be the oldest woman in the city of Patos. She lives in Conjunto Bivar Olinto, in Patos, and when she turned 107, the TV Diário report made a beautiful report with journalist Ary Ramalho."


4 Mar 2022:

"Retired Maria Isabel da Conceição, better known as Dona Mariana, died around 4 pm yesterday (Thursday, 03/03), of natural causes, at her home in the Bivar Olinto neighborhood, in Patos.

At 109 years old, Mariana was certainly the oldest person in Patos and has already been featured in the local press. See here . She was born in Ouro Branco-RN, but had lived in the Capital of the Sertão for many years.

She was a widow and had eleven children (three of them in memoriam).

The wake takes place at his residence at Rua José Mesquita, block 30, lot 11, in Bivar Olinto; and the burial will be at 4 pm this Friday, 4th, at Santo Antônio Cemetery, in Monte Castelo, in Patos."

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Female - Francisca Ferreira França (11 Jan 1910) of São Gonçalo do Amarante, Rio Grande do Norte


15 Feb 2022:

"At the age of 112, Francisca Ferreira França, better known as “Dona Chiquinha”, was honored this Tuesday (15th) for her relevant services to the culture of São Gonçalo do Amarante.

During a symbolic event, held at the Municipal Museum, the plaque that pays special tribute to the 112 years of life, celebrated on January 11, was unveiled.

Playing with groups such as Bambelô da Alegria, Coco de Roda, Congos de Combate and Pastoril, Dona Chiquinha is synonymous with vitality in the community of Santo Antônio do Potengi, and to this day she remembers folk dances and songs.

In addition to playing in popular merriment, Dona Chiquinha holds the knowledge, knowledge and traditional practices of popular health and religious healing of the rezadeiras, benzedeiras and traditional knowledge. São Gonçalense gave its name to the state law that instituted these practices as Cultural Heritage of Intangible Nature of the Potiguar people."


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Female - Maria Cândida de Jesus (18? Feb 1911) of Iraquara, Bahia


18 Feb 2022:

"Parabéns Mãe Marieta, 111 anos de vida. Patrimônio de Iraquara."


1 Oct 2021:

"It is part of the routine of Dona Maria Cândida de Jesus, better known as Mãe Marieta, to eat sarapatel, feijoada with bacon, suck bone and drink cachaça. So far nothing out of the ordinary, right? The detail is that Mãe Marieta is 110 years old. She doesn't have any disease, she walks, talks, does things by herself and the memory is to be the envy of very young people out there. The nickname is not for nothing. She, who exudes vitality, has helped give life to many children as a midwife. Her last delivery was at age 102. But Mother Marieta is not an isolated case. In Bahia there are more than 8 thousand centenarians scattered around.

The last census carried out by the IBGE, carried out in 2010, indicated that there were 3,578 elderly people aged 100 or over in Bahia. Of these, 1,136 were men and 2,442 were women. This mark placed the state with the highest absolute number in the country and made it share the first place in the ranking with the highest proportional number according to the total population with the state of Amapá. In 2021, only those registered with the INSS, Bahia has 8,436 centenarians.
Mãe Marieta lives in Iraquara, in Chapada Diamantina, and there isn't a resident there who doesn't know this figure. Having helped to bring almost all the residents of the region into the world, she is very dear and respected by everyone. On her 110th birthday, she received a painting on the wall of the city's cultural space as a tribute. And she really defies medicine.

Weekend being fun time for Mother Marieta; but don't go thinking that she likes a beer, her thing is really drip! “She asks and we give, right? Let her enjoy life”, says her granddaughter, Luísa, 43. And she also has no rule for food. Eat everything! When she cooked, the flagship was pork sarapatel and what she likes to eat to this day is a well-prepared bean. “She loves beans with flour, with bacon, with bone. And it's all by hand, see? Because these older folks have the custom of making the dumpling by hand and eating it,” she adds.
Marieta was always agitated, always liked to party and full house. The same space that she opened in the house, she also opened in the heart. “She IS a warrior woman, who raised her brothers, children, nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She always helped other people, never let anyone be in need. She always lived for others. She didn't always have everything, but she always made a point of sharing. That's how it is today,” says Luísa.
... "


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Female - Elza Margarita Castro Perna (9 Feb 1912?) of Senador Guiomard, Acre

Born: Boca do Acre, Amazonas


8 Mar 2022:

"Elza Margarita de Castro Perna was born in 1912 and witnessed several historical moments. The centenary celebrated 110 years on February 9.

