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Beaumont's List (Verified Supercentenarians, LQ, ESO, GRG)

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This is not the final version.

I have been working on a list of all verified supercentenarians covering all the major organisations. All the cases are included but there are still some corrections and things I need to look into I think, such as location/name variance etc.

Another issue (maybe someone knows a fix for it) is that the "years and days" column is sometimes one day wrong for some people. I think the formula doesn't account for leap days or something. Anyway, this hopefully can be fixed soon enough when I work it out.

Hopefully this may be helpful for some people. Please reply with corrections/questions if you want.

Pavlos123, WellAbove110, diego and 5 people reacted
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Hello Beaumont! Great job! Congratulations!

I only noticed one error (maybe because it was a case from my country): Maria d'Almeida (1899-2010) is under number 1583 in your list with the name Hélène Cazes. 

It's completely normal to make some mistakes like that, in such a long list that must have taken a long time to complete.

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

diego and Beaumont reacted
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That is an awesome effort Beaumont.

Does the leap year problem impact those who were alive in 1900?

As you may know years ending in 00 are only leap years if the full year is divisible by 400, so 1900 therefore wasn’t.

diego reacted
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@gabriel_pt Thank you. Yes It would be more weird if there were no mistakes!

Gabriel_PT reacted
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Great effort.

From Ireland, Margaret Linehan (27 Apr 1892 - 18 Feb 2003) and Annie O'Donnell (20 Jun 1894 - 5 Jul 2004) don't appear to be included, and Mary Ellen Geaney's (1886-1996) age is one day out because of the leap day as you said.

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@beaumont I noticed Beatrice Jensen is still listed as alive on the list when she actually died in August (and today coincidentally would have been her 111th birthday)

Beaumont reacted
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Great effort, Beaumont! I'll have a proper look at it once I have some time. 😊 

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego reacted
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This is an incredible effort - nice work!

diego reacted
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I've checked 1788-1879 so far. Excellent work, some minor observations:


- Lelia Van Dyke (b. 1862) was African-American.

- Charlotte Pritchett (b. 1875) was of Native American descent.


- Elisa Esnault (b. 1870) was called Elisa Rogard; her maiden name was Esnault.


- Has Anna Bruder's age (b. 1871) been officially debunked yet? Not certain.


- You seem to have missed Florence Tabbert (LQ-validated, see here) of the USA (IL/WI). Born 25 Dec 1878, died 14 Mar 1990, aged 111y 79d.


- For Italian cases, the GRG for some reason included the married names, even though it's Italian custom not to do so. So none of the Italian cases on the ESO website will show married names for Italian supercentenarian women.


Then, I notice there's some smaller inconsistencies between your list and my list, but that's mainly due to me having changed people's DOBs or YOBs based on information from research (such as a birth certificate proving someone was born a week later or earlier, or something similar). I am sure that LQ will revalidate these people's ages in the coming years.

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego and Ale76 reacted
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Thank you so much for everyone's kind comments and feedback.

@finbarrc I don't think the Irish cases you mentioned are verified by any of the three organisations I used for this list. I just started the list using these three organisations as a starting point but may expand it to include cases validated by other ones also I'm not sure yet.

@mrcatlord thank you for highlighting that death I hadn't noticed that

@marco thank you for your corrections. I did not know Anna Bruder was in question I can't find that anywhere. I will amend all the Italian names when I get a chance. Also yes I know a lot of cases need revalidation to correct exact dates etc. I will just wait for these to be announced officially before doing so. If I start adding my own corrections in I will lose track of what is official and what is just me changing things haha.

@chrisr Thank you. I am not sure why the error happens but it effects people born before 1900 and after 1900 so I'm unsure.

diego, FinbarrC and ChrisR reacted
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Great work, congrats Beaumont!

As Marco wrote, for Italian cases, it's Italian custom not to include the married names.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego reacted
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@Beaumont Congratulations on the incredible work

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@beaumont Makes sense with regard to the official corrections! 😉



1883: Marthe Bellecour should be Marthe Foinon. Yes, she was married to Mr Bellecour, but they divorced and Marthe Foinon began using her maiden name once more.

1884: Nounia Hutin, not Nouria.

1885: Ersilia de Costanzo, not Ersilade.

1886: You've missed Pedro Zorrilla Caballero of Puerto Rico, 24 Apr 1886 - 2 Sept 1997, 111y 131d // You've also missed the revalidation of Denzō Ishizaki (by LQ), establishing he was in fact born on 2 Oct 1886 (and thus eighteen days older).

