I mean that Mrs Morera will now be the oldest (or longest lived) person to have been born in 1907.
Sometimes the last remaining person from a particular year is not the oldest born that year.
in this case, not only has Mrs Morera been the oldest 1907 born person for some time, she cannot now lose that title as there is no one else left.
The exception would be a new validation from 1907, but the chances of that appear very low.
As of yesterday Mrs. Branyas Morera has been the oldest person in Spain for four years
1 week ago:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
I don't know if there's anything to worry about, but this photo worries me a little.
María Branyas Morera looks older and clearly in decline, it doesn't seem like it in her March photos.
I'm especially worried because it's already going to be January and I'm worried it will be like the last two.
Let's hope it's not a bad sign.
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
I don't know if there's anything to worry about, but this photo worries me a little.
María Branyas Morera looks older and clearly in decline, it doesn't seem like it in her March photos.
I'm especially worried because it's already going to be January and I'm worried it will be like the last two.
Let's hope it's not a bad sign.
The new photo of Edie worries me even more (although we don't know the full context of that photo because it is quite close-up)
Maria Branyas Morera still looks extremely elegant in her outfit, perhaps a little tired.
For what it’s worth I personally can’t see too many negatives in Edie’s picture.
It could well be just an elderly lady, buying into the Xmas spirit, who also just dropped off for a sleep or similar.
María has had a decline, but this is normal as she is almost 117. She is not as active as a couple of years before, and she looks thinner, but I think she is still in decent shape and mentally sharp looking to the last photos.
As for Edie, I don't see remarkable changes in her. It seems she has dementia, but phisically she looks OK.
Ms. Branyas Morera confirmed alive as of today:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
Congratulations on this milestone María Branyas Morera!
The last one to reach 1 year as WOP so far had been Kane Tanaka in 2019.
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
Today's new post on X:
"And with his eyes without looking anywhere he said: next to the desire to live you will have the desire to die and it will be like this until the end". I make this thought of my contemporary Mercè Rodoreda my own. My head is still agile, but my whole body is dying out. I won't last long.”. https://twitter.com/MariaBranyas112/status/1754431364525408381
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
Today's new post on X:
"And with his eyes without looking anywhere he said: next to the desire to live you will have the desire to die and it will be like this until the end". I make this thought of my contemporary Mercè Rodoreda my own. My head is still agile, but my whole body is dying out. I won't last long.”. https://twitter.com/MariaBranyas112/status/1754431364525408381
This is quite worrying
Is it a coincidence that she posted this on her successor's birthday?
I don't know if that phrase should be taken as a bad sign or as a reflective phrase.
According to me, no one talks about death or thinks about death when it is not present.
On the other hand, I think it's just a coincidence that she posted it today.
I wonder if she knows that today is the birthday of the second oldest validated person in the world.
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
In a recent tweet she also said this february will be the last of her life. I don't know if these comments are really worrying or not.
Anyway, it's not the first time that she is in this negative way... Maybe she is only thinking that sooner than later will leave this world, as she is almost 117...
One must always treat these comments with care, as they can often amount to the philosophical exercise that many go through, of dealing with their own inevitable mortality (at some stage).
There are also different versions of this type of statement. For example, from at least her 115th birthday (and possibly earlier) Lucille Randon expressed a preference to “move on” and generally wondered why this hadn’t happened. She lived almost four years beyond that date.
Also worth noting that most supercentenarians have probably outlived their peers by 30+ years and regrettably also, at least some of their own children. So surely these types of thoughts and statements will occur.
I believe we shouldn’t worry about persons of this age, unless we believe they are suffering either mentally or physically.
They always seem ready to move on when their time comes, and if they are not optimistic about their continued survival, then that’s their own right.
I’m not being negative or critical of the respectful posts above, just expressing an alternative perspective.
In a recent tweet she also said this february will be the last of her life. I don't know if these comments are really worrying or not.
Anyway, it's not the first time that she is in this negative way... Maybe she is only thinking that sooner than later will leave this world, as she is almost 117...
Google Translate says "I start my last month of February" - does this mean it will be her last February or her last month on general?
