This year, Monday 16 September 2024 will be the "Respect for the Aged Day" (or 敬老の日, keirō no hi) in Japan. As reports are already publicly (and also privately) coming in, this thread has also been started. Keirō no hi is an annual celebration held on the third Monday of September, when the elderly citizens of each designated town are celebrated. This means that during the course of September, all prefectures (but also many cities, towns, and villages) publish reports about their oldest citizens - the content of these reports has subsequently been depicted below, if it was reported publicly.
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Japanese (and other) members reporting these updates. Do note that if updates are only made privately, I cannot post about them.
A bold entry indicates a supercentenarian.
A blue entry indicates a man.
A green entry indicates an incomplete date of birth.
A red entry indicates this person has died since being on the list; this post (click!) lists deceased and/or limbo supercentenarians.
A purple entry indicates this person is currently in limbo; his or her survival status is unknown.
Note 1: All ages given for (super)centenarians are as of their LAST PUBLICLY REPORTED SURVIVAL STATUS.
Note 2: Ages under 109 for women and 108 for men are not given, unless the oldest (wo)man in the prefecture is not that old, or unless the prefecture releases a ‘top 10’ or ‘top 20’ for the prefecture.
Note 3: Sources for the information have been reported on the 110 Club, or elsewhere in this thread.
A map of Japan, indicating where each prefecture is, can be found in the attachment.
Overduidelijk misschien.
HOKKAIDŌ (北海道) & TŌHOKU (東北)
Hokkaidō (北海道)
Aomori (青森県)
1. Masae Asaishi (浅石まさ江), F, 111, 1913.08 (lives in Hachinohe) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Seishirō Miura (三浦清四郎), M, 106, 1918.03.31 (lives in Tsugaru) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Iwate (岩手県)
Miyagi (宮城県)
1. Mizu Aizawa (相澤みづ), F, 111, 1913.07.20 (lives in Natori) (per 1 September 2024)
2. Not Available, F, 109, 1914/1915 (residence unknown)
3. Not Available, F, 109, 1914/1915 (residence unknown)
4. Not Available, F, 109, 1914/1915 (residence unknown)
-. Shinno Shutō (首藤信乃), M, 108, 1916.08.25 (lives in Ishinomaki) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Akita (秋田県)
Yamagata (山形県)
Fukushima (福島県)
Overduidelijk misschien.
KANTŌ (関東)
Ibaraki (茨城県)
1. Take Satō (佐藤タケ), F, 110, 1913.11.21 (lives in Shimotsuma) (per 19 August 2024)
-. Kiyoshi Sasashima (笹島清), M, 108, 1915.10.22 (lives in Mito) (oldest man) (per 19 August 2024)
Tochigi (栃木県)
Gunma (群馬県)
Saitama (埼玉県)
(Hisako Shiroishi (白石久子), F, 114, 1910.05.19 - 2024.08.26 (died in Higashichichibu))
-. Tsuyako Satō (佐藤艶子), F, 110, 1914.04.09 (lives in Saitama City) (per 3 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1914.06 (lives in Saitama City) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.10 (lives in Saitama City)
-. Chiyo Obara (小原チヨ), F, 109, 1915.03.15 (lives in Saitama City)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.03 (lives in Saitama City)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.03 (lives in Saitama City)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.04 (lives in Saitama City)
-. Tamotsu Arai (新井保), M, 109, 1915.8.1 (lives in Saitama City) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Chiba (千葉県)
-. Not Available, F, 111, 1912.10 (lives in Kimitsu) (per 31 August 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.05 (lives in Abiko)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.05 (lives in Sakura)
Tōkyō (東京都)
-. Not Available, F, 112, 1911.12 (lives in Nerima) (per 1 August 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 112, 1912.05 (lives in Setagaya) (per 1 August 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 112, 1912.03.24 - 1912.07.30 (lives in Komae) (per 23 August 2024)
