I decided to create this topic to share some cases of Portuguese centenarians from the past that I discovered, because we don't have any oficial database from Portugal.
Albertino Augusto da Silva Bizarro (03.03.1885 - 04.09.1989) 104 years and 185 days
He was born in Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Guarda District, and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living man in Guarda District, at the time of his death.
06844.194.30182 (casacomum.org)
Afonso Correia Leal (11.02.1883 - 26.07.1987) 104 years and 165 days
He was born in Raposeira, Vila do Bispo, Faro District, and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living man in Faro District, at the time of his death.
06839.189.29563 (casacomum.org)
Bernardina de Jesus Lourenço (24.03.1885 - 18.08.1991) 106 years and 147 days
She was born in Águas Belas, Ferreira do Zêzere, Santarém District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Santarém District, at the time of her death.
06892.209.31689 (casacomum.org)
Henriqueta Maria (30.07.1880 - 21.12.1984) 104 years and 144 days
She claimed to be born on 18 July 1879.
She was born in Montargil, Ponte de Sor, Portalegre District and died in Avis, Portalegre District.
She was the oldest known living person in Portalegre District, at the time of her death.
06831.181.28503 (casacomum.org)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Manuel António (17.02.1879 - 25.08.1983) 104 years and 189 days
He was born in Vila de Rei, Castelo Branco District and died in Sertã, Castelo Branco District.
He was the oldest known living man in Castelo Branco District, at the time of his death.
06830.180.28383 (casacomum.org)
Bebiana Correia (26.08.1883 - 18.03.1988) 104 years and 205 days
She was born in Odemira, Beja District, and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Beja District, at the time of her death.
06885.202.31102 (casacomum.org)
Manuel de Sousa (20.10.1885 - 28.04.1991) 105 years and 190 days
He was born in Assentiz, Torres Novas, Santarém District and died in Marinha Grande, Leiria District.
He was the oldest known living man in Leiria District, at the time of his death.
06890.207.31579 (casacomum.org)
PT-ADSTR-PRQ-PTNV02-001-0007_m0306.tif - Registo de batismos - Arquivo Distrital de Santarém - DigitArq (arquivos.pt) page 306-307
Manuel Eduardo Figueira (20.02.1881 - 04.09.1984) 103 years and 197 days
He was born in Câmara de Lobos, Funchal, Madeira and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living man in Madeira, at the time of his death.
06843.193.30036 (casacomum.org)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Serafim Gonçalves das Neves (16.02.1868 - 01.06.1972) 104 years and 106 days
He was born in Azurara, Porto District and died in the same place.
He was the oldest priest ever from Portugal and the oldest known living man in Porto District, at the time of his death.
- OPAC (bm-joseregio.com) page 3
PT-ADPRT-PRQ-PVCD04-001-0018_m0064.tif - Registos de baptismos - (arquivos.pt) page 64-65
Maria do Nascimento Bernardes (20.01.1868 - 09.12.1973) 105 years and 323 days
She was born in Pomares, Coimbra District and died in Avô, Coimbra District.
She was the oldest known living woman in Coimbra District, at the time of her death.
A Comarca de Arganil 7117 - Comarca de Arganil (cm-arganil.pt) page 6
Representação digital - Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra - Archeevo (uc.pt) page 17
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Lucinda Fernandes Madeira (05.11.1901 - 03.04.2009) 107 years and 149 days
She was born in Anceriz, Coimbra District and died in São Brás de Alportel, Faro District.
She was the oldest known living person in Faro District, at the time of her death.
Representação digital - Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra - Archeevo (uc.pt) page 12
Bárbara Ganhão (15.05.1903 - 05.05.2009) 105 years and 355 days
She was born in Benavente, Santarém District and died in Salvaterra de Magos, Santarém District.
She was the last survivor of the 1909 Benavente earthquake.
She was the oldest known living person in Santarém District, at the time of her death.
Horta do Zorate: Benavente: Morreu Bárbara Ganhão, sobrevivente do sismo de 1909...
Terramoto de 1909 - Câmara Municipal de Benavente (cm-benavente.pt)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Rosa do Carmo (24.11.1906 - 14.10.2009) 102 years and 324 days
She was born in São Roque do Pico, Pico Island, Azores and died in the same place.
She and her sister Paulina were the oldest known living sisters in Portugal at the time of her death.
Rosa do Carmo fez 102 anos - SAPO Vídeos
Centro de Conhecimento dos Açores - Registos Paroquiais (azores.gov.pt) page 62
Paulina Nunes (28.09.1908 - fl.02.10.2015) 107 years and 4+ days
She was born in São Roque do Pico, Pico Island, Azores.