1888: for 23 March, Joseph Athmann died two days later than Aley LaRue (so they should be in reverse order).

1889: You've missed Marta Herminia Canevaro Luza of Chile, 29 July 1889 - 13 Apr 2001, 111y 258d.

Overduidelijk misschien.

Beaumont, ChrisR and diego reacted
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@marco Thank you so much. I've put these corrections in place 🙂

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23 Feb 1890 --> first Kitagawa, then Chesnut.

Erszébet Szűcs = Józsefné Szűcs (after marriage, a Hungarian woman's first name is turned into her husband's first name +né)



10 Jan 1892 --> first Perego, then Rabenda (Perego older by four days).

Norio Kawada = Motoo Kawada (Japanese forum rectified this a couple of years ago, GRG has yet to address it).

Syun Suzuki = Shun Suzuki

Anne-Marie Vandermersch = Anne-Marie Adam (many Belgian women don't use their husbands' last name).



Marthe Ardouin-Schmid = Marthe Schmid (Ardouin = maiden name).

+ Mitsu Nakano, JPN (died in Hyōgo), 13 Sept 1893 - 30 Nov 2003, 110y 78d.



Marie Vigne-Ben Cimon = Marie Ben Cimon (Vigne = maiden name).

+ Lottie Shaw, ENG, 18 Oct 1894 - 10 June 2005, 110y 235d.

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego and Beaumont reacted
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Niwa Kamamoto was born on 17 September 1863.

diego and Beaumont reacted
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Mathilde Octavie Tafna = Mathilde Octavie Albina. (Tafna was her maiden name.)



+ Rosalina Vargas Solano, CRI, 28 Feb 1896 - 12 June 2006, 110y 104d.

+ Ramona Echevarria, PRI, 17 June 1896 - 12 Jan 2007, 110y 209d.



+ Mary Ansick, USA (PA), 6 Mar 1897 - 23 Nov 2007, 110y 262d.

+ Gabrielle Rambaud, ALG/FRA, 14 Mar 1897 - 31 Jan 2008, 110y 323d.

--> Marie Rouch (not Portet-Rouch).

--> Louise Leroux (not Bontemps, maiden name).

+ Marjorie Macgown, ENG/SCO, 17 Sept 1897 - 11 Apr 2008, 110y 207d.

+ Margery Hunt, ENG, 17 Dec 1897 - 26 Dec 2007, 110y 9d.


I have the same lists for 1898 and 1899.

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego and Beaumont reacted
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- Yoshino Tanaka and Maria Gravigi (3 March) should be in the reverse order;

- Ursula-Lina Burkhardt is actually "just" Ursula Burkhardt (24 Sept);

+ Helen Netherton, USA (MO), 19 Dec 1900 - 25 Nov 2011, 110y 341d;

+ Pearl Cornelsen, USA (NC/CA), 25 Dec 1900 - 11 Feb 2013, 112y 48d.



- Shinobu Kamimura = Shinobu Uemura (6 Feb);

+ Noemí Bisso de Zanetta, ARG, 15 Apr 1901 - 19 July 2011, 110y 95d;

- Karolina Grober = Karolina Gröber (27 Apr);

+ Adéa Pellerin-Cormier, CAN (QUE), 11 Sept 1901 - 24 May 2014, 112y 255d.



- Else Assmann = Else Aßmann (18 Feb);

- Emiliie Scouflaire = Emilie Scouflaire (typo)

- Cornelius Geurtz = Cornelis Geurtz (or Cor Geurtz);

+ María Nieves Rivera Cruz, PRI, 10 Oct 1902 - 6 Feb 2015, 112y 119d;

+ Sute Satō, JPN (d. Fukushima), 15 Oct 1902 - 29 May 2015, 112y 226d;

+ Felicia Tucker Murillo, PAN, 15 Nov 1902 - 5 Dec 2013, 111y 20d.



- Kiyo Maeda (b. 5 Jan) actually died on 9 Nov 2013 (seeing you've added solved limbo cases);

+ Colombe Benoît-Leclerc, CAN (QUE), 5 Feb 1903 - 14 Jan 2015, 111y 343d;

+ Cloa Gragg, USA (TN), 1 June 1903 - 2 Feb 2014, 110y 246d;

+ Georgia Chorpening, USA (AR/FL), 6 Sept 1903 - 16 July 2015, 111y 313d;

- Elisa Vercellino-Papé = Elise Papé (without the maiden name).



