Mrs. Maria Gauvin of Grand-Fougeray, Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, France sadly passed away on 30 November 2024, aged 111 years, 100 days.
She was born in the village of Méhandoul in the commune of Sainte-Anne-sur-Vilaine, Ille-et-Vilaine department, Brittany, France, on 22 August 1913.
She was the 14th known OLP in France.
Rest in peace Ms. Gauvin.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
She died at the same age as
Sei Yamashita 10 Oct 1902 18 Jan 2014 JPN
Helma Graham 28 Jun 1904 6 Oct 2015 USA, is the 195 oldest French person in history, 36 oldest living European person, 114 oldest living person in the world
Rest in peace Ms Gauvin.
Edit: She was the 14th known OLP in France, not 15th (Ms. Gruat passed away one day before Ms. Gauvin).
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (