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Oldest living people in Portugal (Age 107+)

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Since Portugal is not so well covered in the last years, and has no website similar to the Spanish one ( https://segundacentena.blogspot.com/), I will start a topic here to track people aged 108+

The list from Gerontology Wiki is quite good, but some centenarians still went under the radar.

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diego, Dejan and Ale76 reacted
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Cesaltina Vasconcelos (4 Mar 1914) of Sever do Vouga, Aveiro, Portugal


105th birthday:

"E já lá vão 105 na conta de Cesaltina
Cesaltina Vasconcelos assinalou 105 anos. A festa decorreu no passado dia 4 e Março. Foi uma festa bonita, onde se brindou à vida. Música, alegria e convívio marcaram o encontro. Um dia memorável para todos.
“Daqui a um ano cá estamos, para assinalar os 105, para mais um pezinho de dança e uma lição de vida!”. Foi assim que terminamos no ano passado a reportagem sobre mais um aniversário da Dona Cesaltina. Dito e feito. houve festa rija em Sever do Vouga. Um baile para celebrar a vida. Uma tarde de muita alegria. Cesaltina chegou aos 105 anos. A filha Alcina preparou um baile para mãe, como costuma fazer, aliás, quase todos os domingos.
Dançar é das coisas que Cesaltina mais gosta de fazer e foi assim que alcançou mais um ano. Dançar dá vida e a prova é esta senhora, cujos anos não passam por ela. Mantém a juvenilidade e a vontade de viver.
“Todos os anos faço uma festa, cada vez uma festa maior”, sublinha a filha Alcina, afinal, de ano para ano, a data é cada vez mais especial e rara."

108th birthday:

"𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐀́𝐑𝐈𝐎 || 𝐃. 𝐂𝐞𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐚-𝐟𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐬
O 108° aniversário da D. Cesaltina Vasconcelos, natural de Sever do Vouga, não passou despercebido ao presidente da Câmara Municipal, Pedro Amadeu Lobo."


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Dejan reacted
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Manuel of Lisbon (b. 31 October 1913) who could be the new Doyen of Portugal:

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Dejan and stoa-oid reacted
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Ana de Jesus Correia passed away, she was the 8th oldest person in Portugal, born on 12/24/1913, died on 8/22/2022

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New dean of Portugal is Joaquim Varela, born on 5/13/1915 in Odemira, Beja district, lives in São Brás de Alportel, Faro district

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Source of Joaquim Varela

Dejan reacted
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Alexandre Augusto from Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, Portugal, turned 107 years old on 10 December. 

He is the second-oldest known living man in Portugal, behind Joaquim Varela.



ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Dejan, Ale76, heatwave116 and 1 people reacted
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Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 20 December 2022:

1. Isabel Gomes Sarmento 27.12.1910, 111 (Moimenta da Beira, Viseu District, pop. 9,410)

2. Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

3. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 109 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

4. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 109 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

5. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

6. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

7. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

8. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

9. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

10. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

11. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

12. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

13. Libânia dos Santos 09.04.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

14. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

15. Almira Augusta 02.07.1915, 107 (Vilarelho da Raia, Vila Real District, pop. 464)

16. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

17. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

18. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

19. Isaura da Conceição Teixeira 18.10.1915, 107 (Oliveira do Hospital, Coimbra District, pop. 19,421)

20.Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

21. Josezinha Maria Tomás 12.12.1915, 107 (Tramagal, Santarém District, pop. 2,842)

This post was modified 2 years ago 6 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

FinbarrC, stoa-oid, Ale76 and 1 people reacted
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@gabriel_pt Lovely map and list!

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Gabriel_PT reacted
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@024tomi thanks! It was inspired on your list!

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

024Tomi reacted
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Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 27 December 2022:

Today's update (Mrs. Maria da Conceição Brito turned 110 and Mrs. Isabel Gomes Sarmento turned 112)

1. Isabel Gomes Sarmento 27.12.1910, 112 (Moimenta da Beira, Viseu District, pop. 9,410)

2. Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

3. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

4. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 109 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

5. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

6. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

7. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

8. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

9. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

10. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

11. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

12. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

13. Libânia dos Santos 09.04.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

14. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

15. Almira Augusta 02.07.1915, 107 (Vilarelho da Raia, Vila Real District, pop. 464)

16. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

17. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

18. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

19. Isaura da Conceição Teixeira 18.10.1915, 107 (Oliveira do Hospital, Coimbra District, pop. 19,421)

20. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

21. Josezinha Maria Tomás 12.12.1915, 107 (Tramagal, Santarém District, pop. 2,842)


*Mrs. Isabel Gomes Sarmento lives for seasons at her daughter's house in Amarante, Porto, and other seasons at her other daughter's house in Moimenta da Beira, Viseu, where her family is from.