The marks of time are clear on the face, in the vision, in the hearing that allows little communication and in the tired hands of many years of toil. Dona Elza Margarita Castro Perna reaches 110 years of a story lived in the rubber plantations of Acre, marked by hard work, determination and a single and great love.

The elderly woman who was born on February 9, 1912, celebrated her birthday in the last month, in the house where she lives with her sister, in the municipality of Senador Guiomard , in the interior of Acre. Born in Boca do Acre, in the state of Amazonas, she lived most of her life in Brasileia, also in the state of Acre.

On International Women's Day, a date made official by the United Nations (UN) in 1975, just 63 years after her birth, she shows with just a few words how much she is part of this history for the love of the work to which she dedicated so many years of her life. life.

“I used to live in the Sagrado de Santana rubber plantation. He worked at every job, he was in the fields, planted, raised [pigs, chickens, cloak]. I was widowed, my husband had a heart problem and we never had children. It was a love for life”, he recalls from the distant past.
The eldest of 9 siblings, Elza lives with one of the younger sisters, Francisca Castro, 83 years old. She is the one who says that the elderly woman, still in her youth, said she didn't want to know about having children and as she got married after 30, 'out of the ordinary' at the time, she ended up having no heirs.

When asking about her life in her youth, the main memory and also nostalgia is her work in the fields.

“It's more difficult [my life] because I can't work”, says the retiree.

Elza lived through the golden era of rubber and took an active part in this extraction process. She helped her father in the harvesting and smoking of latex. Because of this, she is retired with the pension known as the rubber soldier, a benefit granted to Brazilians summoned by the Special Service for the Mobilization of Workers for the Amazon (Semta) to work in rubber extraction, at the time of World War II (1939-1945). ).

Francisca Castro is one of Elza's younger sisters. She says that since the death of her husband, when she was about 60 years old, she has lived together with her sister. Now the two are widows, neither of them has remarried and they have been inseparable ever since.

“She has lived with me for many years, since her husband died he has lived with me for many years. She was about 60 years old or so. I was married and she was already with me, then my husband died and she stayed with me. She is still with me,” she says.

Elza lost the movement of her legs after falling out of bed and breaking her femur. Now, she has depended on a wheelchair for at least eight years.

“In the last few days she hasn't slept, she screams and says she wants to go home, she had a stroke about three months ago”, he adds. Despite the health problems she has, the elderly woman did not have Covid, according to her sister and is vaccinated with the three doses of the immunizer. The two have two helpers who live with them and take care of the house, food, medicines and hygiene."


10 Feb 2021:

"Elza Margarita de Castro Perna, 109, lives in Senador Guiomard and has not yet had her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Prefecture informed that she did the first stage of 20 doses per microareas and that's why she hasn't been vaccinated yet.

Bedridden for at least two years, Elza Margarita de Castro Perna, 109, has not yet had her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and her family is concerned about her health. The elderly woman lives in the São Francisco neighborhood, in Senador Guiomard, in the interior of Acre.

Graça Castro, Elza's niece and one of those responsible for her, says that she went to the neighborhood health center and was informed that she would be vaccinated in two weeks, however, she has not yet received the first dose.

On February 1, the Municipal Health Department closed the first stage of vaccination against Covid-19 in elderly people over 80 years old. Vaccination started on the 27th. The city has at least 380 elderly people over 80 years old and in the first stage, 20 were vaccinated.

“She turned 109 yesterday. And she's been bedridden since 2019, she fell and broke her femur and because of her age she can't have surgery, so she lives with this broken femur and her complication is high blood pressure. Now, she has a wound on her leg and it is getting worse and I cannot bring her here [Rio Branco] because of the pandemic and the doctor has already said that if it gets worse, she could lose her leg. So, if she gets the vaccine, she can do the treatment,” says Graça.

The niece says that the wound arose because of the lack of circulation due to the broken femur, and she fears taking the elderly woman to hospitals and running the risk of contracting Covid.

