Mrs. Kaneko Yagi (八木カネコ) of Minamishimabara City, Nagasaki, Japan sadly passed away on September 25, 2024 at the age of 110 years old.
She was born on January 1, 1914 and was the oldest living person in Nagasaki Prefecture.
The new oldest living person in prefecture is a anonymous woman who was born on July 13, 1915 (résidence unknown).
Rest in peace, Yagi-san.
Rest in peace, Yagi-san.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
Rest in peace, Ms. Kaneko Yagi (1914-2024).
She was the oldest person in Nagasaki for 1 year, 229 days, the longest since Masue Oura, who lived from 28 July 2019 to 16 June 2021 (1 yr, 323 days), died at the age of 110 years, 268 days, the oldest in the state since Michi Ideo (111 years, 238 days) on 8 Nov 2022, the 2nd person from Minamishimabara to be considered the oldest in Nagasaki (the first since Iseno Taguchi, who died in 2002). Now the oldest person born in 1914 is Maria Liesse Callou Duarte of Brazil, born on 2 Jan 1914. She died at the same age as Laura Livingston 1881 1992 USA
Anna Wilmot 1898 2009 USA-PHL
Celina Fernandez-Pacheco 1906 2016 CRI