@admin Thank you. I did have a look at the poll section and there doesn’t seem to be an option to create a poll?
Also is there a way to private message?
@ben1987, I've just had a look and it turns out we would need an addon to install polls. That'll cost me 25 dollars every year. I'm sorry, but that's a bit too much for now. 😉
Maybe we can do it the old-fashioned way and just count votes. 🙂
PS - Private Messages would be an additional addon, costing 35 dollars every year. All these cool(, basic) features are expensive, unfortunately.
@admin Wouldn't it be possible to set up a donation fund that members can contribute to in order to potentially afford these additions?
@admin I want to a donate for your forum too. PayPal donation forum is worth to create.
Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)
I would also be happy to make a donation to help improve the functionality of the forum
ESO Co-Founder and Administrator (since 1 January 2020)
@ben1987, I've just had a look and it turns out we would need an addon to install polls. That'll cost me 25 dollars every year. I'm sorry, but that's a bit too much for now. 😉
Maybe we can do it the old-fashioned way and just count votes. 🙂
Thank you for looking into it. I am also glad it wasn't just me been "thick" haha and not able to see how to do it!
I'd donate in order to afford these features, as I'm sure others would.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
For now, I've been able to set up a donation method via cryptocurrency, I'll share the details later today. I am still looking into a more old-fashioned way of donating, but the problem with PayPal is that it is not anonymous - and silly as it might sound, I'd like to remain an anonymous admin so as to represent every member and fan here.
Would anyone know of a donation method in/through which you can remain anonymous?
@admin Crypto is fine for me!
EDIT: I just realised the sum total of my (three) bank accounts is €0.06 🤣 [Don't worry, I paid rent for April already ;)], so I may have to wait for a bit to donate. But as soon as I can spare it, I will send a (small, unfortunately) donation. You deserve it!