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Oldest Parent-Child Lifespans

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This thread will be dedicated to examples of parent-child pairs with a high combined age.

To start, here's a case that I just found from New Zealand:

Herb Keen (22 December 1916 - living), aged 105:

Link to article, with video interview

His mother,  Ethel Keen (13 July 1882 - 14 Apr 1992), lived to the age of 109 years, 276 days. She is currently the 14th-oldest (known) person ever from New Zealand.

They have a combined age of over 215 years, which seems to be a record for the country. 

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego, Dejan and ArthurBrazil reacted
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George Washington Anthony (September 29, 1874 - January 7, 1984), who retroactively appears to have been the WOM when he died, had a son who lived to 104, Cloyd Anthony (September 11, 1901 - December 27, 2005). It's not >215 years, but it's still impressive.

ArthurBrazil reacted
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I've added more cases to the list of British cases of parents and children, where one was a supercentenarian, and another was a centenarian: http://oldestinbritain.nfshost.com/twins.php

I believe there are 3 living centenarians who are children of British supercentenarians, but I have not included them for privacy reasons.

RankForenameSurnameSexDate of birthDate of deathAge (y & d)Combined age (y & d)Residence
1Anna ElizaWilliamsF2 June 187327 December 198711420822296Swansea, WAL
Constance Mary (Connie)HarveyF8 October 190618 June 2014107253Swansea, WAL
2Daisy IreneAdamsF30 June 18808 December 1993113161216340Church Gresley, Derbyshire, ENG
Edwin (Ted)AdamsM5 December 19132 June 2017103179Derby, Derbyshire, ENG
3Catherine ElizabethSloanF20 October 184216 March 1946103147216184Downpatrick, NIR
Annie IsabellaScottF15 March 188321 April 199611337Reay, SCO
4Sarah EllenMorganF23 January 186712 February 197811120215312Tonbridge. ENG
Nellie GwendolineLuchfordF23 April 19029 February 2007104292Sevenoaks, ENG
5James AlfredHarrowM21 November 186614 December 197611023215124Basingstoke, ENG
Gladys BerthaHarrowF28 August 18967 December 2001105101Puerto Rico
6Mary AnnCragieF12 October 186217 December 197211066214300Blythburgh, Suffolk, ENG
Hilda MarianKnoxF24 October 188515 June 1990104234Southwold, Suffolk, ENG
7Winifred BarbaraPettitF1 November 188710 September 1998110313213116Ottershaw, Surrey, ENG
Thomas WatsonPettitM18 August 19172 February 2020102168Byfleet, Surrey, ENG
8John MosleyTurnerM15 June 185621 March 196811128021229Tottenham, London, ENG
John Mosley MeesonTurnerM8 March 190530 June 2005100114Enfield, London, ENG
9Annie ElizabethThistletonF28 September 1876Apr-Jun 1978101185211332Tonbridge, Kent, ENG
Eleanor ConstanceThatcherF19 September 189713 February 2008110147Cranleigh, Surrey, ENG
10Mary ElizabethBryantF18 June 1874December 1975101166211310Wantage, ENG
Vera EvelynPriceF16 December 19049 May 2015110144Bristol, ENG
11Florence MayCoxF24 October 18957 July 200611025621135Middlesbrough, ENG
SusannahYoungsF25 April 192116 September 2021100144Norfolk, ENG
12Frances JaneMossF8 July 1856Apr-Jun 1957100267210341Surrey, ENG
Gertrude ElsieGermanF5 October 188518 December 199511074Hove, ENG

Co-founder, European Supercentenarian Organisation 2020-
Founder, Oldest in Britain 2009-

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@andrew Thanks a lot, Andrew! Is it possible from you to write only the ages (in years) of the living cases (age of SC parent at death and age of living centenarian child)?

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@024tomi They are all aged 100-102, so quite "young" still. I actually think there's a 4th now who just reached 100. Establishing those who are still living is a bit tricky as an absence of a death record is often key. There is a degree of uncertainty so I would take this with a pinch of salt anyway.

I've gone through the UK supercentenarians quite thoroughly, and although there are a few gaps in information, I would expect this list to be very complete. Hopefully it will give a rough expectation of how many cases you'd expect to see in other countries, or worldwide.

Of note, people born in the early 1920s would typically have parents born in ~1881-1900 which had many more supercentenarians than 1861-1880, so I would expect numbers to increase considerably over the coming decade.

Co-founder, European Supercentenarian Organisation 2020-
Founder, Oldest in Britain 2009-

ChrisR and 024Tomi reacted
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One more to add to the list:

Florence Reeves 17/2/1894-28/8/2005 (aged 111 years, 192 days)
Aileen Rosemary Jacqueline Slade 11/6/1922-11/7/2022 (aged 100 years, 30 days)

She was one of the centenarians previously thought to be living in my last post.


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Ale76, 024Tomi and diego reacted
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Joan Riudavets Moll's (1889-2004) daughter Joana died on 25 February 2023, at the age of 100/101 (born in 1922).


