This list has been archived and is no longer in use due to my departure from the forum. The list itself has been deleted and shown here are photos of the list as of early December 2024 before it was archived. I last looked up everyone in this list individually in late November 2024, and a few more changes were made before closing it. Note that some people may have been deceased already as of that point, and there are likely many more people who would be here that I did not know of at the time.
As you can tell, ages are colour coded. The people whose names are highlighted in red had not been confirmed alive in the last year. The list is arranged by province/territory in alphabetical order. Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Prince Edward Island had no people that met the criteria for this list that I knew of. At the bottom are incomplete cases, i.e. the exact date of birth or full name is not known. Note that a few older people without exact birthdates are still included in the main list. Lastly, there are limbo cases, i.e. those that have not been confirmed alive in 2-3 years (4+ gets taken off the list). Only those aged 106+ are included. Some of these people may have later come out of limbo, or had already died earlier. Also note that some birthdates could still be incorrect here.
I have gone through every person in Canada listed in the semi-SCs lists and they are all added here, and I have found that a few are deceased (I think this means a lot of the people on these lists worldwide are deceased). I have also found a few more who weren’t on any of the lists that I will add soon. Interestingly, Gerald McCulloch (1917-2024) worked for the Avro aircraft company which James Floyd had a prominent position in. I also found a 108-year-old not listed on the wiki who had a 108-year-old older sister
RIP Elmira St. Onge-Frenette of Windsor, Ontario (8 August 1916 - 1 October 2023), winner of “Miss Windsor” contest in 1935
RIP Sophie Foster
Oldest in Saskatchewan is potentially Harold Chapman
An article was just made on the wiki on a 106 year old educator, Isabella Dryden (who has a Wikipedia page too), however there has been no new articles on her as far as I know for a few years
Joy Saunders of Nova Scotia turned 105 on 31 October. She is known for having down a charity walk a few years ago
(Saunders died on 12 April 2024)
Article featuring former WWII pilot James “Jim” McRae who turns 106 on the 28th
In Yarmouth, residents filled Mariner’s Centre to honour veterans past and present including Jim McRae, who will be turning 106 later this month.
Jim McRae, (red blanket) will be 106 on November 28th. Royal Canadian Air Force veteran from WWII. May be the last in Canada with the Distinguished Flying Cross.
McRae served as a pilot in the Second World War and placed a wreath on behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 61 in Yarmouth.
(McRae died on 9 April 2024)
RIP Harold Chapman, likely doyen of Saskatchewan
Emmett Savard, the oldest person (that I know of) in New Brunswick, passed away yesterday at 105
Edit: I have found another person born a couple months before him, also male, in that province
There is also a 105-year-old man in Saskatchewan, Arthur Ramshaw, who has not had any articles written on home since 102 but there is confirmation of him turning 105 in this photo (the article is not available for whatever reason). He is the potential successor to Harold Chapman
Hormidas Fredette, oldest man in Nova Scotia, died on 29 November at 106. Coincidently, the new oldest man in the province James McRae turned 106 the day before
Inuit elder Qapik Attagutsiak sadly passed away last week at the age of 103. She and other Inuit people helped the war effort in WW2 by collecting animal bones which were processed into weapons and ammunition and she was believed to have been the last living person to have participated in this. She was also visited by PM Trudeau in 2019
Lena Zavisha of Hines Creek, Alberta, was born on 14 January 1918.
Elsie Holst of Burnaby, British Columbia, was born c.20 April 1918.
December 2023 Report:
- Linda Yale (6th OLP) celebrated her 111th birthday. She remains in good health and can still walk (died a couple months later)
- Maria Lacasse of Quebec (8th OLP) turned 110
- Oldest known person in Saskatchewan, Blanche Keating, turned 106 on Christmas Day
- One 110-year-old death; Simone Palardy Bessette of Quebec, a previously unknown case
- Roberta Brown of Ottawa (10th OLP) died at 109
- Two other women in Quebec aged 109 and 108 passed away
- Oldest man and woman in Saskatchewan both passed away, at ages 107 and 109 respectively
- Vincenzo Carnevale, OLM in Quebec, died at 107
Lena Zavisha of Hines Creek, Alberta, was born on 14 January 1918.
Lena Zavisha turned 106 on Sunday
(Lena sadly passed away later in 2024) ... e-tremblay
On January 10, 2024, died at the Jonquière hospital, at the age of 105 years and 6 months, a "legend", Mrs. Thérèse Duchesne Tremblay, wife of the late Mr. Joseph-Arthur Tremblay, residing on the street Châteauguay in Jonquière. She was the daughter of the late Mr. Vézina Duchesne and the late Mrs. Eva Lapointe. ... tremblay-2
On December 18, 2023, passed away at the Ste-Marie Accommodation Center, Jonquière, at the venerable age of 105 years and 8 months, Mrs. Thérèse Tremblay, wife in the first marriage of the late Mr. Paul-Henri Lessard and in the second marriage of the late Mr. Alexandre Emond, residing at the Ste-Marie Accommodation Center, formerly of the Ste-Marie parish, Jonquière.
