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Interactive map of European supercentenarians (age 113+; age 110+ for men)

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Here are two maps I made, the first one showing all residence/death places of European supercentenarians who reached the age of 113 (100 individuals; 4 men and 96 women), and the second one showing the same of all European male supercentenarians (118 men).

The first map includes all supercentenarians validated by GRG/ESO/LQ, plus those yet unvalidated cases that are in all likelyhood true (according to my personal opinion): Magdalena Oliver Gabarró, Gustav Gerneth, Mathilde Mange, Anna Cernohorsky, Luise Pompe and Veronika Zsilinszki. Besides validated cases, the second map includes the yet unvalidated cases of Jesús Mosteo Pérez, Alejandro Rivera Santalla, Joaquim Illas Illas, Luis Torras Martínez, Germán Cifuentes Higuera, Antonio Alvarado Lago, Mateo Balbuena Iglesias, Serafín Herrero Lázaro, José Van Zandijcke, Lazare Ponticelli, René Aubert, Gustav Gerneth, Hans Schornack, Gerhart Schneider, Martin Eichel, Jonathan Richter, Giovanni Quarisa, Michele Cicora, Salvatore Cavallo, Arcenio Cobba Balcazar, Stanisław Kowalski and Niko Dragoš.

Please note that for María Antonia Castro, María Carmen del López and A. L. M., exact settlement names are not known, only region names, so I couldn't place their markers accurately.

The map excludes those supercentenarians who lived or live in overseas territories of European countries.

You can see information about the supercentenarian if you hover over a marker with your mouse. The map is zoomable, which makes it easier to browse. Enjoy! And of course, corrections are welcome.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

ChrisR, Jef, Fish and 6 people reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 319

Great work!! Congratulations! 

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

024Tomi reacted
Supercentenarian Fan
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1181

Very cool

It would be nice to see something like this for the Americas and Japan too

diego and 024Tomi reacted
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Posts: 253

Congratulations for the maps! They are very cool, interesting and useful. And it's inclusive and respectful writing properly all the SCs names, including specific marks and letters from their native languages. You have made a great work.

These maps show very well how the SC distribution is in Europe. Both maps are quite similar. I mean, there are no big differences between +113 y.o. SC and male SC distributions.

Watching the maps I can get some conclusions (some of them are obvious):

Western countries tend to have more SCs (probably because they are economically more developed).

SCs from Northern Europe are mostly in the capital/industrial areas (this is again, related with economical development, as you can see in Germany, for example) or in the South (this is the case of UK and Scandinavic countries, due to the climate).

Southern countries have a large amount of SCs, but the distribution is different depending of the country.

In France, most of the SCs live in the North (rich area) or in the Mediterranean (warm climate, healthy diet).

In Italy, most of the SCs are in the North (again, a wealthy area) and in the South (again, good climate), but surprisingly there are not so many SCs in the middle or in the capital (I don't know why).

In Portugal, despite the South have a better climate, most of the SCs are in the North (the richest area, and the climate is still quite good there). Lisbon, as Rome, has not many SCs despite being the capital.

In Spain, some SCs are located in the main cities (Madrid and Barcelona), but most of them are in the North-West. This may be because this area of Spain, even if it's not very rich and have not so much industry or good climate, it has a lot of older people (this is the case of Castile or Galicia), and a good diet (in Galicia they eat a lot of fish, for instance). Also, Extremadura, in the South-West, despite being very rural (and poor) area, it has a notable amount of SCs in comparison to richer areas (I think this is because the population is very aged, and because their diet is quite healthy, as they eat many vegetables and use much olive oil). Of course, places like Catalonia (wealthy and Mediterranean) have many cases, but it's interesting that Valencia or Murcia have not many cases (they are in the Mediterranean coast, but they are not as rich as Catalonia). Andalusia has not so many cases considering its huge population (this is probably because it is poor and has not the best diet despite using much olive oil, and also there is more youth there and thousands of andalusians emigrated to other spanish places since 1950s).

Fish, diego, MrCatlord and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @024tomi

Here are two maps I made, the first one showing all residence/death places of European supercentenarians who reached the age of 113 (100 individuals; 4 men and 96 women), and the second one showing the same of all European male supercentenarians (118 men).

The first map includes all supercentenarians validated by GRG/ESO/LQ, plus those yet unvalidated cases that are in all likelyhood true (according to my personal opinion): Magdalena Oliver Gabarró, Gustav Gerneth, Mathilde Mange, Anna Cernohorsky, Luise Pompe and Veronika Zsilinszki. Besides validated cases, the second map includes the yet unvalidated cases of Jesús Mosteo Pérez, Alejandro Rivera Santalla, Joaquim Illas Illas, Luis Torras Martínez, Germán Cifuentes Higuera, Antonio Alvarado Lago, Mateo Balbuena Iglesias, Serafín Herrero Lázaro, José Van Zandijcke, Lazare Ponticelli, René Aubert, Gustav Gerneth, Hans Schornack, Gerhart Schneider, Martin Eichel, Jonathan Richter, Giovanni Quarisa, Michele Cicora, Salvatore Cavallo, Arcenio Cobba Balcazar, Stanisław Kowalski and Niko Dragoš.

Please note that for María Antonia Castro, María Carmen del López and A. L. M., exact settlement names are not known, only region names, so I couldn't place their markers accurately.

The map excludes those supercentenarians who lived or live in overseas territories of European countries.

You can see information about the supercentenarian if you hover over a marker with your mouse. The map is zoomable, which makes it easier to browse. Enjoy! And of course, corrections are welcome.

Are we reasonably sure that Mikhail Krichevsky is the age claimed and that his claimed age can actually be verified?


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Posted by: @futurist

Are we reasonably sure that Mikhail Krichevsky is the age claimed and that his claimed age can actually be verified?

1. I'm reasonably sure he was a supercentenarian (based on having read all available material on him), with 111 years, 292 days being the most likely final age (having made a 13-day correction from Julian to Gregorian).

2. While I'd argue there's a good probability sufficient documentation exists for him somewhere (unless they were destroyed), I find it very unlikely he can be validated in the forseeable future.


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

diego reacted
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Posted by: @024tomi

2. While I'd argue there's a good probability sufficient documentation exists for him somewhere (unless they were destroyed), I find it very unlikely he can be validated in the forseeable future.

Well, the GRG apparently managed to recently validate him. I wonder how they managed to pull it off.

BTW, I wonder if there are more validatable SCs in Eastern Europe, especially in the past, whom we currently don't know about, especially those who lived under Communist rule. Even a lot more of them.


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Posted by: @futurist

Posted by: @024tomi

2. While I'd argue there's a good probability sufficient documentation exists for him somewhere (unless they were destroyed), I find it very unlikely he can be validated in the forseeable future.

I wonder how they managed to pull it off.

What would your guess be? 

By the way, as you can all see, the men's map has been updated recently with photos for each SC. I'm currently working on a similar update for the women.


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 675

Posted by: @024tomi

What would your guess be? 

One possibility is that they just half-assed it. But another possibility is that Waclaw has some kind of contacts in Ukraine that helped with this. I know that Waclaw was previously able to verify Tekla Juniewicz by making contacts with the Ukrainian government, IIRC.

