Top 10 OLP in Mexic...
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Top 10 OLP in Mexico

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 22nd March 2022)

  1. Esperanza Mendoza Hermosillo (Mexico City), 9 Aug 1909, 112 years (pending)
  2. Ángela Díaz Millán (Mexico City), 29 Apr 1910, 111 years
  3. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila), 15 July 1910, 111 years (pending)
  4. María Delfina Cuellar Venegas (Mexico City), 24 Dec 1910, 111 years
  5. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos), 6 Jan 1911, 111 years (pending)
  6. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla), 8 May 1911, 110 years (OLM)
  7. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca), 6 July 1912, 109 years (pending)
  8. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Morelos), 20 Sept 1912, 109 years
  9. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Jalisco), 13 Sept 1913, 108 years (male) (pending)
  10. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Guanajuato), 2 Nov 1913, 108 years (male) (pending)


Source (LAS)

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Sorry @ale76 for stealing your style 🤣 

This list only includes validated/pending cases by LAS, but maybe half of the people in the list are in the actual top 10 for Mexico. Hopefully soon, a list of all known living claims like the one I used to post on the 110 Club will be released on this forum, so you will see just how many unvalidated cases there are only in Mexico.

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 22nd April 2022)
Today's update (RIP Ms. Mendoza Hermosillo)

  1. Angela Díaz Millán (Mexico City) (b. 29 April 1910), 111 y.o.
  2. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 111 y.o. (pending)
  3. María Delfina Cuellar Venegas (Mexico City) (b. 24 December 1910), 111 y.o.
  4. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  5. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla) (b. 8 May 1911), 110 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
  6. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 109 y.o. (pending)
  7. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Morelos) (b. 20 September 1912), 109 y.o.
  8. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913) 109 y.o.
  9. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Jalisco) (b. 13 September 1913), 108 y.o. (pending)
  10. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Guanajuato) (b. 2 November 1913), 108 y.o. (pending)


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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 1st July 2022)
Today's update (Ms. Díaz Millán turned 112; Mr. Juárez Iglesias turned 111; added Ms. Gutiérrez Godoy, Ms. Sánchez Soto, Ms. Guerrero García, Ms. Mendoza Sanchez and Ms. García Guzmán)

  1. Angela Díaz Millán (Mexico City) (b. 29 April 1910), 112 y.o.
  2. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
  3. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 111 y.o. (pending)
  4. María Delfina Cuellar Venegas (Mexico City) (b. 24 December 1910), 111 y.o.
  5. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  6. Martina Sánchez Soto (Sinaloa) (b. 30 January 1911), 111 y.o.
  7. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
  8. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla) (b. 8 May 1911), 111 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
  9. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  10. Ester García Guzmán (Jalisco) (b. 18 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 29th August 2022)
Today's update
  1. Angela Díaz Millán (Mexico City) (b. 29 April 1910), 112 y.o.
  2. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
  3. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112? y.o. (pending)
  4. María Delfina Cuellar Venegas (Mexico City) (b. 24 December 1910), 111 y.o.
  5. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  6. Martina Sánchez Soto (Sinaloa) (b. 30 January 1911), 111 y.o.
  7. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
  8. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla) (b. 8 May 1911), 111 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
  9. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  10. Ester García Guzmán (Jalisco) (b. 18 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 5th September 2022)
Today's update (RIP Ms. Cuellar Venegas)
  1. Angela Díaz Millán (Mexico City) (b. 29 April 1910), 112 y.o.
  2. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
  3. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112? y.o. (pending)
  4. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  5. Martina Sánchez Soto (Sinaloa) (b. 30 January 1911), 111 y.o.
  6. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
  7. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla) (b. 8 May 1911), 111 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
  8. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  9. Ester García Guzmán (Jalisco) (b. 18 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  10. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 110 y.o. 


Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Would it be possible to add Mr. Otilio Dominguez Santos?

