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I'd like to start the topic for Hungary with the the February 2022 data from the National Pension Insurance administration. As usual, exact numbers below 5 are sadly not available due to privacy laws.

Year of birth - male - female - together

  • Born before 31 Dec 1922: ≈255 men, ≈1210 women, ≈1465 persons
  • Estimate for centenarians: ≈180 men, ≈820 women, ≈1000 centenarians (9.7 centenarians per 100,000 residents)
  • Doyenne: Unidentified, b. 1910
  • Doyen: Unidentified, b. 1916 (possibly József Standovári, b. 10 August 1916)
  • Although no direct confirmation, Istvánné Fejes (b. 15 February 1911) has likely turned 111
  • Everyone in the top 10 is at least 107

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
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Pálné Varga (née Magdolna, surname unknown) - of Encs, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County - has turned 107. She was born on 5 March 1915 in Forró, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. She survived COVID-19 shortly before her 106th birthday.


Happy belated birthday!

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Dejan reacted
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Do you have the birth or baptismal record and other documents for Istvánné Fejes?

Very cool haha
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Who are the identities of the 1914-born women of Hungary?

Dejan reacted
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@sailor-haumea So far, I don't. A family tree in a 1932 book about Hungarian noble families confirms that she was born on 15 February 1911 in Nagybánya (now Baia Mare). I've found a 1947 document mentioning her and her husband (proof of name change), although no ages are shown there. I have indirect connection to her family, but they seem to be withdrawn (this explains why she was unreported until 110).

@rich_villa Only one of the five was reported in the past year, Gézáné Nyári of Kecskemét (b. 2 October 1914).

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Posted by: @024tomi

@sailor-haumea So far, I don't. A family tree in a 1932 book about Hungarian noble families confirms that she was born on 15 February 1911 in Nagybánya (now Baia Mare). I've found a 1947 document mentioning her and her husband (proof of name change), although no ages are shown there. I have indirect connection to her family, but they seem to be withdrawn (this explains why she was unreported until 110).

@rich_villa Only one of the five was reported in the past year, Gézáné Nyári of Kecskemét (b. 2 October 1914).

I'm assuming the birth and/or baptismal records still exist. Aniţica Butariu's baptismal record from 1882 was still in Madrigesti so surely Istvánné Fejes's from 1911 must still be in Baia Mare?

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Posted by: @rich_villa

Who are the identities of the 1914-born women of Hungary?

An update on 1914-born Hungarian residents:

Gézáné Nyári (née Terézia Köte), born on 2 October 1914 in Kecskemét, sadly passed away in the same town in early July 2022, at the age of 107 years and 9 months. May she rest in peace.

Death notice

However, the following is a pleasant surpise, as her last online mention was from her 100th birthday: Árpádné Juhász (née Terézia, surname not yet known to me) turned 108 back in May. She was born on 14 May 1914 in Győr, and currently lives in a care home in Győrújbarát.

108th birthday notice
100th birthday report

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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József Standovár (b. 10 August 1916) - of Kislippó, Baranya County - sadly passed away back on 30 March 2022, at the age of 105 years and 232 days. He was either the doyen or the vice-doyen of Hungary. Additionally, he is the southernmost known 105+ person ever within the current borders of the country.

Confirmed by personal correspondence.

May he rest in peace.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Dejan reacted
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@024tomi Who is the new OLM of Hungary (probably 105 or under 105).

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@dejan If I knew, I'd share. Likely 105, if the other 1916-born man is living, then maybe 106. 

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Great news: Istvánné Fejes (née Erzsébet Soltész) is still alive, aged 111 years and 259 days as of today.

I was able to contact her daughter, and she seems kind of interested in scientific validation (she has a PhD in Physics).

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Hungary's oldest active Facebook user, Ferenc Bakó (b. 9 November 1917) has turned 105, and posted his own thoughts on this occasion (nowadays he usually just shares stuff, although he used to write lengthy posts up until recently):

I bless you, My Lord, My God!
I bless you, because you're holding my two hands and have lead me,
with my 2,065,967,000 steps,
from the 105th étape to the 106th étape of my life.
I bless you, because you have given me so much energy
that I could use that for supporting others.
I bless you, because you have helped me save my body
from falls causing bloody wounds.
I bless you My Lord,
because I know that you'll stay with me on this next chapter of my life.
Feri bácsi

Mr Bakó is also one of the oldest living men in Hungary. Happy 105th birthday to him!