She also posted this recently (I think Fada is the name of her dog?):
My beloved FADA has been a mother, a feeling called Life. I, on the other hand, am getting closer and closer to death. But as Benedetti says: "After all, death is just a symptom that there was life". 👇
AAll of these have been posted since the beginning of this month. I am quite worried for Maria's health
I know catalan, and yes, she means that it's her last February, not her last month. Fada is the collie of the picture. María likes collies so much and Fada is her favorite living dog (by the way, fada means fairy, just like hada in spanish).In a recent tweet she also said this february will be the last of her life. I don't know if these comments are really worrying or not.
Anyway, it's not the first time that she is in this negative way... Maybe she is only thinking that sooner than later will leave this world, as she is almost 117...
Google Translate says "I start my last month of February" - does this mean it will be her last February or her last month on general?
She also posted this recently (I think Fada is the name of her dog?):
My beloved FADA has been a mother, a feeling called Life. I, on the other hand, am getting closer and closer to death. But as Benedetti says: "After all, death is just a symptom that there was life". 👇
AAll of these have been posted since the beginning of this month. I am quite worried for Maria's health
I don't really know how is the current health of María. I think these negative comments are not an evidence of María health status, just her thougths/feelings. I think she is having a decline, as it is normal for her age, but who knows if this decline is being quick or serious now...
I know catalan, and yes, she means that it's her last February, not her last month. Fada is the collie of the picture. María likes collies so much and Fada is her favorite living dog (by the way, fada means fairy, just like hada in spanish).In a recent tweet she also said this february will be the last of her life. I don't know if these comments are really worrying or not.
Anyway, it's not the first time that she is in this negative way... Maybe she is only thinking that sooner than later will leave this world, as she is almost 117...
Google Translate says "I start my last month of February" - does this mean it will be her last February or her last month on general?
She also posted this recently (I think Fada is the name of her dog?):
My beloved FADA has been a mother, a feeling called Life. I, on the other hand, am getting closer and closer to death. But as Benedetti says: "After all, death is just a symptom that there was life". 👇
AAll of these have been posted since the beginning of this month. I am quite worried for Maria's health
I don't really know how is the current health of María. I think these negative comments are not an evidence of María health status, just her thougths/feelings. I think she is having a decline, as it is normal for her age, but who knows if this decline is being quick or serious now...
I know Maria's accounts has made tweets talking about how she is weakening and her death is near before, but three within the same week still seems a bit alarming. If she makes it to her birthday we'll get a clearer picture of her health
One thing I wonder is, does she have any input into the topics of the tweets her daughter posts or does her daughter entirely make them herself?
New tweets from Maria Branyas Morera's account
This is already worrying, I don't think they are just thoughtful tweets, there are already several.
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
"Very close to my sunset, I bless you, life,
because you never gave me even failed hope,
nor unfair work, nor undeserved punishment;
because I see the end of my rough path
that I was the architect of my own destiny"
"that if I extracted honey or gall from things,
It was because I put gall or tasty honey in them:
When I planted rose bushes, I always harvested roses.
I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face.
Life, you owe me nothing! Life, we are at peace!"
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
Every WOPs after 2012, expect only Jeralean Talley, are becoming a very prestigious position - the top ten oldest person in history.
Besse Cooper (#8), Dina Manfredini(#10), Jiroemon Kimura (#9), Misao Okawa (#5), Gertrude Werver (#7), Jeralean Talley (#13), Susannah Jones (#7), Emma Morano (#4), Violet Brown (#4), Nabi Tajima (#4), Chiyo Miyako (#9), Kane Tanaka (#2), Lucile Randon (#4)
In pasr three days, María Branyas Morera surpassed the age of Francisca Celsa dos Santos and Maria Capovilla, the two outstanding recordholder who is all-time #1 and #2 recordholder of South America.
María Branyas Morera came in 12th place, ahead of Jeralean Tally, with the age of 116 years and 350 days today.
I find it amazing that the trend of WOP being in the top 10 all-time has continued for so long, and María Branyas Morera could be part of it in the next 100 days.
Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)
I know that others keep top 10 statistics, so I'll defer to them for their own opinions and feedback.
But it appears Maria may have recently completed 1,000 days in the top 10 - still a very rare milestone. (if now achieved)
at 117:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
I visited Morera-Gifu Station today for the first time. A station located in Gifu prefecture, which having the same name as part of her name, Maria Branyas Morera.
And, for the record and information of all fans and researchers (just as Japanese forum and Wikipedia's spirit), provide the important link:
I wonder if she read my birthday message or not.
Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)