On 1 September 2023, an interview with Hisao Ikeda (池田久雄), the oldest living man in Yokohama, Kanagawa (and also the oldest man in Kanagawa prefecture) was released, on the occasion of the Great Kantō Earthquake having been 100 years ago on that date (1 September 1923). The interview seems to have been conducted in June 2023. Mr Hisao Ikeda was born on 2 November 1912.
Source (part of the article; the rest is behind a paywall).
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The oldest living person in Kikugawa, Shizuoka is a 106-year-old man.
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The oldest living person in Nagoya, Aichi is a 108-year-old woman.
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The oldest living person in Taketoyo, Aichi is 108-year-old Hamako Aoki (青木はま子), whose date of birth is unknown.
Source (which uses the East Asian counting method).
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Aichi prefecture reports that its oldest citizen is a 112-year-old woman from Toyota. If we read carefully, we can see that the date used is 15 August 2023, which explains why Mine Kondō (近藤ミネ) is reported as aged 112.
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Miyazaki prefecture reports that its oldest citizen is a 110-year-old woman from Kobayashi. This is Yuriko Tsurumaru (鶴丸百合子), LQ-validated, born on 14 July 1913. The oldest man in the prefecture is 108 years old and lives in Miyazaki City. This concerns Matsushirō Hidaka (日高松四郎), born on 3 May 1915.
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The oldest living person in Miyoshi, Hiroshima is a 106-year-old man.
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The oldest living woman in Ina, Nagano was born on 18 November 1915, and is thus 107 years old.
The oldest living man in Ina, Nagano was born on 10 July 1918, and is thus 105 years old.
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The oldest living person in Ōita City, Ōita is 109 years old. The woman in the video is 108-year-old Shizue Kai (甲斐シズエ), who is the fourth-oldest living person in the city.
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Some more information on the oldest living man in Takamatsu, Kagawa: 105-year-old Masao Fujishige (藤重正夫).
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Oldest People in Kyoto Prefecture (copied from post in Japanese forum)
https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kourei-engo/news/press/2023/9/keirou0907.htm l" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kourei-engo/neu0907.html
1. Chiyo Yamamoto 1911.2.18 (112): Kita Ward, Kyoto City
2. Name undisclosed 1911.7.2 (112) ): Maizuru City
3. Kishimoto Fuyo 1911.12.20 (111): Kyoto City Kamigyo Ward
4. Name undisclosed 1912.11.15 (110): Kyoto City Shimogyo Ward
5. Masuda Tsuyu 1913.5.22 (110): Uji City
6. Muronobu 1913.8.21 (110): Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City
7. Uchikawa Buichi 1913.11.23 (109): Uji City
8. Ohashi Kiyo 1913.12.21 (109): Nagaokakyo City
9. Name unknown 1914.1.10 (109) : Uji City
10. Osamu Kusakabe 1914.2.10 (109): Kyotango City
I assume all of the first and last names are swapped except for Chiyo Yamamoto’s I.e. Fuyo Kishimoto, Tsuyu Masuda make more sense than what is written
Saga City, Saga reports that its oldest citizen is a 109-year-old woman. This is Fumiko Tachibana (橘フミコ), who was born on 9 January 1914.
Source (third Excel file).
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Nakatsu, Ōita reports one supercentenarian in its city. This concerns Miyoko Hiroyasu (広安美代子), aged 112, born on 23 January 1911 (both LQ- and GRG-validated).
Source (third tab in the September 2023 file).
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Apart from the 111-year-old woman born in June 1912, there's also a 109-year-old woman living in Takamatsu, Kagawa.
Source (automatic Excel download).
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Izumi, Kagoshima reports a 107-year-old man as its oldest citizen. This concerns Jinsuke Yogi (與儀仁助), born on 3 January 1916. He is also the oldest man in the prefecture.
Source, only a download:
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Hita, Ōita reports two 107-year-old women as its oldest citizens.
Source, only downloadable:
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Ōmura, Nagasaki reports four women aged 105 years or older, and one man. One of these women has been identified as Akira Kitamura (北村晃), aged 107, born on 28 January 1916. One of the other women may be Mitsue Ryū (龍ミツエ), born on 15 December 1914. (She was in the Top 10 oldest living people in Nagasaki prefecture last September.)
