Our WOP turned 117!
Maria Branyas, la persona més longeva del món, fa 117 anys (vilaweb.cat)
She was born in San Francisco, California, USA on 4 March 1907.
Ms. Branyas Morera currently resides in Olot (ESP).
Happy 117th Birthday and Congratulations!
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
Yup, maximum lifespan, my donkey! Note that between the first and the fifth, which were the 117th birthdays of Calment and Okawa, on 11992-02-21 and 11915-03-05, respectively (yeah, turns out Okawa’s 126th would’ve been tomorrow 😯), lay more than 23 years..
that number has now tripled. But between the fifth and now twelfth ‘only’ 8..! That twice as many 117th birthdays in barely a quarter of the time—that’s an 8-fold faster rate, so if that trend continues for the next octennium, the first 64+12 = 76 entries on the listOVOP will be ≥ 117:000 in 12032. I’d have to see it, but if it’s even slightly so, I bet there’ got te be ≥ 1 (I think 2) men among them.
By the way, the conditional probability has nicely recovered from ℙ(117 | 116) ≈ 37.9% to a more confortable (and I think more representative! After all the sample size only grew.. :p) 41.38%. (Of course at the cost of mapping ℙ(118 | 117) from 36.36% to only 25%.. Bútt, Maria final chapter is not yet written! She did survive COVID-19 @113, and these have the tendency to almost makeit into their 120th year 😉
All the best, dear Maria, and many happy returns, but most of all: have a festive, peaceful, and happy day! 🤗
Ms. Branyas Morera, happy birthday and congratulations!
@ Ale and @ all
So it is ascertained by birth record that she was indeed born March 4 and not April 1.
Or was she baptized April 1? If not, when was she baptized?
Why does a club claim she was born April 1 1907?
Who has seen the birth certificate in real?
Great to see confirmation 🙂
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)
I thought Robert was banned from this forum? Maybe I am wrong.
I am happy to be back here anyway 🙂
I don't know about the document that supports 1st April as her birth date, but I know that other documents support 4th March as the date. And the family and María itself have always claimed that she was born in 4th March, so I think it's quite clear that she was born in 4th March...Ms. Branyas Morera, happy birthday and congratulations!
@ Ale and @ all
So it is ascertained by birth record that she was indeed born March 4 and not April 1.
Or was she baptized April 1? If not, when was she baptized?
Why does a club claim she was born April 1 1907?
Who has seen the birth certificate in real?
Happy birthday! Watching to the last photo of her 117th birthday, I see she still has many teeth. That's very impressive, considering that most of the + 90 y.o. people have almost no teeth!
Happy 117th birthday María Branyas Morera!
May it be a year full of health and positive things for her, congratulations on being the twelfth validated person to reach this incredible age.
Until recently I realized that there were going to be 12 validated people who had turned 117 throughout history, I still thought that María Branyas Morera would be the 11 validated person to reach 117 years of age.
She looks good in her birthday photo, clearly a downgrade from last year, but she still looks good (she even looks better than in the December photo).
Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.
Happy 117th Birthday Maria Branyas Morera!
Maria has joined an elite group of what is now only a dozen people ever to have reached this age
Congratulations on this momentous achievement Maria!
When I was watching the conference on video-link, I thought the guy, whoever it was (I can't remember now) said the earliest document pointed to March 4th? Maybe I mis-remembered this?
I don´t want to disturb this honorably day of an amazing lady I admire, but it is a little bit frustrating that there is no secure evidence on which day she was born. If she was born in Spain, I am absolute sure that we would have a birth certificate or a baptismal certificate!
It is always astonishing that the USA did not have a reliable birth registration in the 20th century.
And by the way, I assume that there is no baptismal certificate. Nobody could give me ever an answer according this question!
So Ms. Branyas Morera is only validated by GRG??? No other organization has validated her??? Really?
It is very strange and unbelievable that there is no transparancy and accuracy in the fact which day she was really born and that there is no debate. After all she is (allegedly, sorry) the oldest human being.
Claims of her family are insufficient, of course. We want to see hard facts. We want to see a published birth certificate or an equivalent.
Hopefully there will be no speculations whether the year of birth is also doubtful.
I fear we won´t get neither an academic nor a satisfying answer.
Sorry, without an enlightening statement which shows total clarity one must say this case is not really verified. Documents proving the correctness of birth date and year must be accessible for everyone in the era of internet. Thanks a lot.
I don´t want to disturb this honorably day of an amazing lady I admire, but it is a little bit frustrating that there is no secure evidence on which day she was born. If she was born in Spain, I am absolute sure that we would have a birth certificate or a baptismal certificate!
It is always astonishing that the USA did not have a reliable birth registration in the 20th century.
And by the way, I assume that there is no baptismal certificate. Nobody could give me ever an answer according this question!
I thought she does have a baptismal record, which is where the 1 April 1907 date comes from. Am I wrong?
Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)
One casted always a veil of silence over my questions. I can´t reply your answer.
Let us hope there will be light in the dark.
It is a personal assumption of mine that Maria Branyas Morera was baptized April 1 because Easter Monday was that day. (see my posting 04/03/2024 11:32 am)
I don´t have an X account or anything similar. Could somebody ask at Ms. Branyas Morera´s X account (Super Àvia Catalana) why the family celebrates her birthday on March 4. Is the date an oral heritage? When was she baptized and where? Thanks a lot!
When was she baptized and where? Thanks a lot!
As the following was publicly discussed at the Paris conference, I will share that the ESO has also validated Mrs Branyas Morera's case, using the earliest/oldest known document: a baptismal record from San Francisco issued in July 1908 (I think the 25th, so Mrs Branyas Morera was baptised well over a year after her birth), which explicitly mentions she was born on 1 April 1907.
As this is the oldest known document, and in fact the only one from the 20-year-window identifying a complete DOB, this explains why the ESO went with the more conservative (yet, in our view the more evidence-based) DOB of 1 April 1907.
Overduidelijk misschien.
Interesting! I had wondered where this all came from. So March 4th came from the family originally?
Congratulations and happy 117th birthday Maria Branyas Morera.
At this stage, all doubts will be resolved on 1 April 2024 (health permitting) and perhaps greater clarification will become available at some future time.
Hopefully the attached reads ok. My apologies that the layout is not ideal.
There may be some pictures of Maria here that others haven't yet seen, plus a few facts.
Thank you very much, Marco. You are a real scientist. Finally I got a very important information about the baptism date.
I do have many questions, speculations, assumptions etc., but at the moment I am too busy.
It is absolutely right to say the first day Ms. Branyas Morera was (and still is) alive at least is 1 April 1907. Like Chris wrote: Perhaps greater clarification will become available at some future time.
It would be better to add the fact in all her biographies (Wikipedia and much more others) that birthday 4 March is very likely, but not verifiable at the moment.
For example, one should compare the cases Kane Tanaka, born December (?) 1902, and Jiroemon Kimura, born March (?) 1897, with this issue.
Anyway, April 1st is relatively close to March 4th, and I think Maria will probably be alive next month. It would be more shocking If they had doubts about whether she was born in 1907 or 1908.