The health secretary of the municipality Dayana Reis, told the G1 that the municipality only received 20 doses and the vaccinated group was from the central neighborhood. The choice was made through a survey of community health agents who work in the city. Second, she, the person in charge of the center was the first to present the list of the elderly people being monitored.

“We were doing it for micro-areas and as only 20 doses came, we have agents that have more than that. Maybe they're thinking that we're trying to prioritize someone, but we're not prioritizing anyone. We were trying to work in an organized way. So, not to say that we were downtown and didn't go to São Francisco, we are organizing to put a central point to vaccinate on demand, inside the car itself”, he said.

Graça said that she did not look for the secretary, only the neighborhood health post and was informed that her aunt would receive the vaccine.

“I didn't look for the Health Department, I went to the post that assists them there, it's very close. So it's very difficult to have to stay on top. Two weeks ago, because of the complaint, they said that the following week they would go there to vaccinate, but they didn't show up. I was a little lost, because I believe that there must not be someone older than her, and we want her to get the vaccine, to be able to treat other health issues. I don’t know if there are more bedridden people older than her,” she pointed out."


23 July 2015:

"A smoker since the age of 10, housewife Elza Margarita de Castro Perna, 103, says she cannot give up her addiction to tobacco. She says that for a long time her parents tried to curb the practice, but soon she was allowed to continue using it.

Elza is among the smokers in Rio Branco, who account for 9.7% of the population, according to a survey by the Surveillance of Risk and Protection Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (Vigitel) in 2014, passed on by the Ministry of Health.

Asked if she doesn't think about quitting smoking, she says, good-naturedly: "When you feel like it, your tongue even itch."

Born in Boca do Acre, in the state of Amazonas, she lived in Brasileia, a municipality in Acre, 232 kilometers from Rio Branco. However, after the historic flood in the city, which came to be 100% taken by the waters, the pensioner is temporarily at the house of her niece, Graça Souza, in the capital.

"When that urge to smoke comes, it's like a cachaça drinker. You have to smoke, then only then does the urge go away. For me, it's a very good thing to smoke my pipe because I feel calmer when I'm nervous or worried, which is when I smoke more. It calms me down", reveals the centenarian.

The niece confirms it and says it's a hard habit to reverse. "I took her to the doctor once, because the only problem she really has is high blood pressure. The doctor only asked her to cut down on smoking, because it's complicated to ask her to stop smoking at her age", she explains.

On the reduction in smoking, Elza is categorical. "Sometimes, I light it up and leave it there, but when the urge comes, I sit down and smoke. I even take a nap", she says, laughing.

Even at an advanced age, the retiree impresses with her good memory and health. According to the family, Elza's diet is natural and is based only on rice and beans. "She doesn't like meat, just rice and beans and drinks a lot of milk too", says her niece.

Doctor warns of smoking risks
Sought by the G1 , infectologist Thor Dantas explains the harmful effects of smoking, but recognizes that, at Elza's age, it would not be advisable to stop the habit. He warns of some diseases that can be developed as a result of substance use.

"In tobacco smoke there are many substances known as carcinogens. If the individual inhales this tobacco, it goes to the lung and has an increased risk of lung cancer or pulmonary emphysema. only in the mouth, the greater risk is of cancer of the mouth, tongue or larynx", he explains.

In addition, the doctor also highlights the possibility of the absorption of tobacco by the body causing cancer also in distant places, such as the bladder. About the more than 80 years that Elza has been using the substance, Dantas explains that due to age, it would not be advantageous to stop this habit.

"With this advanced age, it turns out that it is not worth changing habits that are already established, because the consequence of quitting smoking is long-term. And the benefits of quitting smoking would not be felt by her. It would make more sense if she use inhaled ones, such as cigarettes, which go straight to the lungs and cause that cough, which is very uncomfortable. When you stop smoking, this symptom disappears in a matter of weeks", he highlights.

The fact that the elderly woman smokes more when she is nervous or worried points to a psychological and chemical dependence, since tobacco makes her calmer. "Certainly she has a degree of dependency, but messing with something like that at this point in her life would not be of benefit," she concludes."


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stoa-oid reacted
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Seto2001, you are doing a fantastic job.

I think Brazil is one of the biggest places for SCs.