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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 County or country of
Rank NameSex Birth Death Age birthdeath
 1Veronika ZsilinszkiF4 Feb 190820 Apr 2021113 years, 75 daysSERBIABács-Kiskun
 2Istvánné FejesF15 Feb 1911Living111 years, 271 daysROMANIACsongrád-Csanád
 3Jánosné BélikF17 Sept 19073 Nov 2018111 years, 47 daysPestPest
 4Jánosné KernerF23 Dec 190921 Dec 2020110 years, 364 daysSomogyVeszprem
 5Jánosné KudászF27 Apr 190219 Mar 2013110 years, 326 daysBudapestPest
 6Rezső GallaiM29 Jan 19045 Sept 2014110 years, 239 daysVasGyőr-Moson-Sopron
 7Dezsőné KovácsF25 Sept 190613 May 2017110 years, 230 daysHajdú-BiharBács-Kiskun
 8Sándorné CsíkiF18 Jan 189420 July 2004110 years, 184 daysBorsod-Abaúj-ZemplénFejér
 9Jánosné VargaF10 Mar 189511 Aug 2005110 years, 154 daysBudapestBudapest
 10Elza BrandeiszF18 Sept 19076 Jan 2018110 years, 110 daysBudapestGyőr-Moson-Sopron
 11Józsefné SzűcsF28 Oct 189017 Dec 2000110 years, 50 daysJász-Nagykun-SzolnokJász-Nagykun-Szolnok

Incomplete cases

 County or country of
RankNameSex BirthDeathAgebirth death
-UnidentifiedFNov/Dec 1910Living?111 years, 317+ days??
-Mária HöffnerF20 June 1905fl.20 July 2015110 years, 30+ daysUKRAINABudapest
-UnidentifiedF1903Jan/July 2014110 years, 10+ days??

Disputable cases

 County or country of
RankNameSex Birth Death Age birthdeath
 -Boldizsárné SztrechoF2 Aug 1866?7 July 1978111 years, 339 days?NógrádNógrád
Hungarian emigrant supercentenarians
RankNameSex Birth Death AgeCounty of birthCountry of death
1Elizabeth StefanF13 May 18959 Apr 2008112 years, 332 daysSzabolcs-Szatmár-BeregUSA
   2Helen ObermayerF20 Jan 187920 Nov 1991112 years, 304 daysVeszprémUSA
3Zoltan SarosyM23 Aug 190619 June 2017110 years, 300 daysBudapestCANADA

Chronological list of the oldest living person in Hungary since 1980.