- Tatsuyo Kobayashi = Tazuyo Kobayashi (25 Jan);

- Mumeno Sakurai = Umeno Sakurai (7 Feb);

+ Jacinta Silva Fernández, URY, 15 May 1904 - 29 July 2016, 112y 75d;

+ Thereza Favalli-Pocay, BRA, 27 June 1904 - 20 Oct 2014, 110y 115d.

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego and Beaumont reacted
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+ Isabel Brito Guarín, COL, 15 May 1905 - 18 June 2016, 111y 34d;

+ Gloria Castellanos de Álvarez, DOM, 16 Sept 1905 - 21 Sept 2016, 111y 5d.



typo: Madeleine Muthe;

+ Carmen Porras Flórez de Carbonell, COL, 2 Apr 1906 - 2 May 2016, 110y 30d;

typo: Marie Le Barillier;

+ R.M. de S., BRA, 6 Oct 1906 - 24 Oct 2016, 110y 18d;

missing last name: Madeleine Saubry.



Bernice King was African-American;

+ Sixta Tulia Aguinaga de Posada, COL/USA (NY), 22 Apr 1907 - 6 Oct 2018, 111y 167d;

+ Maria Lopez, MEX/USA (TX), 11 July 1907 - 7 Jan 2018, 110y 180d;

I think Annie Adonis (ZAF) was black, but I am not entirely sure.



+ Christine Ireland, USA (NC), 19 Jan 1908 - 18 Aug 2021, 113y 211d;

+ Herminia de León Esperanza, MEX, 10 Mar 1908 - 16 Mar 2018, 110y 6d;

Ruth Apilado was African-American;

typo: Nina Valjalo;

+ Aurora Méndez Sánchez, MEX, 13 Aug 1908 - 12 Mar 2020, 111y 212d;

Rudith Fiedler turns out to have died in 2000, aged 91. The placeholder date of death was when she was last "confirmed alive" (so that was her limbo date);

M.A.R. was of Native American (Inca, I believe) descent.



+ María del Carmen Valencia Vargas, COL, 23 Apr 1909 - 23 Apr 2019, 110y 0d;

+ Naka Uchida, JPN (Gunma, both birth/death), 25 May 1909 - 19 Mar 2021, 111y 298d;

+ Ana María Rueda Hernández, MEX, 10 July 1909 - 29 Jan 2020, 110y 203d;

+ Masue Ōura, JPN (Nagasaki, both b+d), 13 Aug 1909 - 16 June 2021, 111y 307d;

+ Maria Aulenbacher, GER/USA (NC), 7 Nov 1909 - 8 Feb 2023, 113y 93d;

+ Helen Meredith, USA (PA), 13 Nov 1909 - 21 Mar 2020, 110y 129d;

+ Albano Andrade, PRT, 14 Dec 1909 - 29 June 2021, 111y 197d (= GWR validation);

+ Lupita* Olvera Barrón, MEX, 17 Dec 1909 - 30 July 2021, 111y 225d;

Maria Kerner = Jánosné Kerner.


* Her official first names were María Guadalupe.

Overduidelijk misschien.

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+ Chie Miyazaki, JPN (Kōchi birth+death), 17 Jan 1910 - 16 Dec 2021, 111y 333d;

+ Rikako Hoshino, JPN (Gunma b+d), 11 Feb 1910 - 17 Apr 2021, 111y 65d;

+ Shige Kobayashi, JPN (Gunma b+d), 30 Aug 1910 - 24 July 2022, 111y 328d;

+ Earline Andrews, USA (TX), 28 Oct 1910 - 16 Mar 2022, 111y 139d;

+ Celina Hidalgo Arias, CRI, 29 Oct 1910 - 5 Nov 2020, 110y 7d;

--> turn around Levy & Honma;

+ Vesta Toller, USA (CO/AZ), 30 Dec 1910 - 9 Mar 2021, 110y 69d.