In the 2030s we will have a WOP from this beautiful region.

PS Btw, I think you were born in 2001... Like my daughter...

seto2001 reacted
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@stoa-oid Thank you. The cases I post here have online articles, but LAS is aware of way more supercentenarians from Brazil, but due to privacy I don't want to share much Facebook links here.

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stoa-oid reacted
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Ah, I see. Thanks for the explaining.

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Female - Marina Maria da Conceição (10 Feb 1914) of Nova Esperança, Paraná

Born: Parnamirim (Pernambuco)


11 Feb 2022:

"Entitled to "dance" of celebration, a resident of Nova Esperança, in the region of Maringá, celebrated this Thursday, 10, 108 years of life. The date was celebrated by the family of the old woman who, despite her age, still squanders health and vitality.

Marina Maria da Conceição, the Dona Marina, was born on February 10, 1914. Born in Parnamirim (PE), she arrived in Paraná as a youth. He moved to Nova Esperança in 2018, coming from Santa Cruz do Monte Castelo.

With more than a century of stories in the luggage, Dona Marina is an example of life for family members, who make a point of celebrating each year alongside the matriarch. "Today she turned 108. It's not for anyone, no. I just really know how to thank you. To see you like this, firm, strong, happy and healthy is a gift, is to constantly see God's love for your life in every detail. Mother, may God's grace be upon his life and may he allow him as many years as he wants, because care and love will not be lacking. You're our inspiration. We love you and desire life in abundance. I am privileged and so happy for it," wrote granddaughter Paula Gouveia on social media.

In an Instagram post, Paula also shared Dona Marina's moment of joy as the family sang congratulations. Full of health, she celebrated the arrival of the new age with a humorous "dance"."

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Female - Brígida Cândida de Jesus (1 Feb 1913) of Brejo Bonito, Cruzeiro da Fortaleza, Minas Gerais


Video report with old photos:

1 Feb 2022:

"BREJO BONITO – Congratulations!
Mrs Brígida Cândida de Jesus who completes 109 years of life, being the oldest woman in the MUNICIPALITY."

28 Jan 2022

31 Jan 2021

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Female - Maria Benedita Carvalho Pereira (13 Apr 1913 - 10 Mar 2022) of Apiacá, Espírito Santo

Birthplace: Santa Maria Madalena, Rio de Janeiro


10 Mar 2022:

It is with great regret that we communicate the death to 108 of Ms. Maria Benedita Alves Carvalho.
Born on April 13, 1913 in the municipality of Santa Maria Madalena, state of Rio de Janeiro.

Daughter of a carpenter, her mother worked in the home, and she was the couple's first child. At the age of seven she moved with her parents to the municipality of Apiacá. She was married at sixteen to the young farmer Luziano Rosa Pereira, to whom she was married for sixty-four years.

From this union she had many descendants, thirteen children, thirty-nine grandchildren, eighty-two great-grandchildren, sixty-seven great-great-grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. “Dona Nedite” as she was better known, was always a fighting woman, her greatest pleasure was to see her family together.

In this moment of great pain and sadness, the Apiacá City Council expresses its deepest sorrow and solidarity with family and friends.

10 Mar 2022:

"According to her family, Maria Benedita Carvalho Pereira died of pneumonia this Thursday (10). Elderly woman would turn 109 on April 13

Maria Benedita Carvalho Pereira died this Thursday (10), at the age of 108. The resident of Apiacá , in the south of Espírito Santo, known as Nedite, died of pneumonia, according to her family. The elderly woman was the first vaccinated against Covid-19 in the municipality .According to her great-granddaughter Neuziana Rodrigues Pereira, Dona Nedine had been hospitalized since Sunday (6).“We are all very sad. But at the same time, we feel very privileged to have had her with us at the age of 108. She left her story and we are honored,” said the great-granddaughter.Dona Nedine would have her birthday on April 13th. Lucid and without comorbidities, last year she celebrated the date with her large family : 13 children, 39 grandchildren, 82 great-grandchildren, 67 great-grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.The wake takes place in the chapel of Apiacá and the burial, according to the family, will be this Thursday (10), at 18:00, in the municipality's cemetery."