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Gabriel_PT and diego reacted
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Posted by: @024tomi

Joan Riudavets Moll's (1889-2004) daughter Joana died on 25 February 2023, at the age of 100/101 (born in 1922).


She was born on 26 September 1920 according to this source



Gabriel_PT, diego and 024Tomi reacted
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Here's a case of a mother and daughter in the UK both reaching age 107+:

Catherine Trevail (5 Jun 1885 – 18 Jan 1994), 108 years, 227 days

Elizabeth Jay (19 Dec 1915 – 14 Mar 2023), 107 years, 85 days

Source (their birth and death dates have been confirmed)

ChrisR, diego, Ale76 and 1 people reacted
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According to gerontology wiki, Violet Brown’s daughter Elsie Dowman turns 100 in a week

diego reacted
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Ethel Lang's daughter Margaret Bates turned 100 on 29 November last year! (source)


diego, Guillaume, Gabriel_PT and 4 people reacted
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@robbie I well remembered these photos:

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

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She sort of resembles Maria Branyas Morera, especially in the first two photos of her with her mother (not as much anymore)

WellAbove110 reacted
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This page says Violet’s daughter Elsie Dowman died in 2009, while gerontology wiki and a post on the 110 club from a few years ago has said she is alive (she would have turned 100 recently). Is someone able to try and find more sources for her?

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@ale76 I remember these photos well too! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad she turned 100.

@robbie Thanks for sharing photos, you just hit 114th post count, the same number as Ethel Lang's final age.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)

diego and Ale76 reacted
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This family just keeps delivering: Catherine Hagel's (1894-2008) daughter Rosanna Toth is still alive at 104. She was born on 25 October 1919.

Source (recent obituary of brother)

Their combined is currently 218 years and 189 days, which is the oldest known parent-child lifespan where the child is still living; however, it's still 1.5 years behind the combined lifespan of Catherine's sister-in-law and nephew Delvina and John Dahlheimer (220 years, 26 days).

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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ChrisR, FEW and MrCatlord reacted
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@024tomi Very good find !

diego and 024Tomi reacted
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Pearl Lutzko's daughter Pauline Schinborn (b. 18 June 1922) is still alive at nearly 102.

Here is her 100th birthday article from 2022, and she was confirmed alive in November 2023 in an obituary for her sister Rose, who lived to 99


Herb Keen of New Zealand, who was posted about at the top of this thread passed away on 4 October 2023 at the age of 106

FEW reacted
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Maria Rosinda Lopes - of Braga, Portugal - turned 100 on 22 May 2024. 


Her mother Maria Dolores Ferreira (1902-2013) lived to 111 years and 9 days.

diego and Gabriel_PT reacted
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Posted by: @mrcatlord

Pearl Lutzko's daughter Pauline Schinborn (b. 18 June 1922) is still alive at nearly 102.

Here is her 100th birthday article from 2022, and she was confirmed alive in November 2023 in an obituary for her sister Rose, who lived to 99

Pauline's 102nd birthday has been confirmed. In a few months her combined age with her mother will be 215 years



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Emil Jarmer, M, 15 Dec 1874 - Sep 1981 (age 106 years, 260+ days)

Ruth Anthony Theresa (Jarmer) Wood, F, 4 May 1911 - 20 Aug 2019 (age 108 years, 108 days)

Their combined age is 215 years, 3+ days. Both father and daughter were born in Austria and immigrated to the US and died in Kentucky. Emil was the oldest man in the state at the time of his death, while Ruth was about the 6th oldest. 

024Tomi reacted
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Hosea Peeples (3 Feb 1900/1901 - 20 Nov 2012; 112 years, 272 days / 111 years, 272 days)

Her father Thomas Henry Person (23 Feb 1850 - 25 Feb 1957; 107 years, 2 days) [the 1860 census supports his claim, there is just no documentary evidence for his death - just family claims]

Combined age: 218 years, 274 days / 219 years, 274 days

Adding Sally Person: 321 years, 10 days / 322 years, 10 days

Hosea Peeples' mother Sally (Batiest) Person also lived to age 102 years, 101+ days (claimed 105) [Mar 1863 - 7 Oct 1965 - supported by 1870 census], and her sister Edith Davis to age 105 (claimed 106) [8 Dec 1897-29 Oct 2003] (she might be a month younger born in Jan 1898 per 1900 census). There were also a number of nonagerian siblings: Gurtrude at age 93, Everlean at age 92, Theodore Roosevelt at age 94. 

Hosea Peeples at either age would have been the oldest living person in Illinois upon her death, while Thomas Person was likely the oldest living man in Mississippi [and the 4th OLM in the US according to my files, though I'm sure there are missing claims] upon his death. 

The combined age of Hosea Peeples and her father would among the highest father-daughter combined age (behind only the Edward Hunt + Ulis Badley combined age, taking the younger age for Hosea), while the combined age of Hosea with her parents would be either the highest or second highest known age (possibly behind Sophia DeMuth, her husband and daughter). 


