Below is a list of validated [LQ/GWR/LAS/ESO] SCs currently alive.
Please let me know if I am missing authorities involved in validating living supercentenarians.
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Many thanks for completing this Marco - it further shows the excellent achievements of the teams here.
If people are interested I'll try and create a simple mechanism that updates the ages of living S/C's on a daily basis - simply by changing the date - and I'll see what I can do to try and keep this updated regularly for everyone over time.
Hi everyone
Attached is a schedule of validated living supercentenarians, ranked by age, as a follow up to the data Marco provided a couple of days ago on this thread.
I'll look to update it either weekly or fortnightly, based on validations, deaths and pending announcements made.
It is available as an excel spreadsheet if anyone ever wants it - which updates by changing the date.
If there is any feedback (positive or negative) I'm happy to receive it.
I'll look to improve the presentation a bit further, for the next update.
If any validated persons are missing, if there are any other validation sources, or spelling mistakes, inaccuracies etc, please let me know.
It would be possible to acknowledge the "first" validating entity for each person on the schedule, (Eg ESO, LAS, GRG etc) via another column, if the group felt this may be beneficial or helpful.
Thanks for the effort, ChrisR, it looks neat!
As a suggestion... Louis Epstein also has a list of validated supercentenarians. Should we include his living SCs, or is it hard to determine how exactly he validates SCs?
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Thanks for the feedback Marco
I think that if the current "validators" on this site (Eg LAS, ESO and others) are comfortable with his methods, then there could be a good argument to include them - so again any thoughts that our onsite experts have, would be very beneficial, if available.
And if necessary I can look to contact him thereafter, for more information. Perhaps all groups may benefit from that.
I'm assuming for now there is no recognised source for validating Japanese supercentenarians, despite the known strength of the Koseki system - IE reliance is still solely on the GRG.
Over the weekend I'll see if I can revive a more accurate list of 113+ supercentenarians - IE those at the very top end.
The aim would be to add the validations of the groups here, to historic validation efforts. I'll go through the lists here, but will probably miss a few first up.
I have a large document database for about 3 000 historical supercentenarians. Marco is also compiling a list.
Thank you 930310.
It looks like my initial 113+ validated list will be about 385 people.
But I've also been largely "off the scene" for a couple of years.
So your own views, input and feedback, once I put the draft list up, will be most appreciated.
I have a large document database for about 3 000 historical supercentenarians. Marco is also compiling a list.
I have several lists:
- a list containing 5,000+ cases, including unvalidated cases (both probably true ones, such as Spanish cases, as well as a couple of somewhat more doubtful cases).
- a list of ALL validated SCs [GRG/GWR/LAS/ESO] but including corrections (such as date of birth discrepancies and solved limbo cases). It also doesn't contain a "number of days lived" column so it's not easy to convert to "ranked by age" unless you do it manually.
- a complete list of validated, pending, and unvalidated SCs [GRG/GWR/LAS/ESO/Japanese MHLW/French team/Louis Epstein] that includes a "days lived" column, but is only complete up to and including 1889. (In the process of compiling it.)
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Update: RIP, Mrs Zahn.
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Update: RIP, Mrs Gorla.
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Update: RIP, Mrs Juniewicz.
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Attached is an updated List of Validated Living Supercentenarians.
3 changes since the last list.
Rest in Peace
Erna Zahn 9 Aug 22 (114-117)
Luigia Gorla 16 Aug 22 (111-200)
Tekla Juniewicz 19 Aug 22 (116-70)
64 Validated Living Supercentenarians as at 23 Aug 22
Update: Augusta Oteiza's age has been validated.
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The validation, but also the sad death of Fumi Hoshino, leaves another validating entity in a position whereby it is very close to being unable to name a Top Ten living validated WOP list.
I’m advised this may not ever have occurred before.
By comparison, the groups under this Global Forum could comfortably name a top 50.
I have no wish to create more work for busy people, but should this group ever wish to publish their own list on the internet or similar, then funding can be found for whatever would assist.
Again this step may not be relevant for the group, but assistance will be there should it ever become so.
Update: RIP Mrs Reboul.
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Updated list of Validated Supercentenarians, including ages in days.
Rest in Peace Mrs Reboul and welcome to the list Augusta Oteiza.
Any suggestions or corrections will be gratefully received.
Update: RIP Mrs Delarouzée.
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Update: RIP, Mrs Cuellar Venegas.
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I just wanted to say I am a young guy in my mid 20s and I honestly hope that in my lifetime we can see a validated man break Kimura's record and live to 117 and a validated woman break Calment's record and live to 123. I don't know much about how longevity works but I really hope we have a medical breakthrough and scientists can increase the lifespan for humans. I think giving the best care to the elderly and helping them live as long as possible, and as comfortable and happy as possible should be a priority on Earth.
|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁
Update: Mrs Ricci's age has been validated.
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Updated list of Validated Living Supercentenarians as at 15 Sep 2022.
Rest in Peace
Maria Venegas 111 248 MEX
Gladys Cloke 110 312-341 UK (passed away in June)
Simon Delarouzee 110 154 FRA
Welcome to the list
Maria Ricci - ITA - Born 16 Apr 1912.
Update: validations of Mrs Paloscia and Mrs Giontella.
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Preparing an update for 30 September 2022.
In reconciling the lists from the LAS site it appears two more should be added - as follows.
1. Delores Vazques - 1 May 1911 - PAN - (I should have picked this one up earlier)
2. Bertha Maltos 20 Sep 1912 - MEX - just reached 110.
Unless anyone confirms these are incorrect, I'll add them for next week.
In reconciling the lists from the LAS site it appears two more should be added - as follows.
1. Delores Vazques - 1 May 1911 - PAN - (I should have picked this one up earlier)
2. Bertha Maltos 20 Sep 1912 - MEX - just reached 110.
Or me, for that matter! Not sure why I haven't noticed before now either. Thanks, ChrisR, adding her. As for Bertha Chapa Maltos, I'm going to await 110th birthday confirmation.
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Update: removed Gladys Cloke, added Bertha Chapa Maltos.
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Update: added Mrs Petit and Mr Giannini.
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Updated list of validated living supercentenarians as at 30 September 2022
None deceased since 15 September.
Six additions, whose names are marked in green and include (in age order).
Delores Vazquez - PAN
Cristina Paloscia - ITA
Marietta (Augusta) Giontella - ITA
Michelline Petit - FRA
Tripolino Giannini - ITA
Bertha Maltos - MEX
Update: added Mrs Van der Linden and Mr Tinniswood.
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Update: added Mrs Levaillant.
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