5 Feb 2021:

"An age that for many can be advanced, but for the family of Maria Benedita Carvalho Pereira, 107 years old, it's just joy. She was one of the first elderly vaccinated in Espírito Santo, against covid 19, this morning. The lady with a simple look and an encouraging smile carries with her many stories. She really built a big family: there are 13 children, 39 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren, 65 great-grandchildren and, believe me, 8 more great-grandchildren. Most of the relatives live in the same city as the elderly woman, in Apiacá, in the south of the state...."

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Ana da Silva - of Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - celebrated her claimed 112th birthday.

She claims to be born in Maravilha, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on 5 March 1910.


112th birthday:

"Ana da Silva is turning 112 this Saturday, March 5th. She lives on Colibri Street, São Lucas neighborhood, with her daughter, Zenilde, and granddaughter, Andressa.

Zenilde asked this Friday afternoon, during the program No Ar, with Marcelo Toledo, for help from Rádio Gazeta listeners to buy a cake and celebrate the date, since they live only on Ana's income, a minimum wage, and the payment to which she is entitled will only be next week, on the fifth working day of the month. Zenilde doesn't work because she can't leave her mother alone.

Listener Erli Vilmar, from the Floresta neighborhood, was touched and made a donation so that this Saturday a cake and soft drinks could be bought for Dona Ana, who was very happy waiting for the Rádio Gazeta team at her door.

According to Zenilde, the mother is in excellent health, does not use medication, and just has some difficulty speaking.

Dona Ana was born in Maravilha, Santa Catarina, and has lived in Carazinho for about 50 years. She has one daughter, 9 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

Below, the moment she received the cake from Marcelo Toledo's hands."

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Teodora da Silva (6 Mar 1911?) of Reserva Indígena de Dourados, Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul

Birthplace: Aldeia Cachoeirinha, Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul


22 Sept 2017:

"The tribute of the Terena ethnic group was given to Teodora da Silva, born in the village of Cachoeirinha, located in Miranda, she came to Dourados when she was still a little girl, becoming one of the pioneers of the Reserve. Now 106 years old, she continues to live in the place, where she started a family and raised 13 children."

7 Mar 2022:

"The Dourados Indigenous Reserve has among its inhabitants a true living symbol. It is the Terena Indian Teodora da Silva, who completed 11 years of existence on March 6th. She is among the longest-lived people in the world and on Sunday her family celebrated her birthday with a cake and the traditional congratulations to you .
On social media, his son Wilson Silva Matos (pictured with Teodora) , highlighted his mother's decisive role in shaping his life values. Wilson is the first indigenous lawyer in Mato Grosso do Sul and one of the few in Brazil.
“Mommy, your love made me who I am today. So I have a lot to be thankful for and to celebrate on this very special day that is your birthday. You are a very special person, a struggling, exemplary woman and the most generous and special mother ever. I like you in a way I can't even explain,” he declared."

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Female - Maria Aparecida Aurora do Nascimento (10 Mar 1909?) of Carmo da Mata, Minas Gerais


9 Mar 2022:

"Citizen of Carmo da Mata turns 113 years old
- Elderly woman has been through two major pandemics. Spanish Flu in 1918 and Covid-19.
This Wednesday, the citizen Maria Aparecida Aurora do Nascimento, the 'Aparecidinha', completes 113 years well lived.
Born on March 9, 1909, the lady who enters the history of Carmo da Mata in the face of her life trajectory, worked in the countryside and in the city in various activities and always sought to give her family the best.
Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchild are happy to know that the matriarch still enjoys moments with them even though she has to live with health limitations such as Alzheimer's.
In 2019, we attended a festive lunch when Aparecidinha turned 110. At the time, the family was full of joy because the centenarian citizen suffered only from the disease that affects the mental area. “Her blood pressure is 12/8. She loves to dance, sing and one day she ran away. When we went after her, there she came with a bundle of firewood on her head (laughs)”, said one granddaughter.
Aparecidinha has four children: Antônio Vicente, Luzia, Nelita and Júlio César. Furthermore, she has eight grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
Congratulations to the family that maintains the care and dedication to Dona Aparecidinha. You deserve votes of applause.
Health, health and health, Dona Aparecida.
Text and photo - Jornal A Notícia"

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Female - Maria Júlia de Paula (14 Oct 1908 - 17 Mar 2022) of Icaraí, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais


5 Oct 2019:

"The celebration brought together family, friends and nurses to sing happy birthday to the elderly this Saturday (5), in the Icaraí neighborhood.