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Posted by: @aquanaut_chalk

Would it be possible to add Mr. Otilio Dominguez Santos?

His age has not yet been verified/debunked.

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Fabri21 wrote:
Mr. Francisco Juarez Iglesias is confirmed alive yesterday, 10 October 2022. He's still very talkative, very aware, despite he can't walk (stopped walking at almost aged 111), still being healthy.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Fabri21 wrote:

Mrs. Esther Garcia Guzman, the 9th-oldest living person in Mexico, who lived in Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco, sadly passed away on 16 October 2022, at the age 110 years, 151 days.

She was born on 18 May 1912. 

A small biography:
She grew up on a ranch in the countryside.
She was a housewife and raised her children and she liked to sing. Her brother died at 102. And one of her children was 80 (as of August 2022).
Her grandson described her as a calm but strong woman.

Rest in peace.

Source 2

This was her at 108, on 20 February 2021.

At 109, on 13 November 2021.

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New top ten Bertha Chapa Maltos born in 20/9/1912 live in Morelos

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 20th October 2022)
Today's update (RIP Ms. Diaz Millan and Ms. Garcia Guzman)
  1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
  2. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112? y.o. (pending)
  3. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  4. Martina Sánchez Soto (Sinaloa) (b. 30 January 1911), 111 y.o.
  5. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
  6. Francisco Juárez Iglesias (Teziutlan, Puebla) (b. 8 May 1911), 111 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
  7. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  8. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 110 y.o. 
  9. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Cuernavaca, Morelos) (b. 20 September 1912), 110 y.o.
  10. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 109 y.o.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 25th October 2022)
Today's update (RIP Mr. Juarez Iglesias)
  1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
  2. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112? y.o. (pending)
  3. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 111 y.o. (pending)
  4. Martina Sánchez Soto (Sinaloa) (b. 30 January 1911), 111 y.o.
  5. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
  6. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
  7. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 110 y.o. 
  8. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Cuernavaca, Morelos) (b. 20 September 1912), 110 y.o.
  9.  Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 109 y.o.
  10.  Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Ms. Francisca Pena Garcia (Sor María de Jesús), the claimed oldest living nun in Mexico, who lived in Orizaba, Veracruz, sadly passed away on 24 November 2022, at the age 110 years, 203 days.

She was born on 5 May 1912. She became a nun on 24 December 1938.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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It was the sixth oldest in Mexico,was not on the list

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@diego She is unverified, for now.
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@ale76 true sorry thank you

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Posted by: @ale76

@diego She is unverified, for now.

She's been pending on LAS since 26 November 2022.


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

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@mendocino ok, pending after her death.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 17th January 2023)
Today's update (RIP Ms. Sánchez Soto)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
2. Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112? y.o. (pending)
3. Altagracia Valdés Vera (Morelos) (b. 6 January 1911), 112 y.o. (pending)
4. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
5. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 110 y.o. (pending)
6. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 110 y.o. 
7. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Cuernavaca, Morelos) (b. 20 September 1912), 110 y.o.
8. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 109 y.o.
9. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
10. Isaías Acevedo Luría (b. 2 July 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
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Hopefully we will get at least one living Mexican male SC later on this year! 🙂

