Hilário Polegário da Silva - of Jerônimo Monteiro, Espírito Santo, Brazil - passed away on 27/28 April 2023, at the age of 110.
He claimed to have been born on 28 December 1912.
LAS Member/Administrator (since January 2020)
ESO Correspondent for Croatia (since 2 August 2021)
His claimed birthdate is coincidentally exactly 100 years before the day man's officially longevity world record is established. RIP.
Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)