(Ai Shinohara (篠原愛), F, 111, 1913.01.04 - 2024.08.13 (died in Machida))
-. Not Available, F, 111, 1913.02.01 - 1913.04.01 (lives in Akiruno) (per 1 July 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 111, 1913.04.01 - 1913.06.30 (lives in Toshima) (per 1 July 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1913.12.02 - 1914.01.01 (lives in Kodaira) (per 1 August 2024)
-. Kiyo ??? (???キヨ), F, 110, 1914.01.19 (lives in Adachi) (per 1 September 2024)
(Not Available, M, 110, 1914.01.23 - 2024.08.21 (residence kept private)) (former oldest man in Japan)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.01.02 - 1914.12.31 (lives in Ōta)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.12.02 - 1915.01.01 (lives in Kita)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.03.02 - 1915.04.01 (lives in Edogawa)
-. Not Available, M, 108, 1915.08.02 - 1916.01.01 (lives in Machida)
Kanagawa (神奈川県)
1. Nobu Kawano (河野のぶ), F, 113, 1911.03.28 (lives in Yokohama) (per 12 September 2024)
-. Fumie Suzuki (鈴木ふみ江), F, 112, 1912.06.20 (lives in Aikawa) (per 10 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1913.09.02 - 1913.10.01 (lives in Yokohama) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, M, 110, 1914.03.15 - 1914.04.01 (lives in Yokohama) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1914.01 - 1914.06 (lives in Kamakura) (per 1 August 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1914.01 - 1914.06 (lives in Kamakura) (per 1 August 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1913.09.02 - 1914.09.01 (lives in Yokohama) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1913.09.02 - 1914.09.01 (lives in Yokohama) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1914.08.02 - 1914.09.01 (lives in Fujisawa) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.09 - 1915.08 (lives in Hiratsuka)
Overduidelijk misschien.
CHŪBU (中部)
Niigata (新潟県)
-. Hana Mizusawa (水澤ハナ), F, 110, 1914.04.14 (lives in Nagaoka) (per 26 August 2024)
Chiyo Sakurata (桜田千代), F, 109, 1915.01 - c. 2024.09.07 (died in Niigata City)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.07 (lives in Niigata City)
Toyama (富山県)
1. Hana Yokoyama(横山花), F, 110, 1914.08.20 (lives in Nanto) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Nobuyuki Shimizu (清水信行), M, 107, 1917.08.08 (lives in Himi) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Ishikawa (石川県)
1. Not Available [Toshiko Ueda (上田敏子)?], F, 111, 1912/1913 [1913.01?] (lives in Kanazawa) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Ryōkichi Satake (佐竹良吉), M, 105, 1919.02.27 (lives in Kanazawa) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Fukui (福井県)
Yamanashi (山梨県)
-. Not Available, F, 111, 1913.03 (lives in Kai) (per 31 August 2024)
Nagano (長野県)
-. Not Available, F, 112, 1912.08.02 - 1912.09.01 (lives in Nagano City) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.09.02 - 1915.09.01 (lives in Nagano City)
-. Not Available, M, 108, 1915.10.02 - 1915.11.01 (lives in Nagano City)
Gifu (岐阜県)
1. Okagi Hayashi (林おかぎ), F, 115, 1909.09.02 (lives in Toki) (per 2 September 2024)
Shizuoka (静岡県)
1. Masu Usui (臼井ます), F, 113, 1910.12.18 (lives in Oyama) (per 7 August 2024)
-. KIYOTAKA MIZUNO (水野清隆), M, 110, 1914.03.14 (LIVES IN IWATA) (OLDEST MAN IN JAPAN) (per 13 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 110, 1913.11.28 - 1914.03.31 (lives in Hamamatsu) (per 16 August 2024)
-. Yoshie Terada (寺田よ志江), F, 110, 1914.06.01 (lives in Iwata) (per 30 June 2024)
Aichi (愛知県)
1. Mine Kondō (近藤ミネ), F, 114, 1910.09.01 (lives in Toyota) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.08 - 1915.07 (lives in Nagoya)
Overduidelijk misschien.
