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110 Club Member Discussion

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Posted by: @amck

Hello there, I am Aryn or Amck! Itโ€™s nice to see some members who I havenโ€™t heard from in ages on here. I am excited to be here as opposed to the 110 Club ๐Ÿ™‚


P.S: A happy Birthday to Fabri21/Shiro/Fabrizio! Have a nice day 💐

Hi! Why were you banned from the 110 club?

Record_116 reacted
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[Post moved to a more appropriate subforum. // New topic created. // Original topic, see here.]

Record_116 reacted
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110 Club comments by member @ryoung122.


D. I'm just going to point out, and you know this, that some of your recent comments on the 110 Club were less than respectful to others much older who had been recently promoted to 110 Club Admins...persons waiting much longer than you for Promotions. Yet you apologized and while I still feel the right decisions were made, I am still happy for you that you found a "Moderator" position at another location.


I think it would be more helpful for everyone to focus on your 'fresh start' and not prior issues. However, you made the above Comment 'as opposed to the 110 Club' which is an example of a problematic Comment. While it's easy to blame 110 Club Admins for the errors you made, the facts show that more than a year of effort was made to support you and in that time you built up a positive reputation (aside from the occasional lapse) and had over 2000 posts, had over 2400 Likes, and gave out over 5000 Likes. This does not sound like a place you were not 'happy to be' for the most part, except for the occasional errant mis-step of your own choosing, including an issue in April 2021 and again an issue in Feb 2022. No one thinks that the occasional mis-step is a reason to permanently ban someone. That actually was a technical error by a new Admin. In time, you will come to understand that responsibility for one's own actions begins with oneself and to not assume before discussing the facts of situations.

So, have a fresh start but I also see that you are still active on the 110 Club, even today, so perhaps you should re-think your above Comment. Thank you!


The above Introduction begins right, but the end part perhaps would have been better to have been left out. Let's focus on some facts: you joined the GRG after Dr Coles passed away. I offered you a GRG Correspondent position and you accepted, and for a time contributed quite a bit to the GRG. Personality conflicts over issues such as 110 Club Fan Club polls (insisting that Giuseppina Projetto Frau be the Supercentenarian of the Month in a month that the Guinness World Records Oldest Living Person passed away...Chiyo Miyako, 117, of Japan) was indeed nonsense. Any objective person not biased with the situation could understand which supercentenarian event that month was the main event of the month. Despite it being clear what the answer was, and we also agreed to a tie and halt the poll, you voluntarily resigned from the 110 Club Admin Team even though not asked to do so.ย 

Despite all that, no one banned you from either the GRG SC Forum or the 110 Club and the door for diplomatic reconciliation remains open. But diplomacy begins with realizing there are multiple views on a story. So please read up here:

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It is not clear who the three comments are to. I can tell that the last one was to Ale76. The other two are unclear.

Record_116 reacted
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It saddens me to see you don't understand the point behind moving these comments. If you think it is important to identify the GSCF members who were the recipients of these remarks, then sadly you have failed to see the bigger picture: I stand firmly behind the idea of a forum where everyone can feel safe and welcomed. The comments above are pedantic in nature and do not fit within the culture of this forum.

In addition, obviously they are about 110 Club issues and should therefore be made there - if at all. Knowing Robert, who is all about "you should have sent me a personal message," then he could have done the same thing and should have been more discreet with these comments, instead of polluting this forum with them. In other words, this forum is not the appropriate place for 110 Club drama.


Thank you for your understanding.

Ollie, Josia9353, Sonicbox and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @admin

ย In addition, obviously they are about 110 Club issues and should therefore be made there

Is it banned to talk/discuss about the continuation of past discussions of The 110 Club members? So why does this thread exist (and still not closed as well as can post)?

In The 110 Club, a specific famous admin has a strong power. For example, members who have stated something different from his opinion, or send a private message to him which he considered as "Inappropriate", or who used dislikes for his posts will be sometime suspended for 7-30 days. @admin, I think you know that too.
So The 110 Club is may not be a good place for discussion. It may be good to talk here.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: ้•ทๅฏฟ่€…็ ”็ฉถใƒ•ใ‚ฉใƒผใƒฉใƒ  (

Josia9353, Sonicbox and Dejan reacted
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Posted by: @record_116

Is it banned to talk/discuss about the continuation of past discussions of The 110 Club members? So why does this thread exist (and still not closed as well as can post)?

It's not forbidden, but in this case the discussion didn't contribute anything positive to the atmosphere of this forum; it didn't improve relationships between members here.


This thread exists because it can also be about something factual, and because it can contribute to improved relationships here - such as clearing the air. In addition, I don't really believe in censorship or deleting posts (unless they contain inappropriate content).

IndependentThinker, Ollie, Josia9353 and 4 people reacted
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@Ryoung122 Let's not leave any room for controversy in this place, which is intended to be a place to discuss peacefully and democratically about a subject that matters to all - supercentenarians, science, gerontology, ...