It seemed to be more like a celebration for Children's Day, various actions and service activities for the community. But the reason for the party was to celebrate the 111th birthday of retired Maria Júlia de Paula, who lives in the Icaraí neighborhood, in Divinópolis.

The party held this Saturday (5th), was organized by health agents and was attended by friends and family of the elderly woman. Maria Julia has difficulty walking and hearing, but she remains lucid and proudly remembers her life story.

“I worked my whole life, I was raised without a father. I worked from the age of 9 to 70, weeding, clearing, cutting, doing everything,” said the elderly woman.
Maria Julia had eight children, however, only the youngest, Maria das Dores is alive, she told the reason why she believes her mother made it to 100 years.

“She was always calm, even though she worked a lot. She also ate very well throughout her life,' she commented.

According to the community agent, Sibele Ferreira Jardim, the entire health team in the community is proud to be able to commemorate the life of the elderly woman, who is very dear to the neighborhood.

“We are proud to see that nowadays we have a lucid, healthy person who is celebrating 111 years. It’s a privilege that we have, I believe she is one of the oldest people in town,” she concluded.
For the congratulations, two cakes were made, one of them weighing more than 50 kg. And to the sound of shouts and emotional applause, the community celebrated the birthday of this centenarian resident."


17 Mar 2022:

"Meu Deus não dá pra acreditar que a senhora se foi mamãe Júlia assim como chamávamos a senhora quanta saudade vai fazer ,que Deus a receba de braços abertos sentimentos a toda família.

Aproveitou bem a vida com seus 113anos quem me dera chegar até onde chegou mulher guerreira .Descanse em paz."

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Female - Silvéria Maria da Conceição (6 June 1908? - present) of Guaraí, Tocantins


7 May 2018:

Grandma Silvéria Maria da Conceição, who will be 110 years old on 06/06, is possibly the oldest person to live in Guaraí. Still listening very well and walking with a certain ease, the elderly woman overcame Mrs Antônia Ferreira de Sousa, known as “Dona Iaiá” by a few months, who on 10/17 will also complete the same 110 years.

Mother of 5 children, grandmother of a number of grandchildren, in addition to having so many great-grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, the supercentenarian, who does not like to be reminded of her age, is cared for by her 63-year-old daughter Maria Luiza Barbosa Aguiar. The two live together with other close family members in a house located on Avenida Joaquim Guará, still in the central region of Guaraí.

Dona Silvéria and her daughter Maria Luiza; Despite the documents confirming it, the elderly woman does not like to be told her age.

Despite saying who is “only 74 years old” – and woe to those who disagree with that – for a difference of only 4 months, as the documents prove, Dona Silvéria is “a little” older than Dona Iaiá. Comparisons aside, the two are in fact part of a select group of human beings who manage to live past 100 years, a privilege for few, even today.

When it comes to age, the greatest example of longevity ever officially recorded worldwide is that of Frenchwoman Jeanne-Louise Calment. Born on 2/21/1875, the supercentenarian died on 8/4/1997, reaching the incredible mark of 122 years 6 months. To date, at least officially, no other person, whether male or female, has managed to surpass this mark.


June 2020:


8 Mar 2022:

"*Dia Internacional da Mulher: fiz uma visita neste dia especial.*

Visita à dona Silvéria, 113 anos, uma das mulheres mais idosas de Guaraí."

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Female - Maria da Paz Ribeiro (10 Mar 1911?) of São Pedro, São Paulo

Birthplace: Boa Vista do Tupim, Bahia


15 Mar 2021:

"A resident of Casa dos Velhinhos in São Pedro, Maria da Paz turned 110 on March 10
A resident of Casa dos Velhinhos de São Pedro since November last year, Maria da Paz Ribeiro celebrated her 110th birthday last week. Born in Boa Vista do Tupi (Bahia), the elderly woman who spent many years working in the fields and still loves to take care of animals, won a beautiful party on the 10th.

