116th Birthday Proj...
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[Closed] 116th Birthday Project for Inah Canabarro Lucas

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Greetings everyone,

Mrs. Inah Canabarro Lucas (*8th June 1908) is 115 years, 349 days of age and we got the permission to organize a 116th B-Day Project for her: 

Ben: organizer (background);
Ale76: campaign leader on the GSF;
Fabri21: translator, personal contact person to Mrs. Canabarro Lucas' relatives;
GeorgFuerholzer: organizer (front&background) (campaign leader on The 110 Club);

Ben1987: campaign leader Top 10 Supercentenarians Group & Inah Canabarro Lucas Fanpage Facebook;
Michael Kahler: organizer (front & background) on the 110 Club.

WHAT IS ALLOWED: Wishes, Birthday-Cards, drawings, (sent via e-mail, or PM).

1) Posting  wishes on the GSF,  (E-Mail is also fine);
2) Posting wishes via the 110 Club directly (PM or E-Mail to Michael or Georg is also fine);
3) Posting  wishes directly on the top 10 Supercentenarians page (Facebook) (PM to Ben1987 is also fine);
4) Posting wishes directly on the Inah Canabrro Lucas fanpage (Facebook).

(related to GSF as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Alessandro Delucchi [email protected]

(related to the 110 Club as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Georg Fürholzer: [email protected]
Michael Kahler: [email protected]

DEADLINE: 07th June 2024 00:30 AM CET.

For all persons who decide to participate via another channel as the GSF, please see the deadlines since each channel leader is allowed to set his own deadline earlier.

At the end of the project, all wishes are sent to Fabri21 and forwarded directly to her relatives after the translation work.

TO ALL CONGRATULATORS: Please use only 1 B-Day Participation-Channel.
Please include your nationality. 



Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

diego reacted
Supercentenarian Fan
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New pictures at almost 116:


Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Gabriel_PT, FEW, ChrisR and 1 people reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1659

Life is fragile at this age.

But I don’t think we could hope for any more than we see from Sister Inah in these pictures.

She seems happy and engaged with everything around her.

MrCatlord and FEW reacted
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Prezada Inah Canabarro Lucas,

Feliz 116º aniversário!

Parabéns pelas suas conquistas no campo da Longevidade!
Você é a pessoa que vive mais tempo na América e a terceira pessoa que vive mais tempo no mundo.

Com todo o meu mais profundo respeito.

Alessandro Delucchi
Pesquisador sênior da LongeviQuest para Itália
[email protected]

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1659

Dear Sister Inah,

I am writing from Australia to provide my sincere congratulations to you, for reaching the magnificent age of 116.

I wish you a very happy birthday and many years of further health and happiness.

With love and best wishes,

Chris Redman



Supercentenarian Fan
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Thanks for all persons who participated.

I forwarded all messages to Fabri21.

Thanks for all messages sent to my e-mail from all the world.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

diego reacted