FromToNameSex Age when
  Lifespan  County of death
Unknownc.23 Dec 1980Mihályné GneiszF105 – 10726 Sept 1873 – c.23 Dec 1980
107 years, c.88 days
c.23 Dec 198030 Nov 1982
(1 yr, c.337 days)
Györgyné JónásF104–10611 Oct 1876 – 30 Nov 1982
106 years, 50 days
30 Nov 1982c.25 July 1983
(c.237 days)
Imréné VajdaF105–1063 Apr 1877 – c.25 July 1983
106 years, c.116 days
c.25 July 1983fl.10 June 1985
(1 yr, 0+ days)
Emilné FlöchelF104–1065 May 1879 – fl.10 June 1985
106 years, 37+ days
fl.10 June 198523 July 1987
(1 yr, 199+ days)
Károlyné NémethF105–10715 Aug 1879 – 23 July 1987
107 years, 342 days
23 July 19877 Nov 1990
(2 yrs, 135 days)
Henrik HavasiM105–10817 Sept 1882 – 8 Nov 1990
108 years, 52 days
7 Nov 1990Feb 1991
(100+ days)
Sándorné SárköziF107–10828 Jan 1883 – Feb 1991
108 years, 16+ days
Feb 19915 Feb 1993
(1 yr, 342+ days)
Istvánné LádiF106–10821 Mar 1884 – 5 Feb 1993
108 years, 321 days
5 Feb 199325 Sept 1994
(1 yr, 232 days)
Jánosné AndóF106–10710 Dec 1886 – 25 Sept 1994
107 years, 289 days
25 Sept 19941 July 1995
(279 days)
Antalné BangaF1079 Aug 1887 – 1 July 1995
107 years, 326 days
1 July 1995fl.30 Oct 1995
(95+ days)
Ilka ZolnaiF105–1063 Oct 1889 – fl.30 Oct 1995
106 years, 27+ days
fl.30 Oct 199523 Oct 1998
(2 yrs, 259+ days)
Istvánné MóroczF105–1086 Feb 1890 – 23 Oct 1998
108 years, 259 days
23 Oct 1998Jan/Apr 1999
(50+ days)
Ferencné LázárF1086 Sept 1890 – Jan/Apr 1999
108 years, 97+ days
Jan/Apr 199917 Dec 2000
(1 yr, 242+ days)
Józsefné SzűcsF108–11028 Oct 1890 – 17 Dec 2000
110 years, 50 days
17 Dec 2000c.21 June 2001
(186 days)
Ferencné VadászF10726 Nov 1893 – c.21 June 2001
107 years, c.207 days
c.21 June 200120 July 2004
(3 yrs, c.29 days)
Sándorné CsíkiF107–11018 Jan 1894 – 20 July 2004
110 years, 184 days
20 July 200411 Aug 2005
(1 yr, 22 days)
Jánosné VargaF109–11010 Mar 1895 – 11 Aug 2005
110 years, 154 days
11 Aug 200522 Mar 2006
(223 days)
Gergely András MolnárM107–10816 Nov 1897 – 22 Mar 2006
108 years, 126 days
22 Mar 2006c.13 Sept 2007
(1 yr, c.175 days)
Lajosné BuzákyF107–1092 May 1898 – c.13 Sept 2007
109 years, c.134 days
c.13 Sept 2007c.4 Feb 2009
(1 yr, 144 days)
Jánosné SzentirmayF107–1094 Nov 1899 – c.4 Feb 2009
109 years, c.90 days
c.4 Feb 200926 May 2009
(c.111 days)
Ferencné KustosF10924 Nov 1899 – 26 May 2009
109 years, 184 days
26 May 20099 Nov 2009
(167 days)
Margit AmbrusF10814 Dec 1900 – 9 Nov 2009
108 years, 330 days
9 Nov 2009c.8 June 2010
(c.211 days)
Mátyásné KövesdiF107–10816 Nov 1901 – c.8 June 2010
108 years, c.204 days
c.8 June 20102 Aug 2010
(c.55 days)
Györgyné TóthF10822 Dec 1901 – 2 Aug 2010
108 years, 223 days
2 Aug 20106 Aug 2010
(4 days)
Mária MagiriusF1082 Feb 1902 – 6 Aug 2010
108 years, 185 days
6 Aug 201019 Mar 2013
(2 yrs, 225 days)
Jánosné KudászF108–11027 Apr 1902 – 19 Mar 2013
110 years, 326 days
19 Mar 201325 Sept 2014
(1 yr, 190 days)
Rezső GallaiM109–11029 Jan 1904 – 25 Sept 2014
110 years, 239 days
25 Sept 2014fl.20 July 2015
(279+ days)
Mária HöffnerF109–11020 June 1905 – fl.20 July 2015
110 years, 30+ days
fl.20 July 2015c.3 Nov 2015
(30+ days)
Józsefné NagyF1093 Mar 1906 – c.3 Nov 2015
109 years, c.245 days
c.3 Nov 201513 May 2017
(1 yr, c.189 days)
Dezsőné KovácsF109–11025 Sept 1906 – 13 May 2017
110 years, 230 days
13 May 20173 Nov 2018
(1 yr, 174 days)
Jánosné BélikF109–11117 Sept 1907 – 3 Nov 2018
111 years, 47 days
3 Nov 201820 Apr 2021
(2 yr, 168 days)
Veronika ZsilinszkiF110–1134 Feb 1908 – 20 Apr 2021
113 years, 75 days
20 Apr 2021Present
(1 yr, 207 days)
Istvánné FejesF109–111*Born 15 Feb 1911
111 years, 271 days*
