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Smallest cities for the oldest man or woman in the country

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The oldest living man in Brazil, Josino Levino Ferreira lives in a small town in a state that is not among the most populous in the country (it is the 17th most populous of 27 states)
He lives in Coronel Ezequiel (Rio Grande do Norte), which has only 5117 inhabitants according to the census carried out in 2022
I really liked this, as it is a way for the city to become known too, as few people have heard of it and it is a way to become better known
I would like to know about the smallest cities that have or had the oldest person living in the country as an inhabitant, if anyone has seen about this or knows of any other cases, I know there must be more

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Ethel Caterham was born in a very small town, Shipton Bellinger, 1504 inhabitants in 2011, is a very cool example of people who hold the title of oldest man or woman in the country (in this case the oldest person) born in a small town , with few inhabitants, but she moved and currently lives in Surrey Heath, which has 88874 inhabitants (2018)

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Mr. Antonio Todde (22 January 1889 – 3 January 2002, 112) was a validated Italian SC who was the OLM in the world. He was born and always lived in Tiana, Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy

Tiana is a small svillage in province of Nuoro with 434 inhabitants

Ms. Rosa Pesce (12 September 1902 – 9 January 2013, 112) was a validated Italian SC born and always lived in Castelnuovo di Ceva, Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy. She was not the Doyenne of Italy, though. At the end of 2012 I went to Castelnuovo di Ceva in front of her house but I did not meet her because she was frail. I met some of her relatives and neighbors.

Castelnuovo di Ceva is a small village in province of Cuneo with 99 inhabitants.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

Gabriel_PT and diego reacted
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Wow, that's cool, thank you very much for setting this example, she must have been a source of pride for the city, even though I don't hold the title of oldest woman in Italy, she's a very cool example, I think it's difficult to find a supercentenarian who lives or has lived in a city with fewer inhabitants than 99, thank you very much for sharing this information, I loved knowing it and I'm curious to know about more examples

🙂 😀 

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Silveria Martín, former doyenne of Spain, was born in Talavera la Vieja (Cáceres, Spain). This town had about 1800 inhabitants and was flooded in 1963 to make the Valdecañas reservoir.

Piedad Loriente, current doyenne of Spain, was born in Agüero (Huesca, Spain). 143 people where living there in 2023.

Valentina Martín, who died at 112 of covid, was born in Zapardiel de la Cañada (Ávila, Spain). 83 people where living there in 2023.

diego and Gabriel_PT reacted
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Beautiful examples of people born in small towns, even though they moved and went to live in other cities, I'm sure they were proud of their roots.
A very interesting story about the city that was flooded, even though it was small, it must have been sad for its inhabitants to leave the place knowing that the city would disappear.
And a city with only 83 inhabitants appeared as the mother city of a supercentenarian, she must certainly be one of its most famous daughters.
Thank you very much for your contribution, and of course if you remember more examples it will be very nice to read, just like everyone else here.

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Gunnel Stenbäck, the doyenne of Finland, was born in Lumparland, Åland, that is currently the fourth-least populous municipality in Finland with only 372 inhabitants.

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Wow, that's cool, today she lives in Helsinki, but her hometown is always mentioned, and I think that's really cool, having someone who gets so far in longevity in the country born in such a small city, it must be really special, I think these cities could use this in some way too, to become known in the country, it's really good to know about this case too, I loved it.

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Gerarda Hurenkamp-Bosgoed (5 January 1870 - 25 May 1980) was born in Twello (Gelderland), which has 2.305 inhabitants as of 2023.

Christina van Druten-Hoogakker (20 November 1876 - 8 December 1987) was born in Zetten (Gelderland), which has 5.210 inhabitants as of 2023.

Ann Flower (8 July 1885 - 9 August 1995) was born in Ellecom (Gelderland), which has 1.025 inhabitants as of 2023.

Cornelia Hendrikse-Maas (2 December 1885 - 15 July 1996) was born in Aardenburg (Zeeland), which has 2.465 inhabitants as of 2023.

Geertje Roelinga-de Groot (29 June 1887 - 14 August 1997) was born in what is now known as Wijnjwoude (Friesland), which has 2.130 inhabitants as of 2023.

Alexandrina van Donkelaar-Vink (31 January 1895 - 19 May 2006) was born in Vlaardinger-Ambacht, which is now part of the town of Vlaardingen (South Holland). In 1899, it had 1.367 inhabitants. 

Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries (22 October 1902 - 14 August 2014) was born in Uffelte (Drenthe), which has 1.440 inhabitants as of 2023.

Cornelia Boonstra-van der Bijl (6 October 1910 - 15 May 2021) was born in Herwijnen (Gelderland), which has 2.810 inhabitants as of 2023.

