Ms. Yuki Nitta, born on 10 August 1911 and living in Buzen, who was announced as the oldest person in Fukuoka Prefecture in September 2023, sadly passed away in hospital on August 10, 2024, on her 113th birthday.
Rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
It is believed that it is more likely that she died in the first 9 months of 2024 rather than the last 3 or 4 months of 2023, there was one user from other forum who had contact with her relatives and it appears that she was alive in January 2024.
As changed by Ale above, LongeviQuest have ascertained that Yuki Nitta died on her 113th birthday.
May she rest in peace.
Overduidelijk misschien.
Rest in peace Ms Yuki Nitta.
Yuki Nitta becomes the fourth supercentenarian, recognised as having passed away on their 113th birthday, as follows.
1. Astrid Zachrison (SWE) 15 May 2008
2. Mathilde Lartigue (FRA) 24 March 2018
3. Margaret Whitlock - (USA) 5 March 2019
4. Yuki Nitta - (JPN) 10 August 2024
As a matter of interest, due to the recent leap year, Ms Nitta appears to have lived a day longer than the remaining three.
There is, as yet no evidence of anyone older than 113, passing away on their birthday.