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I created this topic to discuss about Dutch (super)centenarians rather than just the top 10 oldest living people in the country.


GJK_1966 reacted
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This could have been the oldest living man in the Netherlands at the time of his death:


Johannes Mathijs Timp was born on 22 November 1823 in Breda, North Brabant and died on 9 September 1927 in Utrecht, Utrecht at the age of 103 years, 291 days. He also was one of the oldest living men in Europe, behind (at least) William Walker (1822-1929) of the United Kingdom.


1823 birth record

1864 marriage record

1927 death record


Het Centrum, 22 November 1926

Josia9353 and Marco reacted
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@jimjim00 thanks for this bio. He was also behind at least Jan Jonsson (22 Feb 1822 - 28 Dec 1927) and Magnus Månsson (8 Jun 1823 - 1 Jun 1928) of Sweden in the rank as Europe's OLM.

GJK_1966, Dejan and JimJim00 reacted
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Jaan Hartog-van den Berg of Baarn, Utrecht, Netherlands celebrated her 107th birthday.

Dejan reacted
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It turns out that (for now) there is someone older in the Netherlands than Marina van der Es-Siewers and still living.


Helena Barbara Maria (Leny) Mackenbach was born on 29 December 1912 in Rotterdam, South Holland and still lives there. Desping being in frail health and barely talking anymore, she still has a sharp mind. 




Mackenbach at age 100. 

Marco reacted
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Last week, we were informed by the CBS that on January 1, 2022, the Netherlands had one person (f) alive, born in 1911 (Ebeltje), and two female persons, born in 1912.
From another 'open data' table, We know that on August 1, 2017, there was one female person from 105 years old, born in Morocco (this table lists all persons '105 years and older').
On August 1, 2022, she was still present. There is a change that this woman does not have a birth registration; a DoB is then given. Usually, this is January 1 or July 1; the year of birth is estimated.
There's a great possibility that she lives in the municipality of Leiden (S.H.).


930310 reacted
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Posted by: @jimjim00

It turns out that (for now) there is someone older in the Netherlands than Marina van der Es-Siewers and still living.


Helena Barbara Maria (Leny) Mackenbach was born on 29 December 1912 in Rotterdam, South Holland and still lives there. Desping being in frail health and barely talking anymore, she still has a sharp mind. 


It's quite rare nowadays to discover a "new", older OLP in Western/Northern Europe, so I'm very excited to hear about Helena - especially because I'm going to visit Rotterdam next week!

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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JimJim00 reacted
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Posted by: @jimjim00

This could have been the oldest living man in the Netherlands at the time of his death:

Johannes Mathijs Timp was born on 22 November 1823 in Breda, North Brabant and died on 9 September 1927 in Utrecht, Utrecht at the age of 103 years, 291 days.

He was indeed the oldest man in NL; after Berend Geerts de Winter (18-12-1822 - 13-06-1925) from Apeldoorn (102/177), and before Matthijs Diepeveen (18-03-1825 - 11-10-1927) from Veenendaal (102/207).

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Posted by: @gjk_1966
Posted by: @jimjim00

This could have been the oldest living man in the Netherlands at the time of his death:

Johannes Mathijs Timp was born on 22 November 1823 in Breda, North Brabant and died on 9 September 1927 in Utrecht, Utrecht at the age of 103 years, 291 days.

He was indeed the oldest man in NL; after Berend Geerts de Winter (18-12-1822 - 13-06-1925) from Apeldoorn (102/177), and before Matthijs Diepeveen (18-03-1825 - 11-10-1927) from Veenendaal (102/207).

How far back does your list of Dutch oldest men (and people, if you have one) go, GJK? And can we see it?

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Posted by: @heatwave116
Posted by: @gjk_1966
Posted by: @jimjim00

This could have been the oldest living man in the Netherlands at the time of his death:

Johannes Mathijs Timp was born on 22 November 1823 in Breda, North Brabant and died on 9 September 1927 in Utrecht, Utrecht at the age of 103 years, 291 days.

He was indeed the oldest man in NL; after Berend Geerts de Winter (18-12-1822 - 13-06-1925) from Apeldoorn (102/177), and before Matthijs Diepeveen (18-03-1825 - 11-10-1927) from Veenendaal (102/207).

How far back does your list of Dutch oldest men (and people, if you have one) go, GJK? And can we see it?

My collection includes everybody who turned 100 from January 1, 1900. I made that choice before I realized that the 21st Century actually started on January 1, 1901... 

First one in my list is Atse Joostes de Boer (24-03-1798 - 02-01-1900) from Dordrecht (SH)

My collection includes:

Men in the Netherlands, aged 100 years or older

Women in the Netherlands, aged 105 years or older

Men & women in the province of Groningen, aged 100 years or older

So, the largest group by far, Dutch women aged 100-104 (living outside of Groningen), are more or less omitted/excluded in my collection. That has saved me a lot of time. 😉

From 1900-1950, 223 men turned 100 years old in the NL. I will not list them here, for practical reasons.