Source, only downloadable:
EDIT 8 Sept 2023: with the release of the Top 10 Oldest Living People in Nagasaki, it's become evident that Mrs Ryū is a limbo case.
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Yasu, Shiga reports a 108-year-old woman as its oldest citizen. This concerns Fumi Nakamura (中村フミ), who is also the oldest living person in the prefecture, born on 26 October 1914.
Source, only downloadable:
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Higashiōmi, Shiga reports a 106-year-old woman as its oldest citizen.
Source, only downloadable:
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Niigata City, Niigata reports seven 108-year-old women as its oldest citizens.
Source, only downloadable:
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Katsuhika, Tōkyō reports a 108-year-old man as its oldest citizen. He was born in July 1915.
Source, only downloadable:
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Saitama City, Saitama reports that its oldest citizen is a 111-year-old woman. This concerns Chiyoko Yagida (八木田ちよこ), born on 22 June 1912.
In addition to Mrs Yagida, there are two 109-year-old women living in the city. This means that an anonymous woman born in December 1912 has entered limbo. As the document can take us back to January 2023, where we can see two 110-year-olds (Mrs Yagida + someone else), we know that this woman has made it to supercentenarian status. In February 2023, the number of 110-year-olds was back to one, so this second woman entered limbo in January 2023, aged 110.
EDIT: never mind, the above info about the 110-year-old anonymous woman was already known.
Source, only downloadable:
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Toki, Gifu reports a 113-year-old woman as its oldest living citizen (as of 31 August 2023). This concerns Okagi Hayashi (林おかぎ), who will have turned 114 two days later (born 2 September 1909). Mrs Hayashi is both LQ- and GRG-validated, and is the oldest living person in Gifu prefecture.
Source, only downloadable:
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Oldest People in Kyoto Prefecture (copied from post in Japanese forum)
https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kourei-engo/news/press/2023/9/keirou0907.htm l" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kourei-engo/neu0907.html
1. Chiyo Yamamoto 1911.2.18 (112): Kita Ward, Kyoto City
2. Name undisclosed 1911.7.2 (112) ): Maizuru City
3. Kishimoto Fuyo 1911.12.20 (111): Kyoto City Kamigyo Ward
4. Name undisclosed 1912.11.15 (110): Kyoto City Shimogyo Ward
5. Masuda Tsuyu 1913.5.22 (110): Uji City
6. Muronobu 1913.8.21 (110): Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City
7. Uchikawa Buichi 1913.11.23 (109): Uji City
8. Ohashi Kiyo 1913.12.21 (109): Nagaokakyo City
9. Name unknown 1914.1.10 (109) : Uji City
10. Osamu Kusakabe 1914.2.10 (109): Kyotango CityI assume all of the first and last names are swapped except for Chiyo Yamamoto’s I.e. Fuyo Kishimoto, Tsuyu Masuda make more sense than what is written
Here is the PDF file, in case the webpage disappears. On the first page of this thread, the correct names of the people have been rendered.
EDIT - PS, this also means that Mrs Tetsu Sakane (坂根てつ) of Kyōto City, aged 110, born on 31 January 1913, has entered limbo. She was last confirmed alive on 1 April 2023.
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This document mentions that Mrs Masa Matsumoto (松本まさ) of Yokohama, Kanagawa, aged 113, born on 29 November 1909, both LQ- and GRG-validated, will be visited by the mayor of the city on 13 September 2023. She is the oldest living person in the prefecture.
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The oldest living person in Yamaguchi prefecture is Mrs Shinako Hayashi (林シナ子) of Ube, aged 110, born on 1 October 1912. The oldest living man in the prefecture is 107-year-old Akira Wakitaya (脇田屋章) of Yamaguchi City, born on 30 March 1916.
This means that a woman from Tabuse, born in late 1911, has entered limbo, as well as a woman born in 1911 or 1912, residing in Shimonoseki.
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The oldest living person in Miyazaki prefecture, Mrs Yuriko Tsurumaru (鶴丸百合子) of Kobayashi, aged 110, born on 14 July 1913, was visited today by the mayor of the city.
Source (only accessible for readers in Japan).
Here is an article, including a video, that can be read outside of Japan.
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