She and her sister Rosa were the oldest known living sisters in Portugal at the time of her sister's death and the oldest known siblings from Azores.
She was the oldest known living person in Azores at the time of her death.
Centro de Conhecimento dos Açores - Registos Paroquiais (azores.gov.pt) page 79
Mulher do Pico completou 105 anos de vida - SAPO Vídeos
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
"Teresa Ventura:
Celebrate 100 years in Coimbra
Teresa Ventura Oliveira, a widow and childless, turned 100 yesterday. The old woman has lived for about 10 years in the nursing home Lar da Ordem Terceira de S. Francisco, in Coimbra and is in good health. Teresa Ventura's longevity seems to be common in her family, as one of her sisters recently died at the age of 110." 28 October 1980
06834.184.28885 (casacomum.org)
Unfortunatly, her sister's name is not described, nor the place of birth of both and I didn't find anything else about them.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
I add here a few more portuguese centenarians who were the oldest living person of the District at the time of their death:
Idalinda Rego (08.02.1908 - 31.08.2015) 107 years and 204 days
She was born in Alter do Chão, Portalegre District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Portalegre District, at the time of her death.
Maria Gonçalves Martins (19.03.1912 - 21.10.2018) 106 years and 216 days
She was born in Ponte da Barca, Viana do Castelo District, and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Maria Martins canta e encanta aos 106 anos - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponte da Barca (scmpb.pt)
ETERNA SAUDADE - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponte da Barca (scmpb.pt)
Rosa Araújo (10.12.1912 - 08.01.2020) 107 years and 29 days
She was born in Valença, Viana do Castelo and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Rosa Araújo fez 107 anos e teve festa especial em Valença (noticiasaominuto.com)
Morreu a "risonha" e "bem humorada" Rosa Araújo. Tinha 107 anos (noticiasaominuto.com)
Rosa Soares (16.11.1914 - 05.03.2022) 107 years and 109 days
She was born in Fafe, Braga District, and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Braga District, at the time of her death.
Dona Rosa de Fafe morreu aos 107 anos (bragatv.pt)
Ana Joaquina Lopes (13.02.1906 - fl.13.02.2013) 107 years and 0+ days
She was living in Portalegre District, at the age of 107.
At the time of her death, she would have been the oldest living person in Portalegre District.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Gracinda Gomes (28.03.1910 - 17.04.2017) 107 years and 20 days
She was born in Vila Verde, Braga District and died in the same place.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Braga District, at the time of her death.
Gracinda Gomes. A mulher dos 107 anos que "Deus não quis levar" - Semanário V (semanariov.pt)
Óbito. Morreu a mulher mais velha do concelho de Vila Verde - Semanário V (semanariov.pt)
Maria da Conceição Machado (30.05.1912 - 22.06.2019) 107 years and 23 days
She was born in Vila Marim, Vila Real District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
Morreu a mulher "mais velha" de Vila Real - A Voz de Trás-os-Montes (avozdetrasosmontes.pt)
Maria da Conceição (07.12.1904 - 09.10.2017) 112 years and 306 days
She was born in the parish of São Miguel, Penela, Coimbra District and died in the parish of Real, Braga District.
Her parents were António Luís and Maria da Glória.
She married David Maria Duarte on 17 February 1927, in Penela.
She was probably the oldest living person in Portugal, at the time of her death. If her age was true, Susana Silva (1905-2016) and Benvinda Matias (1906-2017) never had the title of the oldest living person in Portugal.
Representação digital - Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra - Archeevo (uc.pt) page 148
Maria da Conceição morreu com 112 anos (diariocoimbra.pt)
Ludovina Rodrigues Mendes (25.02.1906 - 11.01.2013) 106 years and 321 days
She was born in Peitilha, Lanheses, Viana do Castelo District, and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Carlota Luzio (15.04.1890 - 24.07.1997) 107 years and 100 days
She was born in Castelões, Vila Real District and died in Chaves, Vila Real District.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
She and her sister, Teresa Luzio (1897-2007), are the oldest known sisters ever from Portugal.
Carlota Luzio celebra 107 anos de vida – RTP Arquivos
Maria da Conceição (16.09.1913 - 29.10.2020) 107 years and 43 days
She was born in Arcos de Valdevez, Viana do Castelo District, and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Junta de Freguesia de Monte Redondo | Facebook
Morreu uma das mulheres mais velhas do Minho (e de Portugal)
Esperança Martins (1913/1914 - 30.04.2021) 107 years and 0+ days
She died in Friões, Vila Real District.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
Avelina Alves do Poço (17.11.1914 - 02.07.2021) 106 years and 227 days
She was born in Afife, Viana do Castelo District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Afife: “Tia Lina das Catorras” faz hoje 106 anos | Rádio Alto Minho (radioaltominho.pt)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Emília Fernandes Rocha (05.11.1913 - 27.02.2020) 106 years and 114 days
She was born in Guimarães, Braga District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Braga District, at the time of her death.
Morreu 'Milinha do Pedra', a habitante mais velha de Guimarães (noticiasaominuto.com)
José Luís Cunha Dantas (29.06.1912 - 19.01.2019) 106 years and 204 days
He was born in Ponte de Lima, Viana do Castelo District and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of his death.
Morreu José Dantas, o homem ‘mais velho’ do Minho - Sociedade - Correio da Manhã (cmjornal.pt)
Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves (1911 - 02.09.2018) 107 years and 0+ days
She died in Melgaço, Viana do Castelo District.
She was the oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Carolina Fernandes do Vale (24.12.1912 - 19.10.2019) 106 years and 299 days
She was born in Quintães, Barcelos, Braga District and died in Barcelos, Braga District.
She was the oldest known living person in Braga District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Viana do Castelo District:
Rosa Perpétua Vaz (20.02.1897 - 18.06.2005) 108 years and 118 days (? - 108)
Deolinda Rodrigues (02.11.1900 - 21.02.2009) 108 years and 111 days (104 - 108)
Ludovina Rodrigues Mendes (25.02.1906 - 11.01.2013) 106 years and 321 days (? - 106)
Aurora Martins (04.12.1907 - 23.04.2016) 108 years and 141 days (105 - 108)
Maria Amália (22.02.1909 - 21.05.2018) 109 years and 88 days (107 - 109)
Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves (1910/1911 - 02.09.2018) 107 years and 0+ days (106/107 - 107)
Maria Gonçalves Martins (19.03.1912 - 21.10.2018) 106 years and 216 days (106 - 106)
José Luís Cunha Dantas (29.06.1912 - 19.01.2019) 106 years and 204 days (106 - 106)
Rosa Araújo (10.12.1912 - 08.01.2020) 107 years and 29 days (106 - 107)
Maria da Conceição (16.09.1913 - 29.10.2020) 107 years and 43 days (106 - 107)
Avelina Alves do Poço (17.11.1914 - 02.07.2021) 106 years and 227 days (105 - 106)
Ana Pires (28.07.1915 - living) 108 years (105 - 108)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Maria Rodrigues Branco (25.02.1915 - 27.12.2020) 105 years and 306 days
She was born in Arcos de Valdevez, Viana do Castelo District and died in the same place.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Viana do Castelo District, at the time of her death.
Morreu aos 105 anos Maria 'Casanova', uma das mulheres mais velhas do Minho
Morreu antiga parteira que ajudou a nascer quase toda uma freguesia (jn.pt)
Manuel Constantino Ferreira (24.12.1915 - 21.06.2022) 106 years and 179 days
He was born in Ovar, Aveiro District and died in Guimarães, Braga District.
He was the oldest known living person in Braga District, at the time of his death.
Morreu aos 106 anos o homem mais velho de Guimarães (ominho.pt)
Maria D'Assunção Silva (02.08.1914 - 26.07.2021) 106 years and 358 days
She was born in Portalegre, Portalegre District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Portalegre District, at the time of her death.
Maria Conceição Domingos (23.07.1911 - 25.07.2017) 106 years and 2 days
She was born in Elvas, Portalegre District and died in Urra, Portalegre District.
She was the oldest known living person in Portalegre District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Portalegre District:
Henriqueta Maria (30.07.1880 - 21.12.1984) 104 years and 144 days (? - 104)
Ana Joaquina Lopes (13.02.1906 - c.13.02.2013) 107 years and 0+ days (? - c.107)
Idalinda Rego (08.02.1908 - 31.08.2015) 107 years and 204 days (c.105 - 107)
Maria Conceição Domingos (23.07.1911 - 25.07.2017) 106 years and 2 days (104 - 106)
Encarnação Marques (21.04.1912 - 13.02.2021) 108 years and 298 days (105 - 108)
Maria D'Assunção da Silva (02.08.1914 - 26.07.2021) 106 years and 358 days (106 - 106)
Angélica de Matos Batista (19.12.1916 - living) 106 years (104 - 106)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Wonderful research, Gabriel_PT, but for a country like Portugal, please try and stick to reporting cases with a minimum age of 105. Many thanks!
