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Top 10 oldest known living people in Hungary (as of 28 November 2024)

  • There're probably a few unidentified women born in 1915-18.
  • Still, the number of living people in Hungary who were born under a king (Franz Joseph for Árpádné Juhász and Charles IV for the rest) is now only 10-15.
  • We're still suffering from the birth rate effects of WWI very much (in contrast to today's 3 known 107+ and 10 known 106+ residents, we had 12 107+ and 21 106+ residents in 2016, for example).


1. Árpádné Juhász (b. 14 May 1914), 110, Győrújbarát

2. Leventéné Csap (b. 14 April 1917), 107, Budapest

3. Ferenc Bakó (b. 9 November 1917), 107, Fertőszentmiklós

4. Anonymous (b. 8 February 1918), 106, Budapest?

5. László Czóbel (b. c.20 October 1918), 106, Budapest

6. Józsefné Benke (b. 26 October 1918), 106, Budapest

7. Jánosné Szijjártó (b. 28 October 1918), 106, Sopron

8. Rózsa Virág (b. 29 October 1918), 106, Tiszaalpár

9. Mátyás Illéssy (b. 8 November 1918), 106, Visegrád

10. Ilona Nagy (b. 27 November 1918), 106, Csókakő

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

diego, FEW, Gabriel_PT and 1 people reacted
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Known familial longevity records of Hungary (update as of 9 December 2024):

Longest marriage

György Schnitz (10 Mar 1900 - 2 Nov 2002) and Györgyné Schnitz, née Terézia Wanderer (1 Jan 1906 - 30 Aug 2004), married from 28 Dec 1922 to 2 Nov 2002: 79 years, 309 days

Oldest couple (combined age)

Vilmos Molnár (11 Aug 1903 - 9 Nov 2006) and Vilmosné Molnár, née Irén Hauser (7 Feb 1916 - 21 May 2023): 210 years, 191 days

Oldest pair of sisters (and siblings)

Imréné Marcinkovics, née Mária Mészáros (7 July 1909 - 3 Sep 2013) and Ferencné Wéber, née Terézia Mészáros (11 Dec 1912 - 1 Jan 2021): 212 years, 79 days

Oldest pair of brothers

Sándor Patay (17 May 1910 - 6 Aug 2011) and Pál Patay (8 Dec 1914 - 4 Oct 2020): 207 years, 17 days

Oldest simultaneously living twins

Ferencné Ladányi, née Edit Sebál  (23 Nov 1921 - 5 Feb 2022) and Jánosné Ladányi, née Teréz Sebál (23 Nov 1921 - 19 Jan 2022): 100 years, 57 days at the time of Teréz's death

Oldest mother-daughter (and parent-child) pair

Antalné Banga, née Anna Rékasi (1 August 1887 - 9 July 1995) and Józsefné Lantos, née Katalin Banga (1 April 1914 - 26 Apr 2017): 210 years, 351 days

Oldest father-son pair

Jenő Jenovay (17 Sept 1893 - 4 Nov 2000) and Jenő Sándor Jenovay (16 Aug 1918 - 6 June 2020): 208 years, 343 days

Highest combined age of four grandparents

Grandparents of B. A. (b. 1971): 408 years, 259 days+ (average of 102 years, 65 days)

  • Miklós Angelus (9 Sept 1909 - 31 Dec 2016): 107 years, 113 days
  • Miklósné Angelus, née Edit Vidor (27 Feb 1913 - 13 Dec 2015): 102 years, 289 days
  • Pál Nádasdi (? - ?): 94 years
  • Pálné Nádasdi, née ? (1 May 1920 - present): 104 years, 222 days+

Oldest person with a living parent

Sándor Csiki (16 Nov 1914 - 10 Mar 2006), son of Sándorné Csiki, née Rozália Földes (18 Jan 1894 - 20 July 2004): 89 years, 247 days old at the time of his mother's death.

Most living generations

6 - known instances of a living great-great-great-grandparent:

  • Alexandra Angelopulu (25 May 1881? - fl. 1987), by the age of 106
  • Istvánné Mórocz, née Zsuzsanna Virág (2 Feb 1890 - 23 Oct 1998), by the age of 107
  • Sándorné Csiki, née Rozália Földes (18 Jan 1894 - 20 July 2004), by the age of 103
  • Pálné Takács, née ? (22 Feb 1911 - 3 Apr 2011), by the age of 100
  • Sándorné Kántor, née Erzsébet Magyarics (23 Mar 1915 - 31 May 2015), by the age of 100


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

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Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I'd like to present Hungary's 10 longest-lived Holocaust survivors that I know of. These people carry an important message to us about the triumph of the human spirit, and that tyranny may sometimes rise, but can never prevail. Let's hope humanity has learned this lesson once and for all.

