Not sure if you’ll ever read this Aquanaut_Chalk but it’s also worth remembering a suggestion made some time back on the 110 Club that about 98% of all 115+ claims turn out to be invalid.
For the male sex that sort of percentage is probably also accurate at 114.
Whilst my own contributions to this area lie outside research, I’m also aware that people with strong experience in this area can also get a “gut feel” quite quickly (not always but usually) on which cases are more likely to yield outcomes and which are not.
This is equally critical because everyone is time poor. As noted above this is another key reason why posts or age claims can go without responses.
For the bigger ages rather than initially expecting them to be likely, try and go into any research with a “professionally skeptical” attitude and look for strong data to refute that. If you find that kind of evidence, then ok, but until that stage, the big age claims will usually not progress.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Forum these past few hours Aquanaut_Chalk and your PM.
I will touch base at some stage, though may need to learn a bit about that form of social media.😀
I've left before, but I think this time I'm going to leave for good. I'm tired of feeling unseen and ignored on this forum. And I'm tired of being mistreated and talked down to by other members on here. This forum doesn't deserve me, because I deserve better. My dream is to create my own forum, and I would invite a select few of you that I trust. I'm not saying I want you to choose between forums, it would just be a friendly invite where we can chat away from this place. This place is one of the most toxic and hateful places I've ever come across, but it seems that several members here like to "gang up" on me for some bizarre reason. I don't care if you want to be on this forum and my future one. No judgement. You're all grown adults that can make your own choices, and using that statement, I am going to exercise my rights as an adult and leave, because I'm tired of putting up with these psychological mind games and verbal abuse. However unfortunately my own forum will probably never happen due to me not knowing how to create a website. I think there are people on here who are part of a secret invasion plot, who plan on practicing their tyrannical world views. You don't REALLLLLLY care about the validation process of SCs deep down, all you want is to take the recognition for yourselves. That's why you criticize and ignore me personally, because I call you out and I stand up for Supercentenarians who deserve the recognition for themselves. I don't care about recognition for myself, just listened to, that these are very special people who deserve more than they're getting. I've partnered up with many organizations and I have a wide knowledge about what SCs are likely to be true, and which ones aren't. I think there are people on here who control what goes on "behind the scenes" which I'm totally cool with, but the part I'm not cool with is that they are now manipulating their powers. I am a unique thinker, and I don't need this toxic manipulation any more. 80% of the time that I'm actually "seen" on here is just comments in the dms criticizing me, or talking down to me. There are some good members who treat everyone as an equal, and I am grateful for people like you. These demons in my head have me greatly outnumbered, and it's time for me to get off the forum so I can actually began to be seen as a human being again. I'm not just a "Pinocchio Clone" that you can push around. You pushed me too far and forgot that I'm a real person with real feelings. And now, I don't want to be here anymore. This place is too toxic for my well-being. Some of you people have been so SO kind to me and I consider you my friends, but I can't deal with the people who have mistreated me. I'm not hurt at all of you. I'm leaving.
Dear Aquanaut Chalk, although I am sorry to see you leave, I am also happy to read you've made some friends here that you consider honest, good people. Always focus on what's gone well.
As for your allegations that you've been mistreated by other members, could you please provide us (the Admin team) with evidence for that? We don't tolerate bullying or discrimination on here, so if you have genuinely been bullied behind the scenes, we'd like to know about that - so we can take appropriate action.
I've noticed, though, that on this forum it's common for many posts/threads not to receive any replies (look at obituaries for 108- and 109-year-olds, for instance, and see how few responses they receive), so I am not sure you should take your feeling of being "unseen and ignored" (which I acknowledge is how you genuinely feel, and I feel bad for that!) is any form of personal attack on you. I think most members here on this forum focus on their own niche specialties (notice how Ale always maintains lists of the oldest living inhabitants of countries or how Charles posts about family dinners when SCs from certain countries celebrate their birthdays), and I genuinely think that many members here don't deliberately ignore you. I hope you can also see that now.