@admin thanks! In Portugal, in the 1970s and 1980s, there weren't many people aged 105 or over, so in some districts the doyenne was only 104 or less. One of my goals is to make a "list" of the doyenne of each district from Portugal. In districts like Évora and Beja, in the present, the doyenne's age is still around 104 or 105 years old.
I am only reporting cases of centenarians who possibly were the doyenne of the district where they resided at the time of their death. I am not reporting any simple case that lived less than 107 years.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Maria José Alves (01.06.1911 - 02.10.2018) 107 years and 123 days
She was born in Areosa, Viana do Castelo District and died in Coimbra, Coimbra District.
She was the oldest known living person in Coimbra District, at the time of her death.
Maria Augusta Do Outeiro (1909 - 16.12.2015) 106 years and 0+ days
She died in Lamares, Vila Real District.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
Berta de Jesus (26.02.1911 - Mar2018/Feb2019) 107 years and 0+ days
She was born in Limões, Chaves, Vila Real District and was living in Valpaços, Vila Real District at age 107.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
A NOSSA "VOVÓ" BERTA DE... - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Valpaços | Facebook
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Vila Real District:
Carlota Luzio (15.04.1890 - 24.07.1997) 107 years and 100 days (? - 107)
Teresa Madureira Luzio (16.12.1897 - 20.05.2007) 109 years and 155 days (? - 109)
Mavília do Carmo (22.09.1907 - fl.06.10.2016) 109 years and 14+ days (? - c.109)
Berta de Jesus (26.02.1911 - Mar2018/Feb2019) 107 years and 0+ days (105 - 107)
Maria da Conceição Machado (30.05.1912 - 22.06.2019) 107 years and 23 days (? - 107)
Esperança Martins (c.1914 - 30.04.2021) 107 years and 0+ days (105/106 - 107)
Eduarda de Jesus Pinto Lobão (c.1915 - 21.01.2022) 106 years and 0+ days (c.105 - 106)
Almira Augusta (02.07.1915 - 10.01.2023) 107 years and 192 days (106 - 107)
Adozinda Alves Ferreira (20.03.1916 - living) 107 years (106 - 107)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Coimbra District:
Maria Alves de Jesus (20.01.1864 - 28.12.1971) 107 years and 342 days (? - 107)
António de Almeida (06.09.1867 - 14/15.12.1975) 108 years and 99/100 days (104 - 108)
Rosa Cadete (27.03.1881 - c.27.03.1989) 108 years and 0+ days (? - 108)
Elvira de Jesus Caldeira (27.07.1886 - 05.06.1998) 111 years and 313 days (? - 111)
Guilhermina Dias (08.09.1894 - 19.01.2000) 105 years and 133 days (? - 105)
José Luís Ladeira (06.10.1895 - 21.05.2003) 107 years and 227 days (104 - 107)
Maria Virgínia Pestana (03.04.1899 - 01.08.2010) 111 years and 120 days (104 - 111)
Maria Felícia Bento (13.04.1901 - 29.12.2011) 110 years and 265 days (109 - 110)
Gabriela Correia (12.10.1911 - 26.03.2019) 107 years and 165 days (? - 107)
Deolinda da Conceição Carvalho (23.09.1911 - 24.09/31.12.2019) 108 years and 1-99 days (107 - 108)
Olinda Paulo Baeta (09.10.1911 - 08.01.2022) 110 years and 91 days (108 - 110)
Ana Gomes Coluna Vieira (07.07.1913 - 01.07.2022) 108 years and 359 days (108 - 108)
Isaura da Conceição Teixeira (18.10.1915 - 22.01.2023) 107 years and 96 days (106 - 107)
Anonymous (14.12.1916 - living) 106 years (106 - 106)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Braga District:
Maximina Silva (19.07.1893 - 10.04.2003) 109 years and 265 days (? - 109)
António Fernandes de Castro (06.01.1898 - 22.06.2009) 111 years and 167 days (105 - 111)
Maria Dolores Ferreira (22.07.1902 - 31.07.2013) 111 years and 9 days (106 - 111)
Maria da Conceição (07.12.1904 - 09.10.2017) 112 years and 306 days (108 - 112)
Carolina Fernandes do Vale (24.12.1912 - 19.10.2019) 106 years and 299 days (? - 106)
Emília Fernandes Rocha (05.11.1913 - 27.02.2020) 106 years and 114 days (105 - 106)
Rosa Soares (16.11.1914 - 05.03.2022) 107 years and 109 days (105 - 107)
Manuel Constantino Ferreira (24.12.1915 - 21.06.2022) 106 years and 179 days (106 - 106)
Maria da Silva Oliveira (15.03.1916 - living) 107 years (106 - 107)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
@admin thanks! In Portugal, in the 1970s and 1980s, there weren't many people aged 105 or over, so in some districts the doyenne was only 104 or less. One of my goals is to make a "list" of the doyenne of each district from Portugal. In districts like Évora and Beja, in the present, the doyenne's age is still around 104 or 105 years old.
