Ms. Betty Lucille Winkelman of Huntley, McHenry County, Illinois, United States (USA) sadly passed away on 9 February 2025, aged 111 .
She was born on 3 April 1913 in Scotland County, Missouri, United States.
She was the 2nd-oldest known living person in Illinois (USA). Her age had been validated by LongeviQuest (LQ).
Rest in peace.
Persone viventi piΓΉ longeve in Italia β Supercentenari d'Italia (
May she RIP. π
She is the oldest person born in 1913 to die to date
She died at the same age as:
Minnie Carpenter 24 Jan 1888 2 Dec 1999 USA
Tressa Bartholomew 30 Mar 1905 5 Feb 2017 USA
She was the 72nd oldest living person in the world
She was the 18th oldest person living in the USA