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 15th March 2023)
Today's update (RIP Ms. Valdés Vera; Ms. Bravo Bravo turned 110)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112 y.o. (pending)
3. Gertrudis Guerrero García (Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla) (b. 27 April 1911), 111 y.o.
4. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111? y.o. (pending)
5. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 110 y.o. 
6. Bertha Chapa Maltos (Cuernavaca, Morelos) (b. 20 September 1912), 110 y.o.
7. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
8. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
9. Isaías Acevedo Luría (b. 2 July 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico
10. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Hidalgo) (b. 13 September 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 2nd May 2023)
Today's update (Ms. C. Bravo turned 110; RIP Ms. Guerrero Garcia, Ms. Chapa Maltos and Mr. Acevedo Luría)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 112 y. o.
Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112 y.o. (pending)
3. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111? y.o. (pending)
4. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
5. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
6. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
7. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Hidalgo) (b. 13 September 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico (pending)
8. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Yuriria) (b. 3 November 1913), 109 y.o. 
9. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
10. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 109 y.o.
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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 25th May 2023)
Today's update (Ms. Gutiérrez Godoy turned 113)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 113 y. o.
Enriqueta Moreno Casares (Saltillo, Coahuila) (b. 15 July 1910), 112 y.o. (pending)
3. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111? y.o. (pending)
4. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
5. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
6. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
7. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Hidalgo) (b. 13 September 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico (pending)
8. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Yuriria) (b. 3 November 1913), 109 y.o. 
9. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
10. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 109 y.o.
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I just realized that we only have one validated Supercentenarian who was born before the Mexican Revolution, and that is Doña Susana Gutiérrez Godoy. 

The only other two subjects who may have been born before the Mexican Revolution is the pending case of Doña Enriqueta Moreno Casares and the unvalidated case of Don Otilio Dominguez Santos. 

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 5th September 2023)
Today's update (Ms. Urrutia Roque turned 111; RIP Ms. Moreno Casares)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 113 y. o.
2. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111?
 y.o. (pending)
3. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
4. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
5. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
6. Maurilio Montaño Oliver (Hidalgo) (b. 13 September 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico (pending)

7. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Yuriria) (b. 3 November 1913), 109 y.o. 
8. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
9. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 109 y.o.
10. M. Z. P. (b. 26 December 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
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Maurilio died in 20/aug

Mexico’s Oldest Known Man Dies At 109 - LongeviQuest


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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 14th September 2023)
Today's update (RIP Mr. Montaño Oliver)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 113 y. o.
2. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111? y.o. (pending)
3. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
4. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
5. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
6. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Yuriria) (b. 3 November 1913), 109 y.o. Doyen of Mexico

7. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
8. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 109 y.o.
9. M. Z. P. (b. 26 December 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
10. Jovita Medina Posada (b. 1 January 1914), 109 y.o.
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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 6th November 2023)
Today's update (Mr. Orozco Lemus turned 110)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 113 y. o.
2. Maria Mendoza Sanchez (Michoacan) (b. 9 May 1912), 111? y.o. (pending)
3. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
4. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
5. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
6. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Guanajuato) (b. 3 November 1913), 110 y.o. Doyen of Mexico

7. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
8. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 109 y.o.
9. M. Z. P. (b. 26 December 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
10. Jovita Medina Posada (b. 1 January 1914), 109 y.o.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Top 10 Oldest Living (Validated/Pending) People in Mexico (as of 5th December 2023)
Today's update (Ms. A.A.C. and Ms. Moreno Diaz turned 110; RIP Ms. Mendoza Sanchez)

1. Susana Gutiérrez Godoy (Tepechitlan, Zacatecas) (b. 24 May 1910), 113 y. o.
2. Tranquilina Urrutia Roque (Oaxaca) (b. 6 July 1912), 111 y.o. 
3. Eulalia Bravo Bravo (Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo) (b. 12 February 1913), 110 y.o.
4. Concepción Bravo (Mexico City) (b. 1 April 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
5. Hilario Orozco Lemus (Cerano, Guanajuato) (b. 3 November 1913), 110 y.o. Doyen of Mexico

6. A. A. C. (b. 15 November 1913), 110 y.o. (pending)
7. Francisca Moreno Diaz (b. 3 December 1913), 110 y.o.
8. M. Z. P. (b. 26 December 1913), 109 y.o. (pending)
9. Jovita Medina Posada (b. 1 January 1914), 109 y.o.
10. M. V. B.  (b. 15 June 1914), 109? y.o.

Thanks, Marco and MrCatlord.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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