GRG correspondent for France (October 2012-20/04/2023)

ReZet and Ale76 reacted
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@admin I see no mention whatsoever in my Introductory Post about "110 Club issues" or anything that warranted a warning whatsoever. I did, after you posted the above warning, point out some issues with what Ale76 in particular said about the GRG. No mention of the 110 Club until your "warning" post here. In purpose of fairness, I suggest you retract it since I'm innocent of the allegations made.

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Posted by: @ryoung122

@admin I see no mention whatsoever in my Introductory Post about "110 Club issues" or anything that warranted a warning whatsoever. I did, after you posted the above warning, point out some issues with what Ale76 in particular said about the GRG. No mention of the 110 Club until your "warning" post here. In purpose of fairness, I suggest you retract it since I'm innocent of the allegations made.

You did, actually. 3 times.ย 

The admin was kind enough to separate/link them here:


Interested in Gerontology since: May 13th 2016

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And yet that was a separate thread, not this one. So, it's at least in the wrong place.

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@sonicbox Every Comment I made was in response to one made by someone else. Quite unfair to have the responses called out, but not the original negative Comments. I think it should be made clear, though: I don't "start" issues, I respond to other people making issues. In all three instances above, my Comment was a response, not starting something.

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@ryoung122, I see you find it difficult understanding the rules and regulations of this forum. All you seem to wish to bring is negativity and controversy. I see no issues made in the posts you have replied to [see blockquote above for your replies]. Instead, I do see manipulation and backlash in your replies ["so perhaps you should re-think your above Comment", "but the end part perhaps would have been better to have been left out", "Any objective person not biased with the situation could understand which supercentenarian event that month was the main event of the month"] clearly aimed at re-igniting 110 Club nonsense issues. That's where I draw a line. If you fail to understand this, then I am disappointed in the lack of your EQ skills. Fortunately for you, there's always an alternative - the 110 Club - where you can continue with your personal issues.


Plus, please learn to make posts in appropriate topics. This is the second time I've had to move personal drama begun by you.



Ale76, Josia9353 and Amck reacted
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I am not 'bringing' controversy, the controversy was brought by others, then left out for everyone to see...until I bothered to respond. To quote Ale himself: "I collided badly with some nonsense people who should lead GRG". There can be no doubt that is NOT a friendly message; that is NOT an appropriate message. It is airing of 'sour grapes' concerning about his experiences at another organization. And it clearly should at least have received an Admonishment. But over a month passed and nothing. Now you unfairly claim that my right to defend myself and the GRG is not allowed, but attacks on myself and the GRG are going to be overlooked at worst, which is tacit endorsement. I think it is clear to objective third party persons not involved in this situation that I was responding to prior Comments already made and allowed to stay up...

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I don't see how Ale76 is "airing 'sour grapes' " when he is not even talking about people leading the GRG, but people whoย should lead the GRG (his words).

Instead, what I do see is you attempting to create feuds by framing some of the members on this forum. Pretty shocking, considering you're a grown-up, intelligent man leading the world's most renowned supercentenarian organisation. One would expect more mature behaviour coming from a person in such a respectable position.


Third and final warning before a month-long suspension to reflect on and contemplate your behaviour on this forum.

Josia9353, Sailor Haumea, ReZet and 2 people reacted
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I'm sorry guys if this comes off as offensive but I just can't take it anymore😡 The110club has become incredibly unbearable to be on. It was meant to be a place to discuss supercentenarians and give them all the glory. Instead it has become a place filled with criticism, tyranny, and insults. And the worst part is you have Robert on there, trying to start drama. It seems like most of his comments are criticizing other people, arguing, or calling them out for mistakes that are not worth it. I've seen him on there belittling people for spelling or punctuation mistakes. This is a gerontology site, not an Language Class. And we are supposed to be honoring supercentenarians, NOT Robert. Maybe I'm wrong, but it is my belief that there IS indeed a rivalry between Robert and Ale. I feel that Ale has put in an incredible amount of hard work, and has put in this work with a gentle and kind heart, and because his research was greater than Robert's, this makes Robert jealous, that's why he demeans Ale, and all the other hard workers like him. This is why Robert infantalizes people who have worked harder and more honestly than him, and he does this by pointing out the slightest little mistakes, or twisting people's words around and creating drama out of it. I feel that Robert did not join this forum to "see how it's going". I think he joined this forum so he could try and "win" some of his followers back, and again compete with Ale. And at the same time, direct the internet traffic back to The110club, and steal our members. Robert might possess The110club, he might possess more followers, and he might possess more years of experience, but the one thing he does NOT possess is the right to take away our free speech. On forums, you should be allowed to speak your mind as long as it is not a threat toward another person. He doesn't like the way we debate on here? He doesn't like the way we talk? Well you know what? If he doesn't like it, he is FREE to LEAVE! If I was tech savvy I would create my own website and forum to Honor supercentenarians and give them the spotlight they deserve. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just telling you how I feel, and I hope that this does NOT become a tyrannical place of criticism like The110club.