Three women born in 1918 all live in the same nursing home in St. Paul, Alberta (two of which I had not had on the list before)
(One is deceased as of December 2024)
January 2024 Report:
- Oldest known death was Eileen "Tuney" Rudderham of Nova Scotia at 107 (born 10 June 1916, exactly a decade after Tekla Juniewicz); much better compared to last month which had 5 108+ deaths
- Oldest male death was Jack Leadbeater of Ontario who had celebrated his 105th birthday in November
- Mabel Mah reached 113.5 and entered the Top 10 oldest validated Canadian residents after surpassing Lillian Ross
- Gerald McCulloch of Ontario, the sixth-oldest man in Canada who worked for the same company as James Floyd, turned 107
- Lena Zavisha, second-oldest known person in Alberta turned 106
- Rose Weinstock of Ontario, one of Canada's oldest Jewish residents, turned 107
- Bernadette Chaput of Ontario likely turned 108 (birthday not confirmed)
- Discovered the case of Irene Lantz who turns 110 a month from now (confirmed alive in January 2024)
- A few other 105th birthdays and a couple unconfirmed 106th and 107th birthdays
Welsh-born reporter Joan Hollobon, now living in Toronto, turned 104
Winifred Workman of BC turned 105
Tommy Ray of BC turned 104
Dorothy R. of Manitoba turned 104
Edith Bernard of Saskatchewan turned 105
Unconfirmed (but confirmed alive on their last birthdays):
Doris Manson of Quebec turned 107
Margaret MacIntosh of Ontario turned 106
Les Foulds of Ontario turned 104
Eileen Rudderham (Nova Scotia), born 10 Jun 1916 - 20 Jan 2024, 107
Gladys Baynton (Ontario), 22 Dec 1916 - 8 Jan 2024, 107
Quy Thi Luong (British Columbia), 11 April 1917 - 22 Jan 2024, 106
Marie Corbett (Manitoba), 1917 - 2024, 106
Cecile Caron (Quebec), 1917 - 4 Jan 2024, 106
Evelyn Salsman (Nova Scotia), 1917 - 8 Jan 2024, 106
Jeanne D'Arc Gendron (Quebec), 1917 - 8 Jan 2024, 106
Therese Tremblay (Quebec), Jun/Jul 1918 - 10 Jan 2024, 105
Rose Dittmar (Ontario), 13 Sep 1918 - 22 January 2024, 105
Jack Leadbeater (M) (Ontario), 26 Nov 1918 – 4 Jan 2024, 105
Evelyn Davidson (Ontario), 2 Dec 1918 - 23 Jan 2024, 105
Sofija Augaitis (Ontario), 17 Jan 1919 - 10 Jan 2024, 104
Helen Medwid (Ontario), 24 Jan 1919 - 12 Jan 2024, 104
Eleanor Mitton (Ontario), 6 Feb 1919 - 29 Jan 2024, 104
Enid Graham (Ontario), 14 Aug 1919 - 18 Jan 2024, 104
Amelia Coyle (Ontario), 25 Aug 1919 - 6 Jan 2024, 104
Paul Reny (M) (Quebec), 21 Sep 1919 - 1 Jan 2024, 104
Rose Giroux (Quebec), 1919 - 24 Jan 2024, 104
For some reason I can't edit my January report, I think because of the spoiler. When I click on edit, my post disappears entirely from the screen.
So I had just hoped that no new death reports would come out, so I wouldn't have to edit it
Or so I hoped...
Two sisters in Toronto aged 108 and 101 who both live in the same nursing home together (Now 109 and 102 as of late 2024)
Between them, a century has transpired with all its beginnings and endings but for now the sisters are still living, under the same roof.
Maria Rosa (aged 108) holding a picture of herself at 18
Maria with her sister, Virginia del Brocco (101)
Sometimes Maria calls out Virginia’s name from her doorway but doesn’t hear when Virginia responds, which annoys the younger sister who still has a button-down sensibility from her career as the executive assistant to various presidents of Simpsons-Sears.
Dorothy Thomas, the fourth-oldest known person in Ontario, who also lives in the same home (she turns 109 in two weeks)
Dorothy wears sensible shoes, like the nurse she once was. She starts her mornings with a large magnifying glass and a copy of her favourite Toronto newspaper. Usually, she putters around her apartment watering the plants, but some days Dorothy just wants to lie on the couch and eat chocolate. Don’t we all.
