116th Birthday Proj...
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[Closed] 116th Birthday Project for Tomiko Itooka

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Greetings everyone,

Mrs. Tomiko Itooka (*23rd May 1908) is 115 years, 351 days of age, we got the permission and we decided to organize a 116th B-Day Project for her: 

Ben: organizer (background);
Ale76: campaign leader on the GSF;
GeorgFuerholzer: organizer (front&background) (campaign leader on The 110 Club);
Ben1987: campaign leader Top 10 Supercentenarians Page Facebook;
Michael Kahler: organizer (front & background) on the 110 Club.

WHAT IS ALLOWED: Wishes, Birthday-Cards, drawings, (sent via e-mail, or PM).

THE WAYS OF PARTICIPATION:  For this project we really prefer e-mail or PM via Facebook.
For all channels: messages sent officially to one Channel will be moved to the private section.

(related to GSF as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Alessandro Delucchi [email protected]

(related to the 110 Club as Participation-Channel) via e-mail: 
Georg Fürholzer: [email protected]
Michael Kahler: [email protected]
Ben1987: via PM (110 Club, Facebook).

DEADLINE: May 21st 2024 (04:00 PM CET)

ADDITIONAL INFO: To see the deadlines of the other B-Day-Organization-Channels, please visit them directly. It´s up to each B-Day-Channel-Leader himself to set his own "DEADLINE" earlier.

All wishes will be sent to our Japanese Translator & then forwarded to Mrs. Itooka´s family.

TO ALL CONGRATULATORS: Please use only 1 B-Day Participation-Channel.
Please include your nationality. Please be aware that sending wishes via PM/E-Mail are the best ways for this project.



Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

diego reacted
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糸岡夫人(生存者としては世界で 2 番目、日本では生存者としては最高齢)、116 歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます。今後の平穏な人生をお祈り申し上げます。


アレッサンドロ・デルッキ LongeviQuestイタリア特派員 [email protected]

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1287

Sorry if I have missed this Ale, but there have been a few unwanted (albeit minor) distractions in life over here.

No problems at my end if it's too late to get this through.


Dear Mrs Itooka

I am writing from Australia to wish you a very happy 116th birthday.

Congratulations on reaching such a wonderful age and I wish you the very best of health and happiness for many more years.

Kind regards

Chris Redman


diego and Ale76 reacted
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Last hours for your wishes.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

diego reacted