Living in Csongrád-Csanád
Chronological list of the oldest living man in Hungary since 2000.
FromToNameAge when
 Lifespan  County of death
Unknown2 Jan 2000Zsigmond Kun104–10628 Mar 1893 – 2 Jan 2000
106 years, 280 days
2 Jan 2000fl.17 Aug 2000
(228+ days)
Jenő Jenovai106(–107)17 Sept 1893 – fl.17 Aug 2000
106 years, 335+ days
fl.17 Aug 200022 June 2001
(299+ days)
Károly Molnár(105–)10612 Dec 1894 – 20 June 2001
106 years, 190 days
20 June 200116 Oct 2002
(316 days)
József Pethő106–10713 Mar 1895 – 16 Oct 2002
107 years, 217 days
16 Oct 20025 Apr 2004
(1 yr, 171 days)
György László106–10721 Aug 1896 – 5 Apr 2004
107 years, 228 days
5 Apr 200422 Mar 2006
(1 yr, 351 days)
Gergely András Molnár106–10816 Nov 1897 – 22 Mar 2006
108 years, 126 days
22 Mar 20067 Oct 2008
(2 yrs, 199 days)
Gusztáv Károly103–10619 June 1902 – 7 Oct 2008
106 years, 110 days
7 Oct 2008c.1 Jan 2010
(1 yr, c.86 days)
József Pelles105–1061 June 1903 – c.1 Jan 2010
106 years, c.214 days
c.1 Jan 201025 Sept 2014
(4 yrs, c.267 days)
Rezső Gallai105–11029 Jan 1904 – 25 Sept 2014
110 years, 239 days
25 Sept 2014c.20 Mar 2016
(1 yr, c.177 days)
Pál Tibor Kósa106–10712 June 1908 – c.20 Mar 2016
107 years, c.282 days
c.20 Mar 201631 Dec 2016
(c.286 days)
Miklós Angelus106–1079 Sept 1909 – 31 Dec 2016
107 years, 113 days
31 Dec 201624 Mar 2018
(1 yr, 83 days)
Antal Ribkinár106–10825 Jan 1910 – 24 Mar 2018
108 years, 58 days
24 Mar 20186 Mar 2019
(347 days)
Elemér Spiegler105–10624 Aug 1912 – 6 Mar 2019
106 years, 194 days
6 Mar 201929 Feb 2020
(360 days)
József Kasalyák105–10619 May 1913 – 29 Feb 2020
106 years, 286 days
29 Feb 2020c.25 Nov 2020
(c.270 days)
Jenő Homonnay1069 Dec 1913 – c.25 Nov 2020
106 years, c.352 days
c.25 Nov 202023 Sept 2021
(c.303 days)
Béla Csendes1058 Nov 1915 – 23 Sept 2021
105 years, 319 days
23 Sept 202130 Mar 2022
(177 days)
Jozsef Standovari10510 Aug 1916 – 30 Mar 2022
105 years, 232 days
30 Mar 2022Present
(0 years, 228 days)
Ferenc Bako104–105*Born 9 Nov 1917
105 years, 4 days
Living in
Oldest known person ever by county of death or residence
CountyName Sex Birth  Death Age 
Bács-KiskunVeronika ZsilinszkiF4 Feb 190820 Apr 2021113 years, 75 days
BaranyaGyuláné ÜrgeF15 June 1910c.15 Oct 2017107 years, c.122 days
BékésGyörgyné TóthF22 Dec 19012 Aug 2010108 years, 223 days
Borsod-Abaúj-ZemplénIstvánné NagyF11 Sept 1891c.19 Nov 2000109 years, c.69 days
BudapestJánosné VargaF10 Mar 189511 Aug 2005110 years, 154 days
Csongrád-CsanádIstvánné FejesF15 Feb 1911Living111 years, 271 days
FejérSándorné CsíkiF18 Jan 189420 July 2004110 years, 184 days
Győr-Moson-SopronRezső GallaiM29 Jan 190425 Sept 2014110 years, 239 days
Hajdú-BiharLajosné BuzákyF2 May 1898c.13 Sept 2007109 years, c.134 days
HevesJánosné AndóF10 Dec 188625 Sept 1994107 years, 289 days
Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokJózsefné SzűcsF28 Oct 189017 Dec 2000110 years, 50 days
Komárom-EsztergomRudolfné OcskaiF13 Aug 191130 Jan 2021109 years, 170 days
PestJánosné BélikF17 Sept 19073 Nov 2018111 years, 47 days
SomogyEndréné KisgyörgyF21 Feb 1904c.2 Mar 2011107 years, c.9 days
Szabolcs-Szatmár-BeregFerencné MajorF6 Nov 190822 Jan 2017108 years, 77 days
TolnaSándorné BajuszF27 Apr 19126 Dec 2018106 years, 223 days
VasAntal RibnikárM25 Jan 191024 Mar 2018108 years, 58 days
VeszprémJánosné KernerF23 Dec 190921 Dec 2020110 years, 364 days
ZalaIstvánné VinczeF20 June 1908c.19 June 2018109 years, c.364 days
                             Data on 13.11.2022.
If I've skipped someone or made a mistake, @Tomi will correct me.

