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Oldest Living People from Puerto Rico (USA)

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The Doyenne of Puerto Rico should be Ms. Rosa Castrodad Melendez (born 20 April 1912, 110).
She became the oldest known living woman in Puerto Rico following the death of 109-year-old Basilia Rodriguez Santiago on 13 May 2021.
Ms. Castrodad Melendez currently lives in Puerto Rico.
She has been validated by LAS.
At 110:

The Doyen of Puerto Rico should be Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (born 12 July 1913, 108).
He became the oldest known living man in Puerto Rico following the death of 111-year-old Juan Escribano on 5 December 2021.
Mr. Diaz Guilfu currently lives in Patillas, Puerto Rico.

Note: Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island and unincorporated territory of the USA.
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diego and ArthurBrazil reacted
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Posted by: @ale76

The Doyen of Puerto Rico should be Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (born 12 July 1913, 108).

Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (born 12 July 1913), turned 109 years. 

stoa-oid, 930310 and Ale76 reacted
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Mr. Monico Rivera Gautier sadly passed away on c.17 Sep 2022 at the age of 109 years, c.99 days. He was born in Naguabo, Puerto Rico on 10 June 1913. He could be the oldest (known) living man in Puerto Rico at the time of his death.
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Ms. Castrodad Melendez turned 111.
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Top 10 Oldest Living People in Puerto Rico
(as of 26 May 2023)

(documented or partially documented)

1. Rosa Castrodad Melendez (b. 20 Apr 1912), 111 years, 36 days
2. Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (b. 12 July 1913), 109 years, 318 days
3. A. H. B. S. (b. 9 Apr 1914), 109 years, 47 days
4. Silverio Perez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), 108 years, 340 days
5. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914), 108 years, 228 days
6. Isabel Cruz Custodio (b. 5 Nov 1914), 108 years, 202 days
6. Fredesvilinda Lila Canet Colón (b. 5 Nov 1914), 108 years, 202 days (born in Cuba)
8. Andres Irizarry Troche (b. 4 Feb 1915), 108 years, 111 days
9. Maria de Jesus Garay (b. 20 Apr 1915), 108 years, 36 days 
10. Narcisa Ruiz Lebron (b. 29 Oct 1915), 107 years, 210 days


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

stoa-oid, diego, Ale76 and 1 people reacted
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New video of Silverio Pérez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), now approaching 109:

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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Manuel Martinez Milan (b. 18 June 1916) of Toa Baja turned 107 last month, and was congratulated by his town a few days ago. He's currently the 4th-oldest documented living man in Puerto Rico. 




Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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Ms. Rosa Castrodad Melendez sadly passed away on 17 July 2023 at the age of 111 years and 88 days.

Rest in peace.

🇵🇷😢Rosa Castrodad Meléndez, quien cumplió 111 años el pasado 20 de abril, falleció ayer lunes en su pueblo natal de Cidra. En memoria de ella, compartimos su historia que publicamos el 10 de mayo de este año.

El Titanic se hundió el 15 de abril de 1912 y cinco días después Rosa Castrodad Meléndez nació en Cidra, en donde reside al son de 111 años y 20 días de vida. Que se sepa, ella es la madre puertorriqueña más antigua del mundo. Además, Rosa está entera excepto por un seno que perdió <<debido a un cáncer benigno que le dio hace como 40 o 50 años atrás …. y está ciega de un ojo y el otro que tiene es de cristal>>, señaló Nilda Castrodad Castrodad, su hija.

<<Mi mamá era agricultora y le encantaba sembrar tabaco, habichuelas, batata, guineos, plátanos, apio, ñames y malangas. Ella tenía muchas gallinas, cerdos, pavos, guineas, patos, vacas y bueyes. Además, fue comerciante porque tuvo una tiendita por muchos años. Después de dejar su tiendita, ella vendía los animales y los huevos porque ella recogía como 100 huevos cada semana>>, dijo Nilda, quien junto a Pedro Castrodad Castrodad y su esposa Noelia Pérez Miranda, cuidan a Rosa.

<<En esa época no había carretera y teníamos que caminar más de una hora para llegar a la carretera principal y coger una guagüita que nos llevaba al pueblo. Ahora con tantos adelantos somos multimillonarios y nos quejamos. En aquellos tiempos carecíamos de lo que tenemos hoy, pero teníamos valores de amor, respeto y decencia para vivir tranquilos y felices. La felicidad no está sujeta al progreso ni al atraso, sino a la actitud que uno asume ante lo que tenemos y nos pasa en la vida>>, afirmó la residente de Cidra.