Ale76, 024Tomi, JimJim00 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @gjk_1966
Posted by: @heatwave116
Posted by: @gjk_1966
Posted by: @jimjim00

This could have been the oldest living man in the Netherlands at the time of his death:

Johannes Mathijs Timp was born on 22 November 1823 in Breda, North Brabant and died on 9 September 1927 in Utrecht, Utrecht at the age of 103 years, 291 days.

He was indeed the oldest man in NL; after Berend Geerts de Winter (18-12-1822 - 13-06-1925) from Apeldoorn (102/177), and before Matthijs Diepeveen (18-03-1825 - 11-10-1927) from Veenendaal (102/207).

How far back does your list of Dutch oldest men (and people, if you have one) go, GJK? And can we see it?

My collection includes everybody who turned 100 from January 1, 1900. I made that choice before I realized that the 21st Century actually started on January 1, 1901... 

First one in my list is Atse Joostes de Boer (24-03-1798 - 02-01-1900) from Dordrecht (SH)

My collection includes:

Men in the Netherlands, aged 100 years or older

Women in the Netherlands, aged 105 years or older

Men & women in the province of Groningen, aged 100 years or older

So, the largest group by far, Dutch women aged 100-104 (living outside of Groningen), are more or less omitted/excluded in my collection. That has saved me a lot of time. 😉

From 1900-1950, 223 men turned 100 years old in the NL. I will not list them here, for practical reasons.


That means that Wessel van de Loosdrecht (1828-1928), my great-great-great grandfather, is also included in your list, right?

GJK_1966 reacted
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@gjk_1966 Very intriguing! Is there any possible way to view your lists, out of curiosity?

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heatwave116 reacted
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@024tomi They are just endless lists with ages (y/d), names, dates and places where the centenarians lived and/or died.

We, as Dutch centenarian enthusiasts, were lucky (until 1988 or so) to have ALL the names/dates/places of EVERY (Dutch) centenarian.

In 1988, privacy laws kicked in, and that service ended. After that, we received (from the same source) only lists with dates, sex and municipalities. This lasted until 2003.

After that, we had to rely solely on official, public sources (like eurostat and   

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Willem de Bree, grandson of the former OLP in the Netherlands, Johanna de Bree-Meijer (1858-1965), has celebrated his 100th birthday.

GJK_1966, Dejan, 024Tomi and 1 people reacted
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Today, the Dutch CBS published some important data. On 1 January 2023, the Netherlands had one female person, born in July 1912 (from Morocco), and one male person, born in February 1914 (from China).
Furthermore, there's one female, born in September 1914 in Iran, and one female, born in January 1916 in Afghanistan.

These are the numbers of Dutch centenarians (IN THE NETHERLANDS!!!) on 01-01-2023:


100: 197
101: 99
102: 61
103: 32
104:  6
105+: 6


100: 965
101: 633
102: 412
103: 178
104:  102
105+: 78


Dejan, FinbarrC, WellAbove110 and 1 people reacted
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@gjk_1966 In other words, the anonymous doyen living in Hilversum was born in China? Also, is there any piece of data confirming Leny Mackenbach to be alive?

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@024tomi Yes, our oldest man is Chinese. Unfortunately, no news about Ms. Mackenbach...



024Tomi reacted
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The oldest living man in the Netherlands was confirmed alive yesterday on his 109th birthday. His grandson posted this photo of him publicly on Facebook: 

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

Dejan, GJK_1966, Marco and 2 people reacted
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I contacted the municipality in which Marina van der Es-Siewers lives and asked if they could provide me her birth and marriage record. Unfortunately, they decided to not co-operate. Oh well, better luck next time, I hope.

diego reacted
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Wow, what a shame, I'm sad that they don't want to contribute to the research 😥 😢 

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@jimjim00 Thanks for the heads-up / trouble. I had contacted the regional archives in Alkmaar, but I was informed the municipality hadn't transferred the birth certificates from 1913 and later to the archives yet - nor the marriage certificates from 1940 and onwards. I suppose this saves me the trouble of contacting the municipality...

Overduidelijk misschien.

JimJim00 reacted
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@Marco I did that as well, when they referred me to the municipality. I guess we have to wait until the records are transferred.

diego reacted
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Posted by: @jimjim00

I contacted the municipality in which Marina van der Es-Siewers lives and asked if they could provide me her birth and marriage record. Unfortunately, they decided to not co-operate. Oh well, better luck next time, I hope.

This is one of the reasons I never try to validate a Dutch supercentenarian.




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Catherina van der Linden becoming the OLP in Australia has, to my surprise, also reached Dutch news sites:


This article also mentiones Leny Mackenbach being the oldest living person in the Netherlands as of now, indicating that she reached her 110th birthday. However, I'm pretty sure they got their information from a not so reliable source.

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A photo of Willem Kostering (1851-1960) at the age of 108, from the Costa Rican newspaper La Prensa Libre, 10 December 1959:

"TURNED 108 YEARS OLD.--The oldest person in the Netherlands is W.H. Kostering, who recently celebrated his 108th birthday at his home in Delft. A pipe smoker, "Grandpa" Kostering is in excellent health and can read the local newspapers without wearing glasses."

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego, Gabriel_PT, Chris and 1 people reacted