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@dejan What's the point of copying this whole thing from Gerontology Wiki without citing the source and as if it was your work (when, in fact, it's my circa 6 years of work)?

Plus yes, there are some mistakes in the chronological lists. No wonder I've never made the chronological list pre-1988, but others just had to do it while making false assumptions.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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930310 reacted
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@024tomi Yes, it's just copied from Gerontology Wiki. There are small irregularities about the date of death, what do the signs (c.) (fl.) mean, aren't the full dates known by now. Chronological list before 1980 is incomplete and not known. That's exactly why I posted all this, all for the reason that I find out more (complete) cases that weren't listed and add them.

Also missing is the oldest known person from Nógrád ever. (I don't know who it is, if it is known)...

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@dejan c. means circa or around, fl. means last known date of survival. So, no, many exact dates are not known. There are many parts where the chronological list is not 100% complete, but pre-1988 there currently just isn't enough data to have a 80%+ complete list, and connecting together separate OLPs as if nobody were between them is just MESS. So please stop doing it. Thank you.
I don't know anyone from Nógrád who died at least aged 106, but statistically it's unlikely that the oldest ever was 105, so there's no one shown there.
Please understand that sometimes blank spaces are better than assumed/false info filling them.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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@024tomi The chronological list from 1980 to today is 80% complete and accurate. (before 1980, only 7 people were known with an average gap of about 10 years).

For males since 2000 it is also 80%+ complete (only 3 males before 1999 are known).

The last confirmed alive, according to me, it is most accurate to state as fl.30 October (if the person was last confirmed around that date).

I don't know where and what is incorrect in this list. LINK:

This is what is known to the public just like any other country in the world.

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@dejan I don't think you got it, so, again: all that is present in that wiki article has been gathered by me via newspaper archives. I've been doing this for 6 years. I know perfectly what is complete and what is not. The way the list was constructed before you (and presumably others) ruined it was in the most correct way possible.

I know much more pre-1980 doyennes and pre-1999 doyens than what appears in the article, BUT BECAUSE THERE ARE GAPS BETWEEN THEM, THERE'S NO POINT PUTTING THEM IN A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SAY THIS IN A DIFFERENT WAY.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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@024tomi I don't know who added the Chronological lists (probably before 2020), it's irrelevant, only any other person who is subsequently found out (between 1980 and 1990) can be added without any problems. (for now, what was known was listed, and someone added it earlier, not me). For example if a person died in 1917, I wonder how it can be in the chronological list when the next known person died in the 1960s. (also a man died in 1990, next known died in 2000, between them at least two people are missing, therefore the chronological list is calculated since 2000, not 1999 because the date is from when he oldest unknown). I removed nothing but blank spaces and people more than 10 years apart. (all blanks listed are pre-1980). fl. and the approximate time the person was the oldest in cases where there is a maximum of three years apart, probably the person between the two will never be known, so it can be considered that he was.the oldest from 104-106 years of age, (the date from which the oldest is the date of death or the last confirmed alive of the previous known person). So that any other person found subsequently can be added, and the date since when oldest known change.

If you find out any other person who was the oldest known at the time they were last confirmed alive or dead, they can be added without any hassle...

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@dejan I give up. You're hopeless.

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@024tomi Maybe even since 1970. it only exists for a few countries, it didn't have a small chronological sheet at all. Only 2 people before 1970 are known and that's all.

What's more, the chronological list since 1970 to the present, as well as for men since 2000 to the present is excellent because hardly any country has such a large chronological list.