February 2024 Report:
- Hazel Skuce became first Manitoba resident to turn 112
- Margaret Cameron of Kelowna, BC, turned 110 and is pending by the GRG
- Maria Lacasse was validated by the GRG
- Three 109th birthdays:
- Arthur Ramshaw, Saskatchewan's oldest known man, turned 106
- Marciana Layda Lasconia, a previously known woman in Toronto, died at 110
- Bounkong Sophasath of Quebec died at 109
- Julia Estey, the oldest known person in New Brunswick, died at 106 (Note: Evelyn Calder was actually older than Julia by a few weeks)
March 2024 Report:
- Margaret Romans turned 112; oldest person in Quebec
- Irene Lantz turned 110; oldest person in Alberta
- Linda Yale died at 111; was OLP in British Columbia
- Albert Middleton of Saanich, BC, the second-oldest man in Canada, turned 109 (Was actually 1st oldest known man as Floyd had died earlier)
- Margaret Cameron validated by GRG
- Margaret MacPhee, oldest person in Nova Scotia, died at 109
- New OLP in Nova Scotia turned 109
- Oldest known man in Manitoba died at 105
- Oldest known person in Saskatchewan died at 108; was previously unknown
- Jazz legend Eleanor Collins died at 104 in Surrey, BC
April 2024 Report:
- Helen Doan, Canada's oldest living person, died in Toronto at the age of 112 years and 7 months. She had been the country's oldest resident since January
- Gertruda Gorecka is now Canada's oldest person. She was born in Poland and is currently unvalidated (Died a couple months later)
Other Deaths:
- Annette Sabourin Brunet, a previously unknown supercentenarian who was the oldest person in Quebec since October 2023 and third-oldest in Canada, died at the age of 112
- Shi Gong, another previously unknown woman who was born in China and was the oldest resident of British Columbia, died at 111
- Lillian Sigut, Nova Scotia's second-oldest person, died at 108
- James McRae, a WWII veteran who was the oldest man in Nova Scotia, died at 106
- Bill Youde, the second-oldest man in British Columbia, died at 107
- Burdett Sisler, the third-oldest man in the country, turned 109
- Emery Leger, New Brunswick's second-oldest man, turned 106
- Two other 108th birthdays that were not confirmed (This was Simone Carriere and Annette Lamarche, both did reach 108 but passed away in August 2024, eight days apart)
Isabella Dryden (Manitoba), born 14 October 1917, 106? (alive in July 2019)
Isabella Dryden died in 17 May 2024 at 106
Isabella Dryden (Manitoba), born 14 October 1917, 106? (alive in July 2019)
Isabella Dryden died in 17 May 2024 at 106
I was wondering whether she was still alive or had died already; as she had many articles on her around 2018 and even had a wikipedia article, it is odd that there had been nothing on her for a while. This shows that some cases can go for a few years without alive confirmation and probably gives more hope that Floyd and Spencer (who were confirmed alive more recently anyways) are still alive.
I have also created another section on the list for cases that have not been confirmed alive in 4+ years i.e. since before 2020/the pandemic (this could be 100th birthday articles from 5+ years ago with no more sources on them). At this point it is more likely that they would have died without an obituary. Nicholas Mascitelli of Ontario celebrated his 108th birthday in 2019, but there has been no information on him since then; if he was actually still alive he would be WOLM
May 2024 Report:
Just like it was globally, this was a quiet month in Canada in terms of deaths, and also birthdays
- Oldest known death was 108-year-old Margaret Hampton of Quebec (whom I did not know about before)
- Winnipeg educator Isabella Dryden passed away at 106; she was known for teaching computer classes at the age of 100
- One confirmed 108th birthday; Olive Mould of Burlington, Ontario who still lives in her own home
June 2024 Report:
- Gertruda Gorecka, the oldest person in Canada and last person born in 1911, died at 112
- Angela Salinas Paredes, a previously unknown Chilean-born woman in Quebec, died at 110
- Elva Barrowman of Ontario turned 109 and passed away two weeks later
- John Michniewicz, oldest known man in Manitoba, died at 106
- Hazel Skuce of Brandon, Manitoba is now the oldest person in Canada
- Margaret Romans was validated by LQ
- Chinese-born woman Chiung Hi Chou turned 109 recently (passed away shortlya after)
- Possible unconfirmed 110th birthday of Hilda Clark (now confirmed)
- Minnie Pelman of Vancouver, BC turned 108
Thomas Ray died 29 Jun 2024 at age 105.