This post was modified 2 years ago 6 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Ale76 reacted
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Posts: 319

Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 13 January 2023:

Today's update (RIP Mrs. Isabel Gomes Sarmento (1910-2023); RIP Mrs. Almira Augusta (1915-2023); Mr. Manuel Leitão turned 107)

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 109 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

11. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

12. Libânia dos Santos 09.04.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Isaura da Conceição Teixeira 18.10.1915, 107 (Oliveira do Hospital, Coimbra District, pop. 19,421)

18. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

19. Josezinha Maria Tomás 12.12.1915, 107 (Tramagal, Santarém District, pop. 2,842)

20. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

This post was modified 2 years ago 7 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego and Dejan reacted
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Posts: 319

Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 24 January 2023:

Today's update (RIP Mrs. Isaura da Conceição Teixeira (1915-2023) and an anonymous woman turned 107 Ângelo Valente | Facebook ; Ângelo Valente | Facebook )

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 109 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

11. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

12. Libânia dos Santos 09.04.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

18. Josezinha Maria Tomás 12.12.1915, 107 (Tramagal, Santarém District, pop. 2,842)

19. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

20. Anonymous 16.01.1916, 107 (Aveiro, Aveiro District, pop. 80,978)


This post was modified 2 years ago 5 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego, Dejan and WellAbove110 reacted
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Posts: 142

@gabriel_pt Is it possible for you to include the birth dates in the list? That way they can be added to the Gerontology Wiki if necessary.

diego reacted
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Posts: 319

@heatwave116 a while ago I added to the Gerontology Wiki list of oldest living people in Portugal all known living people with 107 years or more. Someone decided to remove from that list, people aged 107!

However, I have already edited these posts and added their dates of birth.

Here are the links of people aged 107 who are not on Gerontology Wiki list:

P. Coura: A ‘menina’ Ana fez 107 anos - É “destemida, trabalhadora e amorosa” - Rádio Vale do Minho (radiovaledominho.com)


Tramagal | Dona Zezinha comemora 107 anos de amor à vida e ao próximo | Médio Tejo (mediotejo.net)



Thanks for your suggestion!

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego reacted
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Posts: 381

@gabriel_pt I have added the List of oldest living people in Portugal (108+) as long as the people under 108 years between <!-- and --> are not deleted. It looks better when the list is 108+ for living people and 106+ for men than 107+ for both sexes and 106+ for men, then it would be best to collect all people 107+ and men 105+, So far it's 108+ for both sexes and everyone is listed as are all men over 106.

diego reacted
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Posts: 319

@dejan I understand your perspective, but for a country like Portugal, which has only 10 million inhabitants, there is not a very high number of people aged 108 or over. But for me it can stay that way, no problem! I will update here the list of people aged 107 or over (with birth dates).

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego reacted
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@gabriel_pt It can be the same there, but then it would be preferable to add all known men 105+ instead of 106+ and people of both sexes 107+ instead of 108+ (if there are men aged 105).

diego reacted
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@dejan I've been researching and I've only managed to find 2 Portuguese men aged 105, but there must be a few more.

António Borges Silvestre (22.08.1917) from Cabanas de Viriato, Viseu District

Cabanas de Viriato | 105 anos hoje. | Facebook


António (unknown surname) (14.01.1918) from Aguiar da Beira, Guarda District



And I found another man alive aged 107 from Portugal:

Joaquim Pires (23.08.1915) I'm not sure if he lives in Abrantes, Santarém District or in Coimbra.

Aged 101 (says there his complete name):


105th birthday:


106th birthday:


107th birthday:


ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego and Dejan reacted
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Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 10 February 2023:

Today's update (RIP Mrs. Josesinha Maria Tomás (1915-2023); Happy 107th Birthday Francisco Filipe)

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 109 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

11. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

12. Libânia dos Santos 09.04.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

18. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

19. Anonymous 16.01.1916, 107 (Aveiro, Aveiro District, pop. 80,978)

20. Francisco Filipe 08.02.1916, 107 (Aveiras de Cima, Lisbon District, pop. 4,762)


O MIRANTE | Francisco Filipe celebra 107 anos de vida no lar em Aveiras de Cima

Dia especial no Lar de Aveiras: Francisco Filipe comemora hoje... 107 anos de vida! - Jornal Fundamental (fundamental-diario.pt)

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This post was modified 2 years ago 6 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Dejan and Ale76 reacted
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@gabriel_pt So, there was also, as you wrote, Ms. Libânia dos Santos (09.04.1915 - 26.02.2023) 107 years and 323 days

She was born in São Vicente da Beira, Castelo Branco District and died in Covilhã, Castelo Branco District.

She was the second-oldest known living person in Castelo Branco District, at the time of her death. 

She was the 12th OLP in Portugal.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Gabriel_PT reacted
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@ale76 thanks! Mrs Libânia was unknown until her own death. Probably there are more unknown living people in Portugal aged 107+ years.

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

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Posts: 319

Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 27 February 2023:

Today's update (RIP Mrs. Libânia dos Santos (1915-2023); Happy 110th Birthday Deolinda da Nazaré)

Note that I have amended the previous posts and added the previously unknown cases of Almira Augusta, Libânia dos Santos and Joaquim Pires.

