Ms. Helvi Kissala of Mänttä-Vilppula, Pirkanmaa, Finland, sadly passed away on 12 June 2024 at the age of 110 years, 230 days.
She was the OLP in Finland.
She was the second-oldest living Finnish-born person, behind Ms. Hancock of Sweden.
She became the OLP in Finland, following the death of 110-year-old Ms. Nieminen on 13 January 2023.
Following her death, then 109-year-old Gunnel Stenback became the oldest known living person in Finland.
MÄNTTÄLÄINEN Suomen vanhin ihminen Helvi Kissala on kuollut. Asiasta uutisoi ensimmäisenä Iltalehti, joka kertoo Kissalan tyttären Ritva Lamminpää vahvistaneen asian.
Kissala menehtyi keskiviikkona 12. kesäkuuta 2024. Hän oli kuollessaan 110-vuotias. Koko ikänsä Mäntässä asunut Kissala oli syntynyt 26. lokakuuta vuonna 1913.
Kissalan menehdyttyä Suomen vanhin ihminen on Wikipedian Suomen vanhimpien ihmisten luettelon mukaan 109-vuotias (syntynyt 21.9.1914) Gunnel Stenbäck.
Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
She was the 76th oldest living person in Europe, 37th oldest in the history of the Nordic countries, 3rd oldest living person, 7th oldest person in the history of Finland
His successor is the 19th oldest person in Finnish history
She stayed 1 year and 151 days as the oldest person in the country, the longest time since Astrid Qvist who stayed 1 year and 206 days (24 Dec 2020-18 July 2022), died at 110 years and 230 days, the youngest as dean of the country since Astrid Qvist too, who died at 110 years and 134 days. She was from Pirkanmaa, she was the 11th person from that region to be the oldest in the country, the first since Helvi Harma who died on 24 Dec 2020
Rest in Peace, Mrs. Helvi Kissala. Sweden and Finland have lost half of their combined SCs in the last week
Rest in peace, Ms. Helvi Kissala of Finland (1913-2024).
Rest in peace Ms Helvi Kissala.
May she rest in peace.
ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)