Ebeltje Boekema-Hut (31 August 1911 - 11 June 2022) was born in Zevenhuizen (Groningen), which has 2.800 inhabitants as of 2023.

Marina van der Es-Siewers (4 March 1913 - 11 March 2024) was born in Van Ewijcksluis (North Holland), which has just 220 inhabitants as of 2024.

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Teresa Fernández, 4th OLP in Spain, was born and still lives in Zambroncinos del Páramo (León, Spain). 92 people where living there (including Teresa) in 2023.

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Some Portuguese supercentenarians lived their entire lives in small villages, whose population is unknown (on the internet). It is only possible to know the total population of the parishes that covers the villages where they lived and other villages belonging to the same parish. The numbers refer to the population of an entire parish and not just the village where each supercentenarian lived:

Catarina Carreiro (1891-2004) 113 years and 35 days, lived her entire life in the parish of Penha Garcia, wich has 551 inhabitants. She was the second-oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

Joaquim Valente (1911-2021) 110 years and 100 days, lived his entire life in Quinta de Gonçalo Martins, in the parish of Marmeleiro, wich has 297 inhabitants. He was the second-oldest living man in Portugal at time of his death. 

Elvira de Jesus Caldeira de Figueiredo (1886-1998) 111 years and 313 days, lived most of her life in Portela da Cerdeira, in the parish of Cerdeira, wich has 324 inhabitants. She was the oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

Laurinda da Conceição (1904-2015) 111 years and 175 days, lived her entire life in Coelhosa, in the parish of Lagarteira, wich has 504 inhabitants. She was the oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

Maria Felícia Roseiro Bento (1901-2011) 110 years and 265 days, lived her entire life in Alfafar, in the parish of Podentes, wich has 473 inhabitants. She was the oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

Maria do Carmo Fernandes (1902-2012) 110 years and 29 days, lived her entire life in Sesmo, in the parish of Carvalhal, wich has 491 inhabitants. She was the second-oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

Adelaide Sofia (1913-2024) 110 years and 254 days, lived most of her life in Melcões, in the parish of Melcões, wich has 125 inhabitants. She was the third-oldest living person in Portugal at time of her death. 

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

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Posted by: @jimjim00


To add:

- Chrissemeuje Karnebeek-Backs was born in Holterhoek, which had 770 inhabitants as of 2007.

- Grada Hurenkamp-Bosgoed was not born in Twello, but in Terwolde. Terwolde had 2,305 inhabitants as of 2023. She did die in Twello.

- Christina van Druten-Hoogakker died in Randwijk, which had 1,460 inhabitants as of 2021.

- Mies Hol, though not the country's oldest, was born in and died in Ingen, which had 2,250 inhabitants as of 2023.

- Trien Peters-Keultjes, though not the country's oldest, was born in Westervoort, which had 1,820 inhabitants in December 1899. In fact, she was born in a hamlet part of the entire municipality, which consists of 23 addresses as of 2024 (but there were fewer in the late 1800s - roughly around ten).


Overduidelijk misschien.

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Thank you all very much for sharing. I loved hearing about each of the cases. Reaching 110 years of age is a very remarkable feat. The person must be very healthy, and the place where that person lives must be very proud of it. Imagine these cities that have less than 1,000, less than 500, less than 100 inhabitants receiving visits from people from the Guinness Book, from longevity researchers. It could be the most important thing in the city's history and be recognized internationally as the birthplace or city where the oldest person in the country lives, or one of the oldest people in the country lives or was born, which is already sensational too. Of course, if you remember more cases, it would be great to know, and I would be very happy.

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Blackpoint, Exuma, Bahamas is a city with 414 inhabitants, and was where the oldest known person in the country's history, Millie Robinson, born on August 19, 1914 and still alive today, was born.

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Apparently John Jones (1899-2010), who is unvalidated but likely true, was born in Monticello, Florida at a time when it had slightly over 1,000 total residents.

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Fred Hale (1890-2004) was born in New Sharon, Maine when it had slightly over 1,000 total residents.

Walter Breuning (1896-2011) was born in Melrose, Minnesota, when it probably had slightly over 1,000 total residents, though hard to say for certain, because we only have data for 1890 and 1900, not for 1896 in particular.

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Posted by: @futurist

Fred Hale (1890-2004) was born in New Sharon, Maine when it had slightly over 1,000 total residents.

Walter Breuning (1896-2011) was born in Melrose, Minnesota, when it probably had slightly over 1,000 total residents, though hard to say for certain, because we only have data for 1890 and 1900, not for 1896 in particular.