+ Erna Brosig, POL/GER, 15 Jan 1911 - Present, 112+ years (validated by ESO);

--> typo: Marcelle Lévaz;

--> Maria Paschoalina de Castro is of Native American descent;

+ Revah Stokes, USA (NE/KS), 26 July 1911 - 12 Nov 2021, 110y 109d;

+ Elisa Ávalos Cárdenas, MEX, 27 July 1911 - 11 Sept 2021, 110y 46d;

+ Candelaría Padilla Ladeuth, COL, 4 Oct 1911 - 22 June 2023, 111y 261d;

+ Winnie Felps (GRG) / Anonymous (LQ), USA (TX), 10 Oct 1911 - Present, 112+ years;

--> typo: Camila Gonçalves;

+ José Caraú da Cunha, BRA, 19 Dec 1911 - 27 Jan 2022, 110y 39d.



--> Merle O'Hara was black;

--> Genevieve Pilot is unvalidated for now;

--> Marie-Anne Lacombe-Doucet was born on 11 Mar 1912, not 10;

--> Noemia Vieira de Souza died on 26 Aug 2023;

--> Sirkka Nieminen is unvalidated for now;

--> the anonymous woman born on 28 May 1912 was called Júlia Nóbrega (LQ profile);

--> Laure Lescouzères died on 19 Aug 2023;

--> Beatrice Jensen died on 8 Aug 2023.



+ Juana Cordero, PRI/USA (OH), 19 May 1913 - Present, 110+ years (LQ profile);

+ Juan Gabriel Hernández, CRI, 19 Oct 1913 - Present, 110+ years (already validated before his 110th birthday, so also before 3 Nov 2023).

Overduidelijk misschien.

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 96

Hi @Beaumont, congratulations for your huge work!

Three SCs are classified as female in your list, but they're actually male: they are Motoi Fukunishi (b. 25 Mar 1910), Ardra V. King (b. 6 Apr 1886) and Bernard Delhom (b. 9 Jul 1885).

Ale76 and Beaumont reacted
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Further SCs are classified as female in your list, but they're actually male:

- Chi(w)ake Nakamura (b. 31 Dec 1889)

- Pieter Bos (b. 12 Jul 1891)

- Motoo Kawada (b. 25 Apr 1892)

- Linus Reinhart (b. 28 Lug 1892)

- Pasquale Frasconi (b. 12 Nov 1893)

- Carlo Orelli (b. 23 Dic 1894)

- Clarence Matthews (b. 1 May 1906)

- Giovanni La Penna (b. 29 Oct 1909)


I also think Mr. James Wiggins (USA, 15 Oct 1879 - 16 Oct 1991, 112 years and 1 day) and Mrs. Ludwika Kosztyła (POL, 3 Aug 1897 - 1 Dec 2008, 111 years and 120 days) should be added on your list.


diego and Beaumont reacted
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Some minor corrections, still:

Herman Smith-Johanssen (1875);

Effie Samuels (1876);

Eiju Tsuru (1879) died in Fukuoka prefecture;

Caroline May (1880) was born in West Virginia;

Robert Freeman (1880) was born in Tennessee;

Félicité Jandia (1881) was born in and died in Martinique, not Guadeloupe;

Nelle Eby (1881) was born in Kansas;

Mary Penamon (1881) died in Mississippi;

Matsu Nakazato (1882) was born in Okinawa;

Hulda Johansson (1882);

Bessie Heller (1882) died in Iowa;

Johanna Zandstra-Giezen (1882) [GRG has married and maiden name in reverse order];

Juliette Baudoin (1883);

For Emile Fourcade (1884) you've noted his country of birth as Franch Algeria 😉;

Helen Williams (1884) was born in Arkansas;

Masaki Moriyama (1885) was born in Fukuoka;

Lena MacLachlan (1886);

Martha Burford (1886);

Yoso Fukunaga (1887) was born in Shiga;

Ellen Johansson (1887);

Kayo Fujii (1888) was born in Yamaguchi;

Flossie Eckard (1888) died in Minnesota;

Asa Yashiro (1888) was born in Saitama;

Fannie Tate (1888) died in West Virginia;

Pauline Thiessen (1889);

Maria Bazzana (1889);

Aki Ichikawa (1889) was born in Hyogo and died in Kyoto;

Gozei Taba (1889) was born in Okinawa;

Kamado Koja (1889) died in Okinawa;

Soto Kitagawa (1890) was born in Toyama and died in Hyogo;

Shizuno Iwasaki (1891) was born in and died in Yamaguchi;

Anna Silverdahl (1891) died in Minnesota;

Tsuru Takenaka (1891) was born in Yamaguchi;

Mary Whidby (1891) died in Alabama;