I am baffled and shocked to read your claim that members here "don't really care about the validation process of SCs." Most of the early members here came to this forum because they wished to see changes in the validation process (remember, at the time it was just the GRG) because they had spent a lot of time researching claims that have still not been validated by the GRG. Then LQ came into play (accepting LAS validations, and later becoming accredited partners with the ESO), and you can see how much joy and happiness that's brought to the community here. That's not to say the community here doesn't care about the supercentenarians you introduce here, not at all. But the members here greatly care about the validation process, and that still requires bulletproof, sound documentation for any supercentenarian. For the cases that you present, that hasn't happened yet. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but the burden of proof is on the claimant, regardless. I wish you could see that too.
Finally, with regard to the ones "manipulating their powers," the Admin team would be happy to hear from you what is going on behind the scenes, because we have not been informed of any such power play. If anyone else here can corroborate what Aquanaut Chalk is saying, we'd love to hear from them too.
All the best, Aquanaut Chalk. 🙂
Kind regards,
the Admin
Dear All,
First off I would like to thank the admin for reaching out to me, and I would also like to thank diego, 930310, mrcatlord, billy, and chrisr for reaching out to me as well. I'd also like to thank the people I mentioned above, as well as ale76, marco, and 024tomi, and some others for your unending patience with me. You have truly helped me feel like part of an online family.
I feel it was a combination of remarks from a few people in the dms, feeling ignored here, and being off my medication, was what caused me to make the post I made about leaving the forum. I don't like to name names, but it was actions from a certain user who got banned on the110club, a certain user who promotes that JC was a false case, and a couple others that hurt my feelings and made me leave. Honestly, I'm over it now, and I don't feel that this is an issue anymore.
I never intended to promote cases such as Santos Cruz Flores or Batuli Lamichhane as proven to be true cases. My only intent was to promote them as plausible/unvalidated cases in hopes that one day they may have become validated. I've said it before, I am not a certified/professional researcher and I do not have access to the tools/programs that are required to do in depth investigations of unvalidated supercentenarians. I would never intentionally promote a proven false case to be plausible, such as Jesus Elias Loaiza Arenas. Nothing against Mr. Loaiza Arenas of course, but I think he should be moved from the "Living Longevity Claims" page of the fandom site to the "Proven Exaggerated or False Cases" page. My only hope here was to try and provide helpful information for cases that were unvalidated/plausible. I realize there is a boundary between plausible and obviously false cases. In my opinion, Batuli Lamichhane IS a plausible case due to 1930s documents and her age still falling into the category of theoretically possible. However, Mbah Gotho is NOT a plausible case. Reaching 146 is beyond human limits. Personally I believe that any unvalidated woman younger than Jeanne Calment (because she was already an outlier by 3 years), and any unvalidated man aged 119 or younger (3 year outlier rule for Kimura and Alves's ages) should be considered plausible but still unvalidated unless proven otherwise. Of course if the case is really extreme, (such as that one male claimant from 2014 who still walked 7km and chopped wood at the claimed age of 118) then it should be cast into doubt immediately.
It also did make me feel ignored and unseen on here when people didn't reply to my questions about whether a SC was proven to be false or not. If there was indeed proof of a case being false, it would save me a ton of time and energy researching the case if I knew beforehand. Right now, for unvalidated cases, I am researching the cases of Justina Santana Xavier da Silva, Otilio Dominguez Santos, Batuli Lamichhane, Santos Cruz Flores, Maria Rita Pereira, João Da Missanga, and Elias Chavez Alvarez. As far as I am concerned, none of them have been debunked. I feel that they are all plausible cases, although some more plausible than others. If you know that one of the cases is fully debunked, please let me know publicly or in the dms, as it would save me a lot of time. If one of these cases is false, please PLEASE tell me because the last thing I want to do is spread false information, or promote a false case as unvalidated or plausible. If I'm wrong, you can tell me and I will 100% admit that I'm wrong.
I would also like to apologize for blowing things way out of proportion at times and for causing some unnecessary arguments in the past. I called Seto a liar once and called Jimmy both condescending and apathetic, but I apologized and made amends with both of them. I recognized, I messed up a lot on this forum and I apologize for that as well.
