Dog 1 (July 1999- August 2012): She was a type of hound. We put down her at 13 years and 1 month. She was suffering breast cancer.

Dog 2 (2003-2009): Podenco breed. We put down her at approximately 6 years. She was very ill due to leishmaniasis.

Dog 3 (2006- 24 October 2019): Old Spanish Pointer. We put down her at approximately 13 years. She had uterus cancer in her last year.

Dog 4 (30 October 2010- Living): Bodeguero Andaluz (Spanish Terrier). Still living, will turn 14 in October. She is totally blind and walks slowly, but she is not ill.

Dog 5 (12 October 2011- 22 March 2023): Teckel/Dachsund. We put her down at 11 years. She had leishmaniasis since she was 2 years, but she was diagnosed very soon and lived for years thanks to daily pills. But the illness reactivated in March 2023.

Dog 6 (2015- Living): English Setter. Last year she had urinary infection but now is OK at 9 years.

Dog 7 (17 July 2019- Living): Mix of Brittany Spaniel and English Setter. He is OK at 5 years.

PS: I have a neighbor whose dog is 18 years. She is a mix of Yorkshire Terrier (I think), and she is doing well for her age.