I am only reporting cases of centenarians who possibly were the doyenne of the district where they resided at the time of their death. I am not reporting any simple case that lived less than 107 years.
OK, Gabriel_PT, that sounds reasonable. 🙂
Maria Aleixo (03.02.1910 - 13.04.2016) 106 years and 70 days
She was born in Boliqueime, Faro District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Faro District, at the time of her death.
José Dias (15.06.1911 - 14.12.2016) 105 years and 182 days
He was born in Paderne, Faro District and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living person in Faro District, at the time of his death.
Leopoldina Conrado (26.02.1912 - 25.09.2019) 107 years and 211 days
She was born in Arraiolos, Évora District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Évora District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Lisbon District:
Maria da Conceição Silva (21.05.1861 - 30.12.1966) 105 years and 223 days (? - 105)
Maria Emília de Albuquerque Loio (02.03.1864 - 23.05.1970) 106 years and 82 days (? - 106)
Maria Pereira (14.06.1868 - 24.06.1979) 111 years and 10 days (? - 111)
Mariana Chiromo (11.03.1884 - c.11.03.1992) 108 years and 0+ days (? - 108)
Clara Lopes dos Santos (26.03.1894 - 25.10.2006) 112 years and 213 days (? - 112)
Maria Luiza Nunes da Silva (07.07.1898 - 26.09.2011) 113 years and 81 days (108 - 113)
Maria da Encarnação Rebola (24.03.1905 - fl.02.04.2012) 107 years and 9+ days (106 - c.107)
Susana Correia Conceição Silva (23.04.1905 - 09.05.2016) 111 years and 16 days (c.107 - 111)
Joaquina Martins (13.01.1907 - 14.10.2018) 111 years and 274 days (109 - 111)
Inácia Carmelino (17.06.1911 - 20.08.2023) 112 years and 64 days (107 - 112)
Anonymous (Laura) (08.08.1914 - living) 109 years (109 - 109)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Guilhermina Dias (08.09.1894 - 19.01.2000) 105 years and 133 days
She was born in Arganil, Coimbra District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Coimbra District, at the time of her death.
Representação digital - Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra - Archeevo (uc.pt) page 56-57
A Comarca de Arganil 10979 - Comarca de Arganil (cm-arganil.pt) page 7
Emília de Jesus Teles (18.04.1914 - 18.02.2022) 107 years and 306 days
She was born in Covilhã, Castelo Branco District and died in the same place.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Castelo Branco District, at the time of her death.
Silvina de Almeida Soares (22.10.1914 - 22.09.2022) 107 years and 335 days
She was born in Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro Distrct and died in the same place.
She was the third-oldest known living person in Aveiro District, at the time of her death.
She was a Covid-19 survival at the age of 106.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Albertina da Silva Pereira (19.01.1913 - 12.03.2020) 107 years and 53 days
She died in Trofa, Porto District.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Porto District, at the time of her death.
Albertina da Silva Pereira (rochafunerarias.com)
Maria Matildes (1913/1914 - 23.11.2021) 107 years and 0+ days
She died in Cadaval, Lisbon District.
She was the third-oldest known living person in Lisbon District, at the time of her death.
Aurora de Jesus (1914/1915 - 04.04.2022) 107 years and 0+ days
She died in Ourém, Santarém District.
She was the oldest known living person or the second-oldest known living person in Santarém District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Mavília do Carmo (22.09.1907 - fl.06.10.2016) 109 years and 14+ days
She was living in Peso da Régua, Vila Real District, at the age of 109.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
Ilda Vieira (22.07.1911 - fl.22.07.2018) 107 years and 0+ days
She was living in Odivelas, Lisbon District, at the age of 107.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Lisbon District, at the time of her death.