I'd like to end with saying that I believe it's better for me if I don't post on this forum anymore, with the exception of rare occasions. I will still be active here, and like people's posts, but I just won't make any posts or start topics. This is entirely my decision, and it's not because of any member, so I don't want anyone to feel like they're at fault. If you guys wish to chat with me, feel free to send me a message and we can chat here or on my socials. I'm always down to talk about Supercentenarians, Video Games, YouTube, or Cooking.
- Your friend, A.C.
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
I'd like to end with saying that I believe it's better for me if I don't post on this forum anymore
I'm sorry that you don't want to post anymore, I really like your posts, and the cases you raise, I really think they should be researched too, or explained why they are false
The grandson of US President John Tyler, who was born in 1790, just turned 95 (138 year age difference)
It is crazy to think that not only are there living people who are only two generations away from the 1700s, but that this ancestor happened to be a historical figure
Today is the day that Halley’s Comet, which orbits the sun every 76-ish years, reaches its farthest distance away (“aphelion” in scientific terms, the point where it turns around near the sun is called perihelion) and begins to return to the centre of the solar system. Essentially, it goes in one direction for half its journey and then comes back (I’m not an astronomer though). The years that it has changed direction previously are around 1872 (estimating, not sure exactly when), 20 April 1910 (closest), 1948 (farthest), and 1986 (closest).
Essentially what I am saying here is that, prior to today, it was likely that the only person ever to have seen Halley’s Comet change direction four times was Augusta Holtz (possibly Mamie Keith or Mary McKinney depending on the date).
Now, anyone born before 20 April 1910 has seen it change four times; Maria, Fusa, Edie, Tomiko, Inah, Juan, Elizabeth, Ethel, Okagi, Pearl, Tane, Masa, Charlotte, Seki, (RIP Katsuko) and Efrain have earned an especially remarkable achievement.
Happy heavenly birthday to my now 114-year old grandfather today!
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
Happy heavenly birthday to my now 114-year old grandfather today!
I just saw this topic now, your grandfather will always be alive in your hearts, as long as he is remembered, I'm sure he was very loved while he was alive, and until today, next year he will be remembered again🌹 🌺
I just wanted to say I'm glad @record_116 is back on the forum with us 😎
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
Hey I noticed @seto2001 hasn't posted since 2 months ago and he was last active 04 April. Does anyone know how he is doing? I'll message him
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
I'm officially signing off here for the last and final time. Goodbye, to my dear friends I made here. But I've come to realize that this isn't the place for me. I am no expert, like I've said many times. I'm just feeling like a failure who's not smart enough to contribute real research. I don't want to be a part of this community anymore, because I always let Mt feelings get the better of me. I'm not good at anything. And yeah, I know I cause a lot of drama on here. I don't mean to. It's just I let my feelings get the better of me. But you don't deserve anymore of my stupidity, and my drama. That's why I've got to go. I know a couple of you will be happy to see me leave, and that's totally fine. I'm the one who's a emotional mess. All I ask for is that to the people on here that have a problem with me, to just please leave me alone. That's all I want. Just pretend that none of our interactions ever happened. Like accusing me of spreading false information, yeah don't do that. Because the more you continue to point out my faults, the more you're going to make me cry. And I don't feeling like turning into a crying and pathetic mess. So please leave me alone, and don't start drama because it will make me cry. I'm sure your forum would've been better without me here. Well, I'm sorry. I can't change the past 2 years. I would if I could, and I'd prevent myself from ever creating an account so I didn't annoy the community. But hey, at least I'm leaving so you won't have to put up with me ever again. It's time I go my separate way for good. Peace be with you all.
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
If the GRG members manage to find proof of age, he could have been the oldest living man in the United States
Be kind to everyone. Treat everyone like they're your own family. Don't judge others. Accept everyone for who they are regardless of what they do or look like.
Gerontology Wiki Content Moderator and WSF Moderator
Echovita obituaries are auto-generated, and can thus be unreliable. After a little digging I'm pretty sure James Sullivan was in fact born in 1941, "1914" was a typo and the automatic obituary took his age to be 111.
@mrcatlord Very nice (I am an astronomer (well, BSc, and enthusiast)), thank you!