Mie (三重県)
1. Sumiko Mori (森スミ子), F, 112, 1912.01.30 (lives in Ise) (per 9 September 2024)
-. Toshizō Kaijū (海住利三), M, 108, 1916.08.21 (lives in Tsu) (oldest man) (per 30 August 2024)
Shiga (滋賀県)
1. Fumi Nakamura (中村フミ), F, 109, 1914.10.26 (lives in Yasu) (per 1 September 2024)
2. Sawa Muraji (村治サワ), F, 109, 1915.03.05 (lives in Ōtsu)
-. Kō Fuchita (渕田孝), M, 107, 1917.01.02 (lives in Takashima) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Kyōto (京都府)
1. Fuyo Kishimoto (岸本ふよ), F, 112, 1911.12.20 (lives in Kyōto City) (per 1 September 2024)
2. Not Available, F, 111, 1912.11.15 (lives in Kyōto City) (per 1 September 2024)
3. Kiyo Ōhashi (大橋喜代), F, 110, 1913.12.21 (lives in Nagaokakyō) (per 1 September 2024)
4. Shigeko Hata (畑繁子), F, 110, 1914.03.11 (lives in Nantan) (per 1 September 2024)
5. Ayako Kōsaki (神前あや子), F, 110, 1914.06.09 (lives in Kyōto City) (per 1 September 2024)
6. Yoshimi Tanaka (田中嘉), F, 110, 1914.08.09 (lives in Kameoka) (per 1 September 2024)
7. Suzuko Takeda (武田鈴子), F, 109, 1914.10.01 (lives in Kyōto City)
8. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.12.07 (lives in Kizugawa)
9. Momoe Mizuno (水野桃枝), F, 109, 1915.02.25 (lives in Kyōto City)
10. Kiyo Suzuki (鈴木きよ), F, 109, 1915.05.28 (lives in Kyōto City)
Ōsaka (大阪府)
-. Shime Nakanishi (中西シメ), F, 110, 1914.01 (lives in Minoh) (per 31 July 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.09 (lives in Minoh)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1914.08 - 1915.07 (lives in Minoh)
Hyōgo (兵庫県)
1. TOMIKO ITOOKA (糸岡富子), F, 116, 1908.05.23 (LIVES IN ASHIYA) (OLDEST LIVING PERSON IN JAPAN) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 112, 1911.11 (lives in Takarazuka) (per 31 July 2024)
-. Tokuji Tanigaki (谷垣德次), M, 109, 1914.11.08 (lives in Tamba) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Misae Kiuchi (木内みさ江), F, 109, 1914.09 - 1915.08 (lives in Toyooka)
-. Hiroko Yamawaki (山脇弘子), F, 109, 1915.01.01 - 1915.09.01 (lives in Itami)
Nara (奈良県)
1. Shigeko Kagawa (賀川滋子), F, 113, 1911.05.28 (lives in Yamatokōriyama) (per 30 August 2024)
-. Not Available, M, 108, 1915.09.25 (lives in Nara City) (oldest man) (per 30 August 2024)
Wakayama (和歌山県)
1. Isami Shibata (柴田いさみ), F, 109, 1915.08.14 (residence unknown) (per 29 August 2024)
Overduidelijk misschien.
Tottori (鳥取県)
Shimane (島根県)
1. Masumi Gotō (後藤マスミ), F, 110, 1914.02 (lives in Ōnan) (per 27 August 2024)
Okayama (岡山県)
1. Masako Soga (曽我マサコ), F, 111, 1913.02.23 (lives in Ibara) (per 19 August 2024)
-. Katsuko Miyake (三宅勝子), F, 110, 1913.12.10 (lives in Kurashiki) (per 30 June 2024)
Hiroshima (広島県)
1. Misao Kobayashi (小林貞), F, 110, 1913.10.27 (lives in Hiroshima City) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Miyo Kuwata (桑田ミヨ), F, 110, 1914.04 (lives in Fuyukawa) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Disclosed (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Yamaguchi (山口県)
1. Chitose Awata (粟田千年), F, 111, 1913.08.20 (lives in Yamaguchi City) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Uichi Kubota (久保田卯一), M, 106, 1917.12.27 (lives in Ube) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Overduidelijk misschien.