Wow, how cool, two of the oldest validated men in the world, at 113+ were born in small towns
I hope John Jones gets validated soon too


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Posted by: @diego

Posted by: @futurist

Fred Hale (1890-2004) was born in New Sharon, Maine when it had slightly over 1,000 total residents.

Walter Breuning (1896-2011) was born in Melrose, Minnesota, when it probably had slightly over 1,000 total residents, though hard to say for certain, because we only have data for 1890 and 1900, not for 1896 in particular.

Wow, how cool, two of the oldest validated men in the world, at 113+ were born in small towns
I hope John Jones gets validated soon too 

With John Jones, there is an issue that we can't find a 1910 US Census entry for either him or his family, and he's likely listed in the 1900 US Census under a different name (Timothy Jones). But it's likely him and not an elder brother because his younger sister Louise was apparently born in December 1901. So, if Timothy (born in October 1899, as per the 1900 US Census, not in February 1899 like John Jones himself claimed later on in his life) had a younger brother before Louise, he'd have to have been born in late 1900. The timing here is very tight. John Jones is listed as being ahead of and older than Louise in the 1920 US Census.

BTW, Christian Mortensen (1882-1998) also came from a small town:

And Israel Kristal (1903-2017) came from a town that currently has just 150 people:,_Ko%C5%84skie_County


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Stanislaw Kowalski (1910-2022) came from a village that currently has only 90 people:,_%C5%9Awi%C4%99tokrzyskie_Voivodeship

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Posted by: @futurist

Stanislaw Kowalski

Posted by: @futurist

Christian Mortensen

Posted by: @futurist

Israel Kristal

They are very famous names, and they came from very small cities, less than 200, less than 100 inhabitants, it's a shame that they don't give much value to the achievements of these people, or if they do, the recognition is really cool, I think they could make a statue to them in these cities, something, I don't know, I wonder if they are known in these small towns, if anyone has heard of them, I hope so

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I remember Stanislaw Kowalski, he was one of my favorite supercentenarians and I would have want for him to have reached the age of 112, I am sure he had much more potential than that, his death was sudden like that of Luis Torras.

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Posted by: @spaceuser

I remember Stanislaw Kowalski, he was one of my favorite supercentenarians and I would have want for him to have reached the age of 112, I am sure he had much more potential than that, his death was sudden like that of Luis Torras.

Has his cause of death ever been revealed? I hope that he lived to his full potential.

Age 112+ is very difficult to reach for Polish women, not just for Polish men.


SpaceUser and diego reacted
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@futurist In his thread in 110 club it was said that shortly before he died his daughter had died, and it is most likely that this had an impact on him.

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Posted by: @spaceuser

@futurist In his thread in 110 club it was said that shortly before he died his daughter had died, and it is most likely that this had an impact on him.

Yes, I know about his daughter's death, but I still can't be sure that it had an effect on him. I mean, he had several other surviving children, no? And when his 112th birthday was very rapidly approaching, why not hold on until reaching it? He surely knew that he had a lot of fans, after all.

His daughter died 3.5 weeks before he died, IIRC.


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I mean that I still can't be sure that it had an effect on *his longevity*. Obviously it had an effect on him emotionally.

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Violet Brown (1900-2017) was born in the town Duanvale, Trelawny, Jamaica, which had a population of 261 by 1975. 

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Posted by: @fish

Violet Brown (1900-2017) was born in the town Duanvale, Trelawny, Jamaica, which had a population of 261 by 1975. 

Israel Kristal still beats her! 😉

BTW, not quite a SC (was very, very close to becoming one), but Barney Myers (1910-2020) was born in a town that had just 408 people in the year of his birth:,_South_Dakota

I also think that Charles Edward Graves (1888-1999) was born in a very small town in Mississippi. Or perhaps in some rural unincorporated part of Jones County?

Also, off-topic, but you haven't responded to my last several messages to you on Is everything alright? (I want you to tell Stefan to give me credit for finding Agustin Reyes Ortiz's (1887-1998) birth/baptismal record, please!)


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Posted by: @fish

Violet Brown

She was the oldest person in the world and came from a city with 261 people, very interesting, very cool

Posted by: @futurist

Charles Edward Graves

Do you know the name of the city where he was born?
From what I saw, he was born in Ellisville. Is that really the city where he was born?


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Posted by: @diego

Do you know the name of the city where he was born?
From what I saw, he was born in Ellisville. Is that really the city where he was born?

I believe that Ellsville is correct, but you can check his WWI draft registration card if you want to be sure:

Yep, Ellsville appears to be correct!

It appears to have had just several hundred people back in 1888:,_Mississippi


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This Ohio township, with a total population of slightly over 1,000 people in 2020, produced both a 109-year-old and a 110-year-old, two sisters:,_Darke_County,_Ohio

Specifically these two:

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