Kame Nagayama (1891) was born in Okinawa;

Kinno Tagami (1892) was born in Gifu;

Kame Uei (1892) was born in Okinawa;

Haru Shimazu (1892) was born in Yamanashi;

Kana Miyazato (1892);

Matsue Kawano (1893) was born in Miyazaki;

Sai Kitamura (1893) was born in Niigata;

Alice Lindsay (1893) died in South Australia;

Ikuyo Tanaka (1893) was born in Okayama;

Hisa Kurihara (1894) was born in Miyazaki;

Haru Mori (1894) was born in Kagawa;

Yasu Nishiyama (1894) was born in Kagawa as well;

Kaya Ito (1894) was born in Saga. Has her date of death been officially corrected to 30 Aug 2004 yet?;

Fui Onigahara (1894) was born in Kagoshima;

Soyo Iwakura (1894) was born in Niigata;

Kama Chinen (1895) was born in Okinawa;

Sue Yamada (1895) was born in Nagano;

Kozuru Ueda (1895) was born in Kochi;

Yoshino Ide (1896) was born in Hyogo;

Matsu Tsuru (1896) was born in Fukuoka;

Yuki Hasegawa (1896) was born in Nagano;

Jean Einstein (1896) was born in UK (England);

Chiyono Hasegawa (1896) was born in Saga;

Mary Anne Scoles (1896);

Matsue Mitsuki (1897) was born in Mie;

Hattie Lafayette (1897) died in Michigan;

Kaya Kataoka (1897) was born in Hyogo;

Tsuji Takano (1897) was born in Niigata;

Kayo Miyazaki (1897) was born in Shizuoka;

Shika Shimada (1898) was born in Nagasaki;

Umeno Arai (1898) was born in Nagano;

Sakura Kishi (1899) was born in Aomori;

Riu Kato (1899) was born in Fukushima;

Haru Kitagawa (1900) was born in Shiga;

Kimi Nakano (1900) was born in Iwate;

Sumie Gomagano (1900) was born in Miyazaki;

Terue Ichikawa (1900) was born in Kochi;

Yasuko Kimura (1900) was born in Nagasaki;

Tama Taira (1900) was born in Okinawa;

Tsuru Kamori (1901) was born in Gifu;

Yoshi Kitamura (1901) was born in Hyogo;

Kou Takayanagi (1901) was born in Yamanashi;

Tome Sagara (1901) was born in Shiga;

Kiku Okano (1901) was born in Kagawa;

Takeno Sakata (1901) was born in Miyazaki;

Sotomi Hara (1902) was born in Nagano;

Sato Kawaida (1902) was born in Gifu;

Saki Kanda (1903) was born in Iwate;

Wasa Takano (1903) was born in Nagasaki;

Shingo Kitamura (1904) was born in Nagasaki as well;

Katsue Hiraishi (1904) was born in Tokushima;

and Tetsu Ishii (1904) was born in Aomori;

Overduidelijk misschien.

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Sorry I have been quiet in responding but thank you so much to everyone for their corrections and additions. I honestly did not expect the level of response and I am very grateful.

In particular @marco your dedication to making sure the list is as accurate as possible is amazing and would like to thank you very much for the hard work and effort you have put into helping me in this task! 🙂

WellAbove110, diego and Marco reacted
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Koto Uemura's (1 Mar 1898) LQ profile page reveals she was born in Miyazaki prefecture.

Overduidelijk misschien.

Beaumont and diego reacted
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The updated LQ profile page for Mitsuno Sawada (1 Jan 1912) shows she was born in Shimane prefecture.

Overduidelijk misschien.

diego reacted
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This is still not the final version

(There's probably no such thing as a 'final' version 😆)

I've applied the vast majority of the corrections listed earlier in the thread, but haven't got round to correcting the double-barrelled Italian surnames in most earlier cases yet. No list like this will ever be perfect and probably by the time you're looking at it there will already be mistakes, but here it is for what it's worth.

All cases listed verified by at least one of the following: LQ, ESO, OIB, LAS, GRG

Marco, ChrisR, Gabriel_PT and 1 people reacted
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@beaumont Amazing! I'm sure the whole community appreciates your hard work!

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

Beaumont reacted
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@beaumont She was Maria Antonia D'Amore

not Maria D' Amore. Thank you 🙂
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

Beaumont reacted
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Great job once more, @beaumont! Thanks for the update!

Overduidelijk misschien.

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