Tokushima (徳島県)
1. Masako Kawashima (川島政子), F, 109, 1915.01.01 - 1915.08.20 (lives in Tokushima City) (per 20 August 2024)
Kagawa (香川県)
Ehime (愛媛県)
1. Fujiko Mihara (三原富士子), F, 113, 1910.12.13 (lives in Matsuyama) (per 1 September 2024)
Kōchi (高知県)
1. Terumi Kanao (金尾輝美), F, 110, 1914.06.20 (lives in Niyodogawa) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Takeichi Hiromitsu (廣光武一), M, 106, 1917.09.20 (lives in Kōchi City) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Overduidelijk misschien.
KYŪSHŪ (九州) & OKINAWA (沖縄)
Fukuoka (福岡県)
1. Haruko Onizuka (鬼塚春子), F, 111, 1913.03.18 (lives in Mizumaki) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Kōki Kamozaki (鴨崎孝輝), M, 109, 1915.03.11 (lives in Onga) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.04 - 1915.06 (lives in Dazaifu)
-. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.04 - 1915.08 (lives in Chikugo)
Saga (佐賀県)
-. Midori Kondō (近藤綠), F, 109, 1915.05.20 (lives in Saga City)
Nagasaki (長崎県)
1. Kaneko Yagi (八木カ子コ), F, 110, 1914.01.01 (lives in Minamishimabara) (per 1 September 2024)
2. Not Available, F, 109, 1915.07.13 (residence unknown)
3. Masao Kadoguchi (門口正雄), M, 108, 1915.09.07 (lives in Nagasaki City) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
4. Chite Ikeda (池田チテ), F, 108, 1915.10.16 (lives in Nagasaki City)
5. Kiku Kamebuchi (亀渕キク), F, 108, 1915.12.31 (lives in Hirado)
6. Ichi Tsuchiya (土屋イチ), F, 108, 1916.01.16 (lives in Kawatana)
7. Hatsue Takano (髙野ハツエ), F, 108, 1916.05.29 (lives in Nagasaki City)
8. Aiko Matsumoto (松本愛子), F, 108, 1916.07.14 (lives in Sasebo)
9. Tomoe Kuma (熊トモヱ), F, 107, 1916.09.20 (lives in Togitsu)
10. Not Available, F, 107, 1916.09.21 - 1917.09.01 (lives in Isahaya)
Kumamoto (熊本県)
Ōita (大分県)
1. Miyoko Hiroyasu (広安美代子), F, 113, 1911.01.23 (lives in Nakatsu) (per 13 September 2024)
Miyazaki (宮崎県)
1. Yuriko Tsurumaru (鶴丸百合子), F, 111, 1913.07.14 (lives in Kobayashi) (per 3 September 2024)
2. Harue Baba (馬場ハルヱ), F, 110, 1914.03.20 (lives in Saito) (per 1 September 2024)
3. Tsuyako Kuroki (黒木艶子), F, 109, 1915.1.22 (lives in Shintomi)
4. Matsuko Mori (森松子), F, 109, 1915.06.26 (lives in Miyakonojō)
5. Mie Hidaka (日高ミエ), F, 108, 1915.12.20 (lives in Miyazaki City)
6. Harumi Ikenoue (池之上ハルミ), F, 108, 1916.03.20 (lives in Kobayashi)
7. Shimie Yuge (弓削シミエ), F, 108, 1916.04.27 (lives in Miyazaki City)
8. Sayono Kawagoe (川越サヨノ), F, 108, 1916.05.18 (lives in Miyazaki City)
9. Not Available, F, 107/108, 1916.05.19 - 1917.03.23 (residence unknown)
10. Ryō Maeda (前田良), F, 107, 1917.03.24 (lives in Miyakonojō)
-. Kiyoshi Zushi (圖師清), M, 107, 1917.08.19 (lives in Miyazaki City) (oldest man) (per 26 August 2024)
Kagoshima (鹿児島県)
1. Masao Kōge (髙下マサヲ), F, 111, 1913.04.30 (lives in Satsuma) (per 1 September 2024)
-. Jinsuke Yogi (與儀仁助), M, 108, 1916.01.03 (lives in Izumi) (oldest man) (per 1 September 2024)
Okinawa (沖縄県)
Overduidelijk misschien.