Rosa se casó con su primo Pedro Luis Castrodad Meléndez y ambos levantaron dignamente a su familia sin sellos de alimentos, (introducidos en la isla trabajadora de Puerto Rico en el 1974), ni Medicaid, (fundado en el extranjero en el 1965), y nunca residieron en vivienda pública. El matrimonio fue otro gran ejemplo de autosuficiencia para la nación puertorriqueña.

Nilda recordó: <<Mi mamá siempre ayudó a la gente. Un señor que tenía ocho hijos pequeños lo internaron en un hospital y mi mamá le daba a su esposa la compra gratis de su tiendita>>. Según Nilda, su madre ha dicho: <<La vida me ha enseñado a compartir con el necesitado. La familia y el ser caritativa me dan mucha felicidad>>.

Nuestras condolencias a todos los seres queridos de doña Rosa Castrodad Meléndez y que ella descanse en paz. La foto muestra a doña Rosa en el día de su último cumpleaños y fue tomada por Brenda Cotto Hernández. #excelenciapuertorriqueña
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Bienvenido Díaz Guilfú (Doyen of Puerto Rico, b. 12 July 1913 - present) turned 110 y.o. and he is now validated by LQ. Congratulations for both achievements!
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Ana Luisa Garcia Vazquez (b. 22 Aug 1913), 110, has now been discovered. She is the oldest documented living woman in Puerto Rico.

Quintina Jimenez Luciano (b. 26 Aug 1915) has turned 108.


Filomena Aponte Vázquez (14 Nov 1914 - 27 Aug 2023), 108, of Aguas Buenas. Her case has been known since January, but her name was only revealed after her death.

Also on the topic of Puerto Rican SCs, the death date of Maria Rivera Cruz (b. 10 Oct 1902 - fl.19 Nov 2013), an old LAS case who was in limbo at age 111, has now been found: 6 February 2015, giving her a final age of 112 years, 119 days.  

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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Posted by: @mendocino

Also on the topic of Puerto Rican SCs, the death date of Maria Rivera Cruz (b. 10 Oct 1902 - fl.19 Nov 2013), an old LAS case who was in limbo at age 111, has now been found: 6 February 2015, giving her a final age of 112 years, 119 days.  


Born 10 October as opposed to 20 October?

EDIT: never mind, I've found her birth certificate online - 10 October, yes.


Excellent job in having solved a longstanding limbo case!


Overduidelijk misschien.

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Top 10 Oldest Living People in Puerto Rico (as of 1st Sep. 2023)
(documented or partially documented)
Today's update (added Ms. Garcia Vazquez and Ms. Jimenez Luciano)

1. Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (b. 12 July 1913), 110 y.o. 
2. Ana Luisa Garcia Vazquez (b. 22 Aug 1913), 110 y.o. 
3. A. H. B. S. (b. 9 Apr 1914), 109 y.o. 
4. Silverio Perez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), 109 y.o. 
5. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914), 108 y.o. 
6. Isabel Cruz Custodio (b. 5 Nov 1914), 108 y.o. 
6. Fredesvilinda Lila Canet Colón (b. 5 Nov 1914 in Cuba), 108 y.o. 
8. Andres Irizarry Troche (b. 4 Feb 1915), 108 y.o. 
9. Maria de Jesus Garay (b. 20 Apr 1915), 108 y.o. 
10. Quintina Jimenez Luciano (b. 26 Aug 1915), 108 y.o.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Posted by: @ale76

Top 10 Oldest Living People in Puerto Rico (as of 1st Sep. 2023)
(documented or partially documented)
Today's update (added Ms. Garcia Vazquez and Ms. Jimenez Luciano)

1. Bienvenido Diaz Guilfu (b. 12 July 1913), 110 y.o. 
2. Ana Luisa Garcia Vazquez (b. 22 Aug 1913), 110 y.o. 
3. A. H. B. S. (b. 9 Apr 1914), 109 y.o. 
4. Silverio Perez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), 109 y.o. 
5. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914), 108 y.o. 
6. Isabel Cruz Custodio (b. 5 Nov 1914), 108 y.o. 
6. Fredesvilinda Lila Canet Colón (b. 5 Nov 1914 in Cuba), 108 y.o. 
8. Andres Irizarry Troche (b. 4 Feb 1915), 108 y.o. 
9. Maria de Jesus Garay (b. 20 Apr 1915), 108 y.o. 
10. Quintina Jimenez Luciano (b. 26 Aug 1915), 108 y.o. 

