List of 113+ Superc...
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List of 113+ Supercentenarians

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Thank you J and Aquanaut_Chalk.

I’ll have a look at those two areas.

Can’t remember why I did the age categories that way, possibly because there are very few or no candidates within them. But I’ll have a fresh look.

diego and AQ reacted
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Posts: 96

According to the list, there were 193 114+ validated people as of 31th May, 2023; now, with the retroactive validations of Mrs. Kern and Mrs. Nogueira De Luca, combined with the 114th birthdays of Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Caterham, Mrs. Hayashi, Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Matsubara (whose last birthday has recently been confirmed by LQ), we can say a total of 200 people in history (193 women and 7 men) have officially reached 114 (or more) years of age!!

diego and Ale76 reacted
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I may have posted the 31 May 2023 list.

In that regard, as you may know, Mrs De Luca was previously verified by LAS, quite some time ago. She then actually went back to "Pending" for a while. I didn't hear about that for some time and as a result she remained on the list as at that date.

On that basis we would appear to have 199 as of today, however with 5 verified 113 year olds "north" of 113.5, it won't be long at all until we hit and then surpass this mark.

WellAbove110 reacted
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Another interesting fact is that I posted on this thread in January 2023 that we appeared to have reached 394, validated 113+ persons at the end of 2022.

In January we had 402 validated and 16 living 113+ year olds.

Following a remarkable circa 9.5 months so far in 2023, this number appears to have risen to 443.

In addition we also appear to have 28 living 113+ year olds. The highest I can remember historically was 27, but if anyone can recall anything higher than 28, it would be great to know. 

Just behind this group is also the largest number of living 112.5+ year olds that I can recall - so the prospects of reaching the milestone of 30 must be reasonable, albeit the northern hemisphere winter months are approaching.    

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Posted by: @chrisr

I may have posted the 31 May 2023 list.

In that regard, as you may know, Mrs De Luca was previously verified by LAS, quite some time ago. She then actually went back to "Pending" for a while. I didn't hear about that for some time and as a result she remained on the list as at that date.

On that basis we would appear to have 199 as of today, however with 5 verified 113 year olds "north" of 113.5, it won't be long at all until we hit and then surpass this mark.

I'm quoting your post since we actually hit 200 114+ validations, thanks to Ms. Katie Hatton's validation. 🙂


diego and ChrisR reacted
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Assuming Klavdiya Gadyuchkina (5 Dec 2023) and Fujiko Mihara (13 Dec 2023) have both reached their 113th birthdays, then the milestone of 450 validated people achieving the age of 113.0 has now been reached.

Considering we had 394 at the end of 2022, the growth through validations and 113th birthdays has been truly spectacular at over 14%.

There is one more 113th birthday (health permitting) for Masa Usui on December 18th 2023, and in theory at least, other 113+ validation(s) may possibly occur before the year end. 


Marco, diego and WellAbove110 reacted
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