“Despite all this chaos we are experiencing in this moment of a pandemic, we made a point of celebrating Dona Maria's birthday. She walks, eats alone, answers all our questions, and she still loves to feed corn to the chickens we have at the house,” said the entity’s social worker, Olímpia de Fátima Cardoso,

Vaccinated against the coronavirus, Maria da Paz, affectionately called a little voice by the residents and staff of the institution, celebrated her 110th birthday with all care and protection. Fátima had the collaboration of several people for the celebration. “We won everything for her birthday: the snacks, the decoration, the cake, the sweets, candies, lollipops, rolls, brigadeiro, kisses, ice cream, in short, it was beautiful”.

Because of the pandemic, visits were suspended a year ago at Casa dos Velhinhos, so communication between residents and family members is only done by phone and whatsapp. “In such a difficult time, this party was very good and made their lives happy”."


11 Mar 2022:

"Parabéns Dona Maria, Casa dos Velhinhos de São Pedro, chegar aos 111 anos, são para poucos e com essa lucidez... és única!"

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Male - Manoel Ribeiro da Silva (19 Mar 1909?) of Bahia


19 Mar 2022:

"Hoje o homem com a idade mais avançada da minha família, completa 113 anos.
Meu tio Manoel Ribeiro da Silva.
Ele nasceu no dia 19 de Março de 1909.
Baiano, irmão da minha vó Dadá.
Tio Manoel, te desejo saúde e mais e mais anos de vida.
Tenho muito orgulho do senhor.
Parabéns, um feliz aniversário!!"

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Female - Marcelina Antunes de Oliveira (25 Mar 1912) of São Joaquim, Santa Catarina


25 Mar 2022:

"It's not every day that you meet a person of this age.

Marcelina Antunes de Oliveira is a good-natured lady, but due to her age, her hearing and speech are a little affected, but she does not stop making her fire in the wood stove every day, her daughter Valdeci is the one who checks the pressure. and takes care of your daily medication.

Marcelina was born on March 25, 1912, born in Despraiado, in the interior of São Joaquim, still in her childhood and adolescence, she was bitten by a snake twice and survived bravely, she was raised by her uncles, her biological parents are unknown, and her origins cannot be confirmed. . She lived for many years in a place known as São Paulo Velho from where she would walk to the city every week.

Married to Orgel Angelo Padilha (in memory), mother of eight children, had a couple of children taken by neighbors in the 1950s and were never seen again. She left the farm and went to the city more than 30 years ago, Mrs. Marcelina lives on Rua Ismênia Palma Nunes in the Bela Vista neighborhood, where two of her daughters also live nearby and are responsible for her food with fruit and light meals.

“I am happy and also sad and at the same time worried, we have to take care of her as if she were a child, there is no explanation for having a mother of this age in today's times when people have a much lower life expectancy, with this pandemic we are not not even accepting family visits to prevent her from getting sick, and we're afraid she won't resist, every day that passes we know that she's increasingly weakened so we take care of her so she stays alive for a long time,” said Valdeci.

“It is a source of pride, I am grateful to have the acquaintance of a grandmother, today few people my age have this experience, it is very gratifying, now she is not so lucid anymore, but in my childhood I used to come to her house to listen to the stories that she and her late grandfather told,” declared Ronaldo."

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Male - Canuto de Matos (21 Apr 1913) of Autazes, Amazonas


21 Apr 2022:

"Born in Autazes da Vila do Sampaio, his Canuto de Matos still lucid and very strong has an enviable health, even at a very old age, his Canuto still lives well next to his family members who every year record with great joy and celebrate his birthday !"


21 Apr 2020:

"Son of Jovino de Matos and Maria Rosa Costa de Matos, his Canuto de Matos celebrates 107 years of life and must be the oldest man in Autazes, as shown in his documents presented by the family to the BDC. Among the inhabitants of the District of Sampaio, there is a resident who managed to achieve longevity. Your Canuto de Matos who turns 107 today on this 21/04/2020th. In the documents, the date of birth is 1913. In a video made by his grandson, Singer and Civil Guard Romanny Mattos, he says that he is turning 107 and that he thanks God for his life."

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Erminia Lopes dos Santos passed away, claims to have been born on 7/12/1907 in Itambacuri MG, died on 6/30/22, in Várzea Paulista SP, at 115 years old 48 days