Maria Luiza da Nave (12.12.1912 - 20.10.2020) 107 years and 313 days
She was born in Aldeia Viçosa, Guarda District and died in the same place.
She was the third-oldest known living person in Guarda District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Eduarda de Jesus Pinto Lobão (1915/1916 - 21.01.2022) 106 years and 0+ days
She died in Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Vila Real District.
She was the oldest known living person in Vila Real District, at the time of her death.
Américo de Oliveira e Silva (13.08.1916 - 08.11.2022) 106 years and 87 days
He was born in Santa Maria da Feira, Aveiro District and died in the same place.
He was the oldest known living man in Aveiro District, at the time of his death.
He and his wife Etelvina were married for 80 years. Probably the oldest marriege ever from Portugal.
Américo e Etelvina celebram 79 anos de casamento - O Regional
António Taveira Martins (14.05.1914 - 03.08.2020) 106 years and 81 days
He was born in Lamego, Viseu District and died in Ermesinde, Porto District.
He was the third-oldest known living man in Porto District, at the time of his death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Santarém District:
Bernardina de Jesus Lourenço (24.03.1885 - 18.08.1991) 106 years and 147 days (? - 106)
Maria de Jesus (10.09.1893 - 02.01.2009) 115 years and 114 days (? - 115)
Bárbara Ganhão (15.05.1903 - 05.05.2009) 105 years and 355 days (105 - 105)
Maria Delfina (22.04.1904 - 30.09.2012) 108 years and 161 days (105 - 108)
Manuel dos Santos (23.12.1905 - 16.05.2015) 109 years and 144 days (106 - 109)
Manuel Rodrigues Horta (16.03.1908 - 22.08.2016) 108 years and 159 days (107 - 108)
Deolinda Jorge dos Santos (01.01.1912 - 18.02.2021) 109 years and 48 days (? - 109)
Amélia dos Santos (1912/1913 - 30.03.2021) 108 years and 0+ days (107/108 - 108)
António Henriques (27.09.1913 - 02.07.2021) 107 years and 278 days (107 - 107)
Conceição Augusto (10.10.1914 - 21.07.2021) 106 years and 284 days (106 - 106)
Aurora de Jesus (1914/1915? - 04.04.2022) 107 years and 0+ days (106/107? - 107)
Emília Mendes (16.10.1914 - 25.08.2023) 108 years and 313 days (107 - 108)
Jesuína Lucas (28.10.1916 - living) 106 years (106 - 106)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Inocência da Conceição Morais (16.09.1914 - 09.08.2022) 107 years and 327 days
She was born in Rio Frio, Bragança District and died in the same place.
She was the oldest known living person in Bragança District, at the time of her death.
Tio João: Inocência com 105 anos de idade | Jornal Nordeste
Maria Augusta Teixeira (19.10.1907 - fl.25.10.2013) 106 years and 6+ days
She was born in Agualva, Terceira Island, Azores, and was living in Santa Luzia, Terceira Island, Azores at the age of 106.
She was the oldest known living person in Azores Archipelago, at the time of her death.
http://www.jornaldapraia.com/noticias/ver.php?id=53 2">Diz Maria Augusta Teixeira de 106 anos: “ARREPENDO-ME DE NÃO TER APRENDIDO A LER E A ESCREVER” - Notícias - Jornal da Praia (archive.org)
Emília Correia (05.12.1907 - fl.05.03.2015) 107 years and 90+ days
She was born in Belmonte, Castelo Branco District and was living in Penacova, Coimbra District, at the age of 107.
She was the second-oldest known living person in Coimbra District, at the time of her death.
ESO Correspondent for Portugal
Candidates for the doyenne of Bragança District:
Maria da Piedade Pereira (12.09.1899 - c.12.09.2007) 108 years and 0+ days (? - c.108)
Carmelina Augusta Delgado (08.11.1900 - c.25.10.2013) 112 years and c.351 days (106/107 - 112)
Maria Charula de Mello (29.11.1905 - c.13.12.2013) 108 years and 14+ days (c.107 - c.108)
Hermínia dos Santos Corrêa (17.07.1910 - 27.09.2020) 110 years and 72 days (? - 110)
Carlota dos Anjos Guerra (09.10.1911 - 10.10.2021) 110 years and 1 day (108 - 110)
Inocência da Conceição Morais (16.09.1914 - 09.08.2022) 107 years and 327 days (107 - 107)
Maria dos Santos Gonçalves (16.06.1916 - living) 107 years (106 - 107)
ESO Correspondent for Portugal