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 110 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 108 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

11. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

12. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

13. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

14. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

15. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

16. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

17. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

18. Anonymous 16.01.1916, 107 (Aveiro, Aveiro District, pop. 80,978)

19. Francisco Filipe 08.02.1916, 107 (Aveiras de Cima, Lisbon District, pop. 4,762)

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Dejan reacted
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Posts: 258

an anonymous woman from Lisbon turned 108 last year


diego, Dejan and Gabriel_PT reacted
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Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 9 March 2023:

Today's update (RIP Anonymous woman from Aveiro (1916-2023); Happy 109th Birthday Mrs. Cesaltina Vasconcelos; I added the Anonymous woman from Lisbon)

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 110 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 109 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Anonymous 08.08.1914, 108 (Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

11. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

12. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

18. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

19. Francisco Filipe 08.02.1916, 107 (Aveiras de Cima, Lisbon District, pop. 4,762)


RIP previously unknown cases:

Maria Rita João (1914/1915 - 04.03.2023) 108 years (2nd/3rd OLP in Lisbon District)

Alfredo Lourenço Canhoto (01.06.1915 - 04.03.2023) 107 years and 276 days (OLM and 2nd OLP in Guarda District)

This post was modified 2 years ago 4 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Dejan, Ale76, stoa-oid and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 258

 Adosinda Ferreira (b. 20 March 1915) of Montalegre, Vila Real district will turn 108 soon.

Dejan reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 319

@filipe93 I think that she was born on 20 March 1916, because it was reported on 20 March 2022 that she turned her 106th birthday:

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Filipe93 reacted
Supercentenarian Fan
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 258

@gabriel_pt Oh, thanks for the correction

diego and Gabriel_PT reacted
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Posts: 319

Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 23 March 2023:

Today's update (Happy 107th birthday Mrs. Maria da Silva Oliveira and happy 107th birthday Mrs. Adozinda Alves Ferreira)

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 110 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 109 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 108 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Anonymous 08.08.1914, 108 (Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

11. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

12. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

18. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

19. Francisco Filipe 08.02.1916, 107 (Aveiras de Cima, Lisbon District, pop. 4,762)

20. Maria da Silva Oliveira 15.03.1916, 107 (Cabanelas, Braga District, pop. 1,975)

21. Adozinda Alves Ferreira 20.03.1916, 107 (Medeiros (Chã), Vila Real District, pop. 701)

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

Dejan, diego, Ale76 and 1 people reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 319

Oldest known living people in Portugal (107+) as of 28 March 2023:

Today's update (Happy 107th birthday Mrs. Margarida Mendes Barros and happy 109th birthday Mrs. Branca Pinto de Carvalho)

1.Inácia Carmelino 17.06.1911, 111 (Ajuda, Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

2. Maria da Conceição Brito 22.12.1912, 110 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

3. Deolinda da Nazaré 20.02.1913, 110 (Espinho, Aveiro District, pop. 31,043)

4. Custódia Maria Inácia 26.04.1913, 109 (Faro, Faro District, pop. 67,650)

5. Maria Helena Garcia 02.11.1913, 109 (Porto, Porto District, pop. 231,962) 

6. Cesaltina Vasconcelos 04.03.1914, 109 (Sever do Vouga, Aveiro District, pop. 11,063)

7. Branca Pinto de Carvalho 27.03.1914, 109 (Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria District, pop. 2,169)

8. Fernanda da Costa 02.06.1914, 108 (Nelas, Viseu District, pop. 13,121)

9. Celeste Campino 06.07.1914, 108 (Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District, pop. 3,276)

10. Anonymous 08.08.1914, 108 (Lisbon, Lisbon District, pop. 545,796)

11. Celestina Rebelo 26.08.1914, 108 (Dornelas, Guarda District, pop. 666)

12. Emília Mendes 16.10.1914, 108 (Marinhais, Santarém District, pop. 6,336)

13. Joaquim Varela 13.05.1915, 107 (São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, pop. 11,266)

14. Ana Pires 28.07.1915, 107 (Paredes de Coura, Viana do Castelo District, pop. 8,632)

15. Joaquim Pires 23.08.1915, 107 (Abrantes, Santarém District, pop. 34,351)

16. Maria Pestana França 06.10.1915, 107 (Porto Santo, Madeira, pop. 5,158)

17. Alexandre Augusto 10.12.1915, 107 (Covilhã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 46,457)

18. Manuel Leitão 09.01.1916, 107 (Sertã, Castelo Branco District, pop. 14,748)

19. Francisco Filipe 08.02.1916, 107 (Aveiras de Cima, Lisbon District, pop. 4,762)

20. Maria da Silva Oliveira 15.03.1916, 107 (Cabanelas, Braga District, pop. 1,975)

21. Adozinda Alves Ferreira 20.03.1916, 107 (Medeiros (Chã), Vila Real District, pop. 701)

22. Margarida Mendes Barros 21.03.1916, 107 (São Pedro do Sul, Viseu District, pop. 15,137)






Branca Pinto de Carvalho had a sister named Laurinda who died on 17 March 2023, aged 100 years and 19 days:






This post was modified 2 years ago by Gabriel_PT

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

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