Update: Following closer research into Thomas Henry Person, he was born in most likely Nov 1860, so "only" age 96 at his death. The remainder of the post is rendered irrelevant. 

This post was modified 8 months ago by musicotic

Fish and 024Tomi reacted
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@musicotic Census data seems to show that Thomas Henry Person was born around November 1860.

musicotic reacted
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Posted by: @musicotic

Hosea Peeples (3 Feb 1900/1901 - 20 Nov 2012; 112 years, 272 days / 111 years, 272 days)

Her father Thomas Henry Person (23 Feb 1850 - 25 Feb 1957; 107 years, 2 days) [the 1860 census supports his claim, there is just no documentary evidence for his death - just family claims]

Combined age: 218 years, 274 days / 219 years, 274 days

Adding Sally Person: 321 years, 10 days / 322 years, 10 days

Hosea Peeples' mother Sally (Batiest) Person also lived to age 102 years, 101+ days (claimed 105) [Mar 1863 - 7 Oct 1965 - supported by 1870 census], and her sister Edith Davis to age 105 (claimed 106) [8 Dec 1897-29 Oct 2003] (she might be a month younger born in Jan 1898 per 1900 census). There were also a number of nonagerian siblings: Gurtrude at age 93, Everlean at age 92, Theodore Roosevelt at age 94. 

Hosea Peeples at either age would have been the oldest living person in Illinois upon her death, while Thomas Person was likely the oldest living man in Mississippi [and the 4th OLM in the US according to my files, though I'm sure there are missing claims] upon his death. 

The combined age of Hosea Peeples and her father would among the highest father-daughter combined age (behind only the Edward Hunt + Ulis Badley combined age, taking the younger age for Hosea), while the combined age of Hosea with her parents would be either the highest or second highest known age (possibly behind Sophia DeMuth, her husband and daughter). 

This is sort-of a random observation, but it's interesting that her maiden name was Person(s) and her married name was Peeples (pronounced like Peoples, presumably?). Person(s) to Peeples.

BTW, has anyone ever mentioned this father-daughter combo here?



Thomas Carson Anderson (November 20, 1868-August 5, 1976) and his youngest daughter Nancy Anderson Self (November 8, 1912-June 12, 2021). The father was 107 when he died and the daughter was 108, for a final combined age of over 215 years.

Their family in general had some extraordinary longevity. Four out of five of Nancy's (siblings + half-siblings) lived to age 98+, with two of them living to age 103+. And Nancy's mother lived to age 95.


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Posted by: @024tomi

This family just keeps delivering: Catherine Hagel's (1894-2008) daughter Rosanna Toth is still alive at 104. She was born on 25 October 1919.

Source (recent obituary of brother)

Their combined is currently 218 years and 189 days, which is the oldest known parent-child lifespan where the child is still living; however, it's still 1.5 years behind the combined lifespan of Catherine's sister-in-law and nephew Delvina and John Dahlheimer (220 years, 26 days).

So much longevity power in that family! Delvina's mother was a centenarian, Delvina herself was a SC, and Delvina's son John was a centenarian as well, and also Delvina's sister-in-law Catherine Hagel was a SC and Delvina's niece-in-law Rosanna Toth is a centenarian.


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Posted by: @futurist

final combined age of over 215 years.

Their total combined age seems to be 216 years and 110 days.

107 years and 259 days for Thomas Carson Anderson, and 108 years and 216 days for Nancy Self.


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@fish the 1900 census entry for that family is especially fraught - few of the recorded birth months match later life claims. I suspect it was answered by someone with less knowledge of the family like a neighbor (which could explain Hosea's absence).

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Posted by: @musicotic

@fish the 1900 census entry for that family is especially fraught - few of the recorded birth months match later life claims. I suspect it was answered by someone with less knowledge of the family like a neighbor (which could explain Hosea's absence).

Was Hosea's family already literate back in 1900? 44% of African-Americans were still illiterate in 1900:


I'm asking about this because if a family is illiterate, then it might be harder for them to accurately remember when their various members were born.


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Posted by: @fish

Posted by: @futurist

final combined age of over 215 years.

Their total combined age seems to be 216 years and 110 days.

107 years and 259 days for Thomas Carson Anderson, and 108 years and 216 days for Nancy Self.

Thanks, Fish! Was this a record for their time?


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@musicotic Even with the census data being inconsistent in that regard, it still seems that Thomas Person(s) was around 97/96 years old by February 1957, as he is listed as being 20 years old in the 1880 US Census.

Regarding the potential explanation for Hosea's absence in the 1900 US Census entry for her family:

In 1900, her family is listed as having 9 children in total, with 7 living.

There are 7 children listed as living in the Person(s) household, and there are two gaps in the birth years for Hosea's siblings, which leaves two time period for the two deceased Person(s) children to have been born in.

Thus, with all children accounted for, it seems that one can rule out Hosea existing by June 1900.

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