Between 1970 and 1980 the following people are known and there is probably no need for blank spaces between them (because anyone in between is unknown).

FromToName Sex Age when
 Lifespan County of death
Unknown3 Mar 1970Györgyné KökényesiF105–10720 Mar 1862 – 3 Mar 1970
107 years, 348 days
3 Mar 1970fl.19 Feb 1973
(2 yrs, 353+ days)
Alajosné DuronelliF104 – 10716 Feb 1866 – fl.19 Feb 1973
107 years, 3+ days
fl.19 Feb 1973fl.5 Jan 1977
(3 yrs, 323+ days)
Gizella BarthaF104–1075 July 1869 – fl.5 Jan 1977
107 years, 187+ days
fl.5 Jan 197714 Nov 1977
(232+ days)
Alajosné ZsarkóF105–10613 Jan 1871 – 14 Nov 1977
106 years, 305 days
14 Nov 1977fl.25 Dec 1977
(42+ days)
Imréné SzalóczyF105–10611 Dec 1871 – fl.25 Dec 1977
106 years, 15+ days
fl.25 Dec 1977c.23 Dec 1980
(2 yrs, 299+ days)
Mihályné Gneisz F104–10726 Sept 1873 – c.23 Dec 1980
107 years, c.88 days

                   Only OLDEST KNOWN

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@dejan yes, that's the problem. Oldest KNOWN instead of oldest REAL. 

Again, I'm aware of many historical doyen(ne)s of Hungary that do not appear on the lists. And they're public.

No one has become OLP at 104 since 1970, for example. So there WOULD BE need for blank spaces. But that would be an INCOMPLETE chronological list.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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@024tomi most chronological lists are works in progress. New OLPs will emerge every now and then with increasing access to information. 

Constructing a list that is to the best of one's knowledge provides a template for people to work on and improve.

I believe that @dejan can create such lists but it should be noted that they are incomplete and proper sources should be added if possible.

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Posted by: @930310

I believe that @dejan can create such lists but it should be noted that they are incomplete and proper sources should be added if possible.

Yes, one reference should be added just in case, unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable about that and I don't have access to those historical sources, also it's just a copy of the chronological list from Gerontology Wiki that was put up before 2020 when I didn't even know it existed. (my first interest in the oldest people starts since November/December 2020 and everything added before 2021 is unknown to me and I am not knowledgeable about their reliability)...

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@024tomi Considering that in the 1970s the oldest living person in the world was 110 years old when she became the oldest, it is possible that the oldest living person (or man) in Hungary became then a 104-year-old or 105-year-old person. That's exactly why that chronological list is important, taking into account the whole world, and especially the countries, (so the oldest living person in the world at that time was 110 years old and the oldest living person in Hungary 104/105 quite possibly, taking into account the historical development of the Chronological list's).

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 Mykola Derevlyanyk was born on 22 October 1917 in the city of Kobo in Hungary.

Derevlyanyk moved to Uzhhorod, Ukraine in 1952. He worked at the post office for over 46 years, was the chief cashier of the central branch of the city post office.

He is also the oldest known living emigrant from Hungary.

Source: (105th birthday)

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@dejan His name is Mykola Derevlyanyk/Miklós Derevljanik. He was born in the town of Kaba, Austria-Hungary, presently located in Hajdú-Bihar County, Hungary.

He's been living in present-day Ukraine since 1921, although the territory (now Zakarpattia Oblast) changed countries many times (1921-1939: Czechoslovakia, 1939-1945: Hungary, 1945-1991: Soviet Union, 1991-: Ukraine).

Aged 105, I doubt he's the oldest living emigrant from Hungary, although he's currently one of the oldest living Hungarian-born men.

Happy belated birthday to him!

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

diego reacted
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@024tomi Thanks i corrected his last name...

Do you know what about Jánosné Pásztor. She was born in Tornaalja, present-day Slovakia on 10 August 1913 and currently lives in Szentendre, Pest County, Hungary (if is alive).

Last report was done in August 2020.

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@dejan Yes, there's no mention of her after the August 2020 107th birthday report.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

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@024tomi Jozsefne Toth (b.5 August 1913) is also not confirmed alive since September 2020.

I guess the number of living 107+ people will be recognized in the next pension fund report (probably in February 2023 as so far)...

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