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I got 2 comments on my social media recently. Yesterday, a user commented that he was in contact with Santos Cruz Flores's grandson and he did indeed pass away. Today, I received another comment saying that this person also had contact with the grandson of Santos Cruz Flores and he is still alive, and still able to walk. 


Obviously, someone is trying to bait me into releasing false information. I don't know what is true anymore. When I has been communicating in early 2024 with Santos's grandson, I found that it was a 2nd account with the same name and picture. Either someone stole his identity, posed as him under a 2nd account, and left tons of comments pretending to be him announcing the passing of Santos Cruz Flores, or his grandson had 2 identical accounts. I found this a bit suspicious, as the 2nd account had no personal information attached to it. 


I really don't know what to think or do, but from now on I will let the gsf handle these matters. I won't post any further updates on supercentenarians, unless it is from a news source, or Facebook post.


And furthermore, there is a certain person that I suspect of doing this, because they have baited me before with false information and alternate accounts. I have no proof that it is this person, but I have raised my concern to one of the admins. Stay safe, and protect yourself from trolls.


- Aquanaut

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

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So, I received a message on another forum from a member claiming to be a correspondent who works for LQ.


- He claims that Juan Vicente Pérez Mora was really born in 1929 and not 1909, and had his identity mistaken with another man. (How does his 1938 wedding photo explain the 1929-birth?)


- He claims that Efrain Antonio Rios Garcia was also born in 1929, and actually died in September 2023, and his family kept it a secret until January 2024.


- He claims that Lucile Randon was really born in 1917 and stole her sister's identity. (Lucile's twin sister died in 1905, so this one is debunked)


- He claims that Kane Tanaka was really another case of identity switch with her 1923-born daughter and really only lived to be 99. 


- He claims that Gisaburo Sonobe never existed and that the LQ correspondent for Japan made him up. (Several of Mr. Sonobe's students wrote letters to him, so how do all these people remember someone who supposedly never existed?)


But possibly the most disgusting claim of all is that he says since it's very beginning, LongeviQuest has falsified and exaggerated cases, but will be "coming clean" and admitting their lies very VERY soon. Obviously this person is a troll. There are 3 people that come to mind who could be the ones spreading these rumors. Can someone from LQ confirm publicly that these rumors are indeed false so some poor soul doesn't fall for them? Years ago, I myself would've probably fallen for this nonsense because back then I was innocent to the laws of aging, and I don't want someone else to fall for it. 

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

diego and SpaceUser reacted
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Posts: 41

@aq I think it's the same user who sent me a similar message on 110 club.


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