[Private], F, 112, 1912.07.06 (lives in Brazil) (per 6 July 2024)
Otoji Hasegawa (長谷川乙次), M, 108, 1915.12.03 (lives in Brazil) (per 4 December 2023)
Overduidelijk misschien.
Ai Shinohara (篠原愛), F, 111, 1913.01.04 - 2024.08.13, Tōkyō (died in Machida)
Not Available, M, 110, 1914.01.23 - 2024.08.21, Tōkyō (residence kept private) (former oldest man in Japan)
Hisako Shiroishi (白石久子), F, 114, 1910.05.19 - 2024.08.26, Saitama (died in Higashichichibu)
UNREPORTED DEATHS 110+ & OLDEST MEN 110- (= known dead, but the exact date of death is missing / has gone unreported)
Seiyoshi Shigematsu (重松清義), M, 108, 1914.12.28 - 2023.11, Ehime (died in Matsuyama) (former oldest man)
LIMBO 110+ & OLDEST MEN 110-
Ai Iwabuchi (岩渕あい), F, 110/111/112, 1913.02.24 --> fl. 2023.02.25 (lived in Hirosaki)
Not Available, F, 112/113, 1911.07.02 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kyōto (lived in Maizuru)
Not Available, F, 111/112, 1911.12.02 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Fukuoka (lived in Fukuoka City)
Shinako Hayashi (林シナ子), F, 110/111, 1912.10.01 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Yamaguchi (lived in Ube)
Not Available, F, 110/111, 1912.10 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Miyagi (lived in Ishinomaki)
Taka Takeuchi (竹内タカ), F, 110/111, 1913.01.11 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Yamaguchi (lived in Shimonoseki)
Tsuyu Masuda (増田露), F, 110/111, 1913.05.22 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kyōto (lived in Uji)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.01.10 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kyōto (lived in Uji)
Osamu Kusakabe (日下部 脩), M, 109/110, 1914.02.10 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kyōto (lived in Kyōtango)
Shinako Moriuchi (森内シナコ), F, 109/110, 1914.02.16 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Tokushima (lived in Yoshinogawa)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.02.02 - 1914.03.01 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Nagano (lived in Nagano City)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1913.09 - 1914.03 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kanagawa (lived in Yokosuka)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.02.11 - 1914.04.01 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Kyōto (lived in Kyōto City)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.04.02 - 1914.05.01 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Nagano (lived in Nagano City)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1913.09 - 1914.08 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Miyagi (residence unknown)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1913.09 - 1914.08 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Miyagi (residence unknown)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1913.09 - 1914.08 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Tōkyō (lived in Nakano)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.01 - 1914.08 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Aichi (lived in Toyokawa)
Not Available, M, 108/109, 1915.06 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Tōkyō (lived in Adachi)
Not Available, M, 108/109, 1915.07 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Tōkyō (lived in Katsushika)
Not Available, M, 108/109, 1914.09 - 1915.08 --> fl. 2023.09.01, Miyagi (residence unknown) (former oldest man)
[Private], F, 112, 1911.09.04 --> fl. 2023.09.12, Fukuoka (lived in Fukuoka City)
Emi Miura (三浦ヱミ), F, 112/113, 1911.04.24 --> fl. 2023.09.18, Miyagi (lived in Sendai)
Yuki Nitta (新田ユキ), F, 112/113, 1911.08.10 --> fl. 2023.09.18, Fukuoka (lived in Buzen)
Keiko Matsumura (松村けいこ), F, 110/111, 1913.01.24 --> fl. 2023.09.18, Wakayama (lived in Wakayama City)
Not Available, F, 110/111, 1913.01.02 - 1913.04.01 --> fl. 2023.10.01, Ibaraki (lived in Toride)
Not Available, F, 109/110, 1914.03 --> fl. 2024.01.01, Chiba (lived in Ichihara)
Fumi Aoki (青木ふみ), F, 110/111, 1913.08 --> fl. 2024.02.01, Tōkyō (lived in Setagaya)
Not Available, F, 110/111, 1913.08 --> fl. 2024.04.30, Chiba (lived in Abiko)
Overduidelijk misschien.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, Ina Okazawa's successor as oldest living person in Ibaraki prefecture is 110-year-old Take Satō (佐藤タケ) of Shimotsuma, who was born on 21 November 1913. This means a woman from Toride, born in early 1913, has entered limbo.
