Arvi Hämäläinen (FI...
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Arvi Hämäläinen (FIN, 1917-2025)

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Mr. Arvi Hämäläinen of Valkeakoski, Pirkanmaa, Finland, sadly passed away last night, aged 108.

He was the OLP in Finland and the OLM in the Nordic Countries.

He was born on 16 January 1917.

May he rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego and FEW reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 747

Rest in peace, Mr. Arvi Hämäläinen (1917-2025). 🕊

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1657

Rest in peace Mr Hamalainen.

diego reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1304

He is the 50th oldest person in Finnish history
His successor is the 56th, and his male successor is the 95th
And the 8th oldest man in the country's history
His successor is the 13th
He was the oldest person in Finland since 30 Nov 2024 and held the position for 48 days, the shortest time since Elina Peurala (1 Aug 1963-7 Aug 1963) who held the position for 6 days
He died at the youngest age among the people considered to be oldest in Finland since Aino Yrttimaa who died on 11 July 2010 at 107 years, 84 days
He is the 12th person from Pirkanmaa to be considered the country's oldest, the first after Helvi Kissala who died on 12 Jun 2024
He is the 11th man to be considered the country's oldest person
He was the country's oldest man for 321 days (since 2 Mar 2024), the shortest time since Juho Lipponen died on 19 Jan 2023 and who served 166 days, and is the oldest to die in office since Vaino Loisa died on 10 Aug 2020 aged 108 years and 15 days
He is the 3rd man from Pirkanmaa to be considered the oldest man in the country, the first since Otto Auloste who died on 25 Oct 2018
He was the oldest man in the Nordic countries since 1 Jan 2025 (16 days), the shortest time since Arne Olaisen (NOR) who served from 11 Apr 1995 to 22 Apr 1995 (11 days), and the youngest to die in office since Helge Fjeldstad (NOR) who died aged 107 years, 358 days on 30 Sept 2010
He is also the 4th Finnish man to be the oldest man in the countries Nordics, the first since Aarne Arvonen who died on 1 Jan 2009