Bievenido died

🇵🇷😔 Bienvenido Díaz Guilfú, quien... - Conociendo a Puerto Rico | Facebook

Narcisa Ruiz Lebron is the new tenth place?, born on 29 Oct 1915 in Yabucoa and living in the same place


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Top 10 Oldest Living People in Puerto Rico (as of 7th Nov. 2023)
(documented or partially documented)
Today's update (RIP Mr. Diaz Guilfu)

1. Ana Luisa Garcia Vazquez (b. 22 Aug 1913), 110 y.o. 
2. A. H. B. S. (b. 9 Apr 1914), 109 y.o. 
3. Silverio Perez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), 109 y.o. 
4. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914), 109 y.o. 
5. Isabel Cruz Custodio (b. 5 Nov 1914), 109? y.o. 
5. Fredesvilinda Lila Canet Colón (b. 5 Nov 1914 in Cuba), 109? y.o. 
7. Andres Irizarry Troche (b. 4 Feb 1915), 108 y.o. 
8. Maria de Jesus Garay (b. 20 Apr 1915), 108 y.o. 
9. Quintina Jimenez Luciano (b. 26 Aug 1915), 108 y.o.
10. Narcisa Ruiz Lebron (b. 29 Oct 1915), 108 y.o.
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Ms. Juana Cordero sadly passed away on 3 Febuary 2024 in Ohio, United States.

She was born in Puerto Rico on 19 May 1913.

She was the oldest known person who was born in Puerto Rico at the time of her death.

Rest in Peace Ms. Cordero.
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The Doyen of Puerto Rico, Mr. Silverio Perez Rosado (b. 20 June 1914), sadly passed away on 25 Aprile 2024, aged 109.

Rest in peace.
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 Ms. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914) turned 110 y.o.


She is the 3rd OLP in Puerto Rico.
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Posted by: @ale76

 Ms. Maria Cristina Gonzalez Rausseaux (b. 10 Oct 1914) turned 110 y.o.


She is the 3rd OLP in Puerto Rico.

She sadly passed away on 14 November 2024, aged 110 years and 35 days. Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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The Doyen of Puerto Rico sadly passed away on 11 December 2024, aged 109. Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Ms. Ana Luisa Garcia Vazquez of San Juan sadly passed away on 8 December at 111 years old.

She was the known Doyenne of Puerto Rico.

Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego reacted
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Andres is the 8th oldest man in the history of Puerto Rico, 3rd oldest living person in the country (his successor, Manuel Martinez Milan was born on 18 Jun 1916 and is the 6th oldest person in the country, he was born and lives in Toa Boja)
Ana Luisa Garcia is the 11th oldest person in the history of Puerto Rico (her successor, Ana Helvetia Barros Schira (born and living in San Juan) was born on 9 Apr 1914 and is the 19th oldest in the country's history)
She died at the same age as:
Anna Gillette 5 Aug 1890 21 Nov 2001 USA
Alexandrina van Donkelaar-Vink 31 Jan 1895 19 May 2006 NED

This situation of the country's dean and dean dying 3 days apart is very curious, does anyone remember anything similar?


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Julia Siragusa, the Oldest Living Puerto Rican, Celebrates Her 111th Birthday

Julia Siragusa, the oldest living Puerto Rican, celebrated her 111th birthday in Miami, Florida, USA, on 11 March, according to Conociendo a Puerto Rico.

Her birthday was first reported by the Facebook page Conociendo a Puerto Rico, which showcases the island’s beauty, culture, and lifestyle. The page frequently features stories about Puerto Rico’s oldest citizens and their remarkable lives.

Siragusa was born Julia García Cortés in Morovis, Puerto Rico, on 11 March 1914, to parents Juan García Reyes de Morovis and Alberta Cortés de Ciales. At some point, she married Agustín Siragusa. The couple had a daughter, Sylvia Siragusa García. According to her daughter, she worked from the age of 14 until 80, and neither she nor her husband ever needed to seek financial assistance from the government.

When asked about the secret to long life, she attributed it to a good marriage.

The featured image was taken on her 110th birthday, and sourced from Telemundo 51 Miami.

Happy 111th Birthday!
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Happy 111th birthday to her! 🙂 She still looks like she's in good shape! 🙂

BTW, it's quite interesting: Puerto Rico had a 113-year-old and a 115-year-old man in the past, as well as several 111-year-old men at different points in time, and yet the current oldest living Puerto Rican person (a woman) has just turned 111!
