Sadly, Annie Violet Samphire - of Fareham, Hampshire, England - passed away on 16 February 2024 aged 110 years, 223 days. She was born on 8 July 1913 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England.
Rest in peace.
RIP Ms. Samphire.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
She was the 62nd oldest living person in Europe, 10th oldest living person in the UK and 161st in UK history. With the death of Annie Samphire do we know who the oldest person in Hampshire is now? Would it be Doris Stibbs, born in 15 Oct 1915?
Rest in peace Ms Samphire.
RIP Mrs. Samphire
I made a page for her on gerontology wiki a couple weeks ago