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Doyenne and Doyen of Brazil

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The Doyenne of Brazil should be Ms. Inah Canabarro Lucas, known as Irma Inah (born 8 June 1908, 113).
Irma Inah currently lives in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
At almost 113:

The Doyen of Brazil should be Mr. Delio Venturotti (born 25 October 1909 in Italy, 112).
He is currently the oldest known living Italian-born man since the death of Giovanni Quarisa on 21 March 2020, as well as the oldest known living Italian-born person since the death of Ida Zoccarato on 16 January 2022. He also is the oldest known living man in Brazil, the oldest known living European-born man, the oldest known living male immigrant in the world, the 2nd oldest verified man in the world.
Mr. Venturotti currently lives in Carianos, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
At 112:
Confirmed alive on 7 April 2022 by his grandson to me (I have chatted with him).
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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After the sad death of Mr. Venturotti, the Doyen of Brazil should be Mr. Jose Fernandes Morgado (born 10 January 1912 in Portugal, 110).
He is currently the oldest known living Portuguese-born man, the oldest known documented living man in Brazil, and the oldest known documented living male emigrant in the world.

He became the oldest known living Portuguese-born man, following the death of 109-year-old Alberto Andrade on 8 October 2021.

He became the oldest known documented living man in Brazil, following the death of 112-year-old Delio Venturotti (ITA/BRA) on 1 June 2022, but there are older claims.

Mr. Fernandes Morgado currently lives in Indaiatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
At 110:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

Dejan and ArthurBrazil reacted
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Mr. José Fernandes Morgado of Indaiatuba, São Paulo (BRA), sadly passed away on 18 June 2022, aged 110 years and 159 days. He was born in Assanha da Paz, Pombal, Leiria District, Portugal on 10 January 1912.

Rest in peace, Mr. Morgado.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Mr. Hilario Cesario Vasconcelos who claimed to be born on 6 March 1911, sadly passed away on 28 June 2022.
At the time of his death he may have been one of the oldest known living men in Brazil.
Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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The Oldest documented Living Man in Brazil is Mr. Manoel de Sousa Lima (born 15 August 1912 in Ceara, Brazil).
Mr. de Sousa Lima currently lives in Quixere, Ceara, Brazil.

His age is currently pending on LAS:

At almost 110:

At 110:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Posted by: @ale76

The Oldest documented Living Man in Brazil is Mr. Manoel de Sousa Lima (born 15 August 1912 in Ceara, Brazil)....

He sadly passed away on 28 October 2022:


Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego reacted
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Não existe um brasileiro mais velho documentado agora, mas pensava-se que poderia ser Virgílio Medeiros, nascido em 02/07/1911, mas ele morreu em 26/11/22 em Piripiri PI, agora o mais velho conhecido é Gonçalino Norberto, nascido em 8/8/1911 em Xanxerê SC, mora no mesmo local ainda

 Agricultor de Xanxerê-SC tem 110 anos e continua na ativa - YouTube

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Posted by: @diego

There is not a documented Brazilian older now, but it was thought that it could be Virgilio Medeiros,born on 7/2/1911,but he died on 11/26/22 in Piripiri PI,now the oldest known is Gonçalino Norberto,born on 8/8/1911 in Xanxerê SC,lives in the same place yet

Agricultor de Blumenau completa 102 anos, e na ativa! - YouTube (em inglês)Agricultor de Xanxerê-SC tem 110 anos e continua na ativa - YouTube

Gonçalino Norberto is nowhere near the oldest living claimant for Brazil, and he's much less plausible than some other cases. There's even a living Brazilian man born in March 1908 that I think is far more believable than him.

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego reacted
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I didn't understand the videos. Who's the Brazilian man born in 1908 that could be true? The only claimant that I could see being true is if Mr. Ivo Gomes Barbosa came out of limbo and was validated. But Mr. Barbosa was born may 15 1909. 

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Posted by: @aq

I didn't understand the videos. Who's the Brazilian man born in 1908 that could be true? The only claimant that I could see being true is if Mr. Ivo Gomes Barbosa came out of limbo and was validated. But Mr. Barbosa was born may 15 1909. 

Ivo Gomes Barbosa is alive?, I didn't find the source, can you tell me?
About the videos, I made a mistake, I deleted the wrong video, the right one was the second one


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Posted by: @aq

I didn't understand the videos. Who's the Brazilian man born in 1908 that could be true? The only claimant that I could see being true is if Mr. Ivo Gomes Barbosa came out of limbo and was validated. But Mr. Barbosa was born may 15 1909. 

1. I don't know if I'm allowed to post his name here.

2. Ivo Gomes Barbosa (I.G.B.) was born in 1911 and died in 2021, aged 110.


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego reacted
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@mendocino but do you have the source?

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@mendocino No that source is either wrong or talking about a different I.G.B.. He was last confirmed alive by his grandson at the time of his 111th birthday in 2020 and I would assume he is still living because his grandson has not posted otherwise.

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@mendocino and why would you not be allowed to post the 1908 born Brazilian man's name here? Could I at least please have a source about his age?

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Posted by: @aq

@mendocino No that source is either wrong or talking about a different I.G.B.. He was last confirmed alive by his grandson at the time of his 111th birthday in 2020 and I would assume he is still living because his grandson has not posted otherwise.


I am a researcher for LAS, so I know for a fact that I.G.B. is Ivo Gomes Barbosa. He was last publicly confirmed alive in a 2020 Facebook post by his grandson, and it was this same grandson that later told us privately that he died in August 2021 at the claimed age of 112, but he turned out to be 2 years younger than claimed, so his actual final age was 110. 


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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Posted by: @aq

@mendocino and why would you not be allowed to post the 1908 born Brazilian man's name here? Could I at least please have a source about his age?

It was actually the Ivo Gomes Barbosa case that led to us becoming more careful about posting Facebook links on public forums, since his family got annoyed by the attention and issued a privacy complaint against the Gerontology Wiki for including an article about him, which is why we now list his name as his initials on LAS. While you could argue that this doesn't make much sense given the fact that the Facebook posts were public, I can see why someone wouldn't want a bunch of people from a forum visiting their personal Facebook page. 


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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@mendocino oh that's understandable. Yeah I wouldn't like that attention either to be honest. And for my own curiosity could there be men born pre-1909 or women born pre-1904 that are living, and WOULD receive the title of the World's Oldest but their families wish to remain private? If the Brazilian man you speak of was actually born in March 1908 than Mr. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora would've never held the title after all.

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diego reacted
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Posted by: @aq

@mendocino oh that's understandable. Yeah I wouldn't like that attention either to be honest. And for my own curiosity could there be men born pre-1909 or women born pre-1904 that are living, and WOULD receive the title of the World's Oldest but their families wish to remain private? If the Brazilian man you speak of was actually born in March 1908 than Mr. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora would've never held the title after all.

agree with you


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@mendocino Why do you think the Gonçalino Norberto case isn't true?
