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Claims from Argentina (Age 108+)

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Male - Moisés Emanuel Álvez (26 Oct 1907?) of San Vicente, Misiones

Birthplace: El Soberbio, Misiones


20 Jan 2022:

"The oldest lord of the municipality of San Vicente, is Don Alvez Moisés Emmanuel was born on October 26, 1907, in the Monteagudo neighborhood municipality of (El Soberbio)

The son of foreign parents, (Brazilians) he lived long years for those payments, then for various reasons he moved to kilometer 34 in San Vicente.

As a result of a fire in his home, he lost all the documentation he had, which is why he still did not have the universal right of identity, nor did he have a pension granted by the State, in order to survive.

A happy and cheerful grandfather!, as described by his relatives. It should be noted that it was the Social Action Directorate of the commune, which managed and mobilized all the rigorous procedures to reconstruct its history, and thus finally grant it its first National Identity Document.

He currently resides in Picada La Flor, kilometer 34 of Provincial Route Number 13; Along with his niece Liliana who gives him shelter and assistance in what he needs.

In a dialogue with El Territorio, the secretary of Social Action Ana Feyeca expressed: "as a social institution, we try to provide the right of identity to undocumented people and thus reconstruct their history, to improve their quality of life.""

Video of him in January 2022:

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Ms. Onorina Apprato vid. Tagliaferro of Rio Tercero, Cordoba (ARG) turned 109 y.o. yesterday. She was born in Castellaro, Asti, Piedmont Region (ITA) on 7 July 1913.


Happy birthday!
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Jose Agustin Navarro, born on 28/8/1912 in Tucuman died around 11/08/2022 in San Miguel de Tucuman, he was the 2nd oldest man in Argentina

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Posted by: @diego
Jose Agustin Navarro, born on 28/8/1912 in Tucuman died around 11/08/2022 in San Miguel de Tucuman, he was the 2nd oldest man in Argentina
He was the 6th oldest person in Argentina

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An article from last month on Rosa Micaela Puertas, 2nd OLP in Argentina after Mrs. Barletta, voting in an election

She is presumably turning 111 today

First paragraph translated to English:

A century and a decade. Rosa Micaela Puertas Quiroga or, better known as “Mamina”, is a native of the Boedo neighborhood and considers herself “the mother of all” . The survivor of two pandemics is a living portrait of the history of Argentine suffrage. She arrives dressed elegantly with a purple coat, a flowered scarf and a red rose brooch adorning her ash copper hair, a detail that reminds her of her years spent in Spain. She is blind and her eyes are drawn magnetically upward in an eternal prayer. The elections are almost about to close and Puertas Quiroga arrives on foot to the United Nations School No. 31, in Palermo, arm in arm with her daughter María Teresa and two of her grandchildren. The delay that concentrated voters at noon,Due to the difficulties that occurred in some electronic ballot boxes, he changed his original plan to vote at the same time he was born (at 12), 110 years ago, also on a Sunday, but in 1912. It was at the time of the recently sanctioned Sáenz Peña law, the reform that inaugurated a first step towards modern democracy by allowing the secret and mandatory vote of Argentines, although there would still be a long way to go before women's suffrage arrived .

(Daughter has same name as Maria Branyas Morera’s, Maria Teresa)

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