Primo Olivieri (b. 7 March 1914) is currently the 3rd-oldest documented living man in Brazil. His mother was born in Italy, and his father was born in Brazil to Italian immigrants.
Aged 108:
Videos from around the time of his 109th birthday earlier this year:
Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
Hi, look do you know any confirmation of Primo Passing away on 17 March as this random person Matress89 from the GRG wiki added a fakes website of his death and said he had a heart attack. And now he's messaging me to undo his edit and I feel like he's doing vandalism as he did that to other people as well
Hi, I now know that he is still alive, another vandalism person again. Milan (Dejan) confirmed to me