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@aquanaut_chalk Fora*

Just kidding 🤣ย 

Your vexation is obviously widely felt. I think most people (especially those here) share the same chagrin. I don't know about the ins and outs (especially concerning Ale), but I agree with almost everything or at least understand where you're coming from. One tiny difference would be that, like Robert, I am a strong advocate for correct use of language (invoking the adageย 'Unclear writing is a sign of unclear thinking.') That said, I think you'll agree that it's all about theย tone he uses ('C'est la ton qui fait la musique' ;)). And his tone could not be more vexing and childish, it is (and has been) flabbergasting, to be perfectly clear. I have never seen anything like it.

I think that, with the right tone, anyone could benefit in almost all areas of their life, to learn to write better (myself included, of course). So if I ever correct someone, or have in the past, know that it is or ย has been toย improve someone's (professional, but also general) life, and not to show off.ย 
Just a minor detail.

The sentiment I read in your post is matched by mine almost exactly, and I believe that holds for many if not most other members here. That's why โ€” even though after many attempts at persuasion, I finally conceded to return to t110c too โ€” I never stopped posting here once in a while. I'm glad this forum is still alive, and I believe that if 'the individual in question' isn't careful, we could see a wholesale re-entry to this forum any time soon.ย 

I'm all for reviving the Global Supercentenarian Forum to its full former glory! =D


AQ reacted
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Posted by: @aq

I'm sorry guys if this comes off as offensive but I just can't take it anymore😡 The110club has become incredibly unbearable to be on. It was meant to be a place to discuss supercentenarians and give them all the glory. Instead it has become a place filled with criticism, tyranny, and insults. And the worst part is you have Robert on there, trying to start drama. It seems like most of his comments are criticizing other people, arguing, or calling them out for mistakes that are not worth it. I've seen him on there belittling people for spelling or punctuation mistakes. This is a gerontology site, not an Language Class. And we are supposed to be honoring supercentenarians, NOT Robert. Maybe I'm wrong, but it is my belief that there IS indeed a rivalry between Robert and Ale. I feel that Ale has put in an incredible amount of hard work, and has put in this work with a gentle and kind heart, and because his research was greater than Robert's, this makes Robert jealous, that's why he demeans Ale, and all the other hard workers like him. This is why Robert infantalizes people who have worked harder and more honestly than him, and he does this by pointing out the slightest little mistakes, or twisting people's words around and creating drama out of it. I feel that Robert did not join this forum to "see how it's going". I think he joined this forum so he could try and "win" some of his followers back, and again compete with Ale. And at the same time, direct the internet traffic back to The110club, and steal our members. Robert might possess The110club, he might possess more followers, and he might possess more years of experience, but the one thing he does NOT possess is the right to take away our free speech. On forums, you should be allowed to speak your mind as long as it is not a threat toward another person. He doesn't like the way we debate on here? He doesn't like the way we talk? Well you know what? If he doesn't like it, he is FREE to LEAVE! If I was tech savvy I would create my own website and forum to Honor supercentenarians and give them the spotlight they deserve. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just telling you how I feel, and I hope that this does NOT become a tyrannical place of criticism like The110club.


I am sorry to see you being so distressed about the 110 Club, Aquanaut_Chalk. Many other members here know how you feel and share your pain, I hope that soothes it somewhat. However, let's also try not to insinuate feuds or rivalries between certain people exist when none of us know what has really gone on. Also, it would probably be best not to vent your anger at someone personally, yet instead to address the system - I think many of us agree that the power distribution / power abuse on the 110 Club is - and this is an understatement, yes - flawed. Nonetheless, there is no need to become personal; I reckon we are more mature than that.


Obviously, though, feel free to stay here on the Global Supercentenarian Forum - hopefully this place is indeed a safe and enjoyable environment for you. We are more than welcome to have you.


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Posted by: @josia9353

The sentiment I read in your post is matched by mine almost exactly, and I believe that holds for many if not most other members here. That's why โ€” even though after many attempts at persuasion, I finally conceded to return to t110c too โ€” I never stopped posting here once in a while. I'm glad this forum is still alive, and I believe that if 'the individual in question' isn't careful, we could see a wholesale re-entry to this forum any time soon.ย 


This makes it feel/read as if there's an active movement on the 110 Club trying to bad-mouth the Global Supercentenarian Forum. If that is the case, I am extremely disappointed - I genuinely believe we've made it crystal clear that we are not a rival to their forum, and we'd be happy if members felt safe and respected enough to return to the 110 Club. (But I hope I am wrong about what I think I've read between the lines.)


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[Topic split as I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the openly shared criticism in this thread; apologies to our regular members, as they cannot see the discussion anymore.]

Amck reacted