Overduidelijk misschien.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the city of Iwata, Shizuoka has released a report on its oldest citizens; as of 30 June 2024, both its oldest male and female resident were 110 years old. This concerns the oldest man in the prefecture, LQ-validated Kiyotaka Mizuno (水野清隆), born on 14 March 1914, and newly-identified supercentenarian Yoshie Terada (寺田よ志江), born on 1 June 1914.
Overduidelijk misschien.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the former oldest living man in Ehime prefecture, Seiyoshi Shigematsu (重松清義) of Matsuyama, born on 28 December 1914, died in November 2023 at the age of 108. May he rest in peace.
Overduidelijk misschien.
As of August 20th, the oldest living person in Toyama Prefecture is Hana Yokoyama(横山花)of Nanto City. She was born on August 20, 1914.
As of August 20th, the oldest living person in Tokushima Prefecture is Masako Kawashima(川島政子) of Tokushima city. She was born in 1915.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living man in Ibaraki prefecture is 108-year-old Kiyoshi Sasashima (笹島清) of Mito, born on 22 October 1915.
Overduidelijk misschien.
As of August 20th, the oldest living person in Tokushima Prefecture is Masako Kawashima(川島政子) of Tokushima city. She was born in 1915.
Unfortunately, this means that Shinako Moriuchi (森内シナコ) enters limbo.
Overduidelijk misschien.
@marco You can add the Anonymous woman, 112, born on 6 July 1912, and Otoji Hasegawa, 108, born on 3 December 1915, who are the oldest known Japanese woman and man living in Brazil, respectively.
@Filipe93 Thanks, I'll add them once you can tell me when they were last confirmed alive. 🙂
Overduidelijk misschien.
As of August 19th ,the oldest living person of Okayama is Masako Soga.
The oldest person in Komae City, Tokyo is a woman born before July 30, 1912.
As of August 19th ,the oldest living person of Okayama is Masako Soga.
Overduidelijk misschien.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka is a 110-year-old woman. As the document lists the age as of 31 March 2025, this implies she was born between 28 November 1913 and 31 March 1914.
The oldest man in the city is 106-year-old Shōkichi Shinma (新間正吉), born on 15 January 1918.
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As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Toyokawa, Aichi is a 107-year-old woman born in 1917. This means that last year's oldest person, born in 1914, has entered limbo. She was last confirmed alive on 1 September 2023.
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As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Kagoshima prefecture is an anonymous 111-year-old woman (possibly 112 now), born between 31 July 1912 and 8 July 1913. She is the successor to 112-year-old Sueko Katsu (勝末コ) of Setouchi, born on 26 March 1912, who died on 6 July 2024.
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As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Takarazuka, Hyōgo as of 31 July 2024 is a 112-year-old woman born in November 1911. The oldest man in the city is 107 years old.
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As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Setagaya, Tōkyō as of 1 August 2024 is a 112-year-old woman born in May 1912.
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The oldest living woman in Miyazaki is Yuriko Tsurumaru(鶴丸百合子). She lives in Kobayashi city. The oldest living man is Kiyoshi Zushi (圖師清). He lives in Miyazaki city.
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Takarazuka, Hyōgo as of 31 July 2024 is a 112-year-old woman born in November 1911. The oldest man in the city is 107 years old.
There are currently no validated living SCs born in November 1911, so if this woman gets validated then there will be one again
I hope more cases from 1911 are revealed in the next month
As reported by Straycat on the 110 Club, the oldest living person in Kurashiki, Okayama as of 30 June 2024 is 110-year-old Katsuko Miyake (三宅勝子), born on 10 December 1913.
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