  1. 108 years, 330 days Margit Ambrus (14 Dec 1900 - 9 Nov 2009)
  2. 108 years, 271 days Imréné Wessely (née Margit Schützer) (7 Feb 1893 - 5 Nov 2001)
  3. 108 years, 44 days Hugóné Pollák (née Terézia Goldstein) (25 Oct 1902 - 8 Dec 2010)
  4. 107 years, 345 days Flóra Dévai (7 Nov 1884 - 17 Oct 1992)
  5. 107 years, 252 days Pál Tibor Kósa (12 June 1908 - 19 Feb 2016)
  6. 107 years, 228 days György László (21 Aug 1896 - 5 Apr 2004)
  7. 107 years, 208 days Sándorné Reisz (née Erzsébet Vogel) (15 May 1907 - 9 Dec 2014)
  8. 107 years, 116 days Józsefné Himberger (née Gizella Weinberger) (28 Sept 1902 - 22 Jan 2010)
  9. 107 years, 113 days Miklós Angelus (9 Sept 1909 - 31 Dec 2016)
  10. 107 years, 61 days Józsefné Hortobágyi (née Borbála Rédlich) (20 May 1907 - 20 July 2014)

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

Gabriel_PT, ChrisR, Robbie and 1 people reacted
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That is a great post thank you 024Tomi.

It’s wonderful to see that a few of those who were persecuted so horrendously are not only still around so long after the events, but some were also able to go back to the site, to mark the 80th anniversary of its liberation.

In Australia our oldest known holocaust survivor was noted on Monday as being 104 - and the youngest just 86.

024Tomi reacted
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I'm very sad to report that the Doyen of Hungary, Ferenc Bakó (b. 9 November 1917), sadly passed away yesterday, on 17 February 2025, at the age of 107 years and 100 days.


May he rest in peace.

I'll have more to say later.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
GRG Correspondent for Hungary (2020-2023)
Tracker and researcher of Hungarian and other Central European (super)centenarians (since 2016)
Enthusiast of extreme longevity (since childhood)

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Posts: 13

Posted by: @024tomi

I'm very sad to report that the Doyen of Hungary, Ferenc Bakó (b. 9 November 1917), sadly passed away yesterday, on 17 February 2025, at the age of 107 years and 100 days.


May he rest in peace.

I'll have more to say later.


Sorry to hear this, Tomi.

May his soul rest in eternal peace, and my love and condolences to his family.


Be kind to everyone. Treat everyone like they're your own family. Don't judge others. Accept everyone for who they are regardless of what they do or look like.


Gerontology Wiki Content Moderator and WSF Moderator

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Posted by: @024tomi

Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I'd like to present Hungary's 10 longest-lived Holocaust survivors that I know of. These people carry an important message to us about the triumph of the human spirit, and that tyranny may sometimes rise, but can never prevail. Let's hope humanity has learned this lesson once and for all.

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  1. 108 years, 330 days Margit Ambrus (14 Dec 1900 - 9 Nov 2009)
  2. 108 years, 271 days Imréné Wessely (née Margit Schützer) (7 Feb 1893 - 5 Nov 2001)
  3. 108 years, 44 days Hugóné Pollák (née Terézia Goldstein) (25 Oct 1902 - 8 Dec 2010)
  4. 107 years, 345 days Flóra Dévai (7 Nov 1884 - 17 Oct 1992)
  5. 107 years, 252 days Pál Tibor Kósa (12 June 1908 - 19 Feb 2016)
  6. 107 years, 228 days György László (21 Aug 1896 - 5 Apr 2004)
  7. 107 years, 208 days Sándorné Reisz (née Erzsébet Vogel) (15 May 1907 - 9 Dec 2014)
  8. 107 years, 116 days Józsefné Himberger (née Gizella Weinberger) (28 Sept 1902 - 22 Jan 2010)
  9. 107 years, 113 days Miklós Angelus (9 Sept 1909 - 31 Dec 2016)
  10. 107 years, 61 days Józsefné Hortobágyi (née Borbála Rédlich) (20 May 1907 - 20 July 2014)

How many of them are from Budapest? That's where most Hungarian Jews who survived the Holocaust came from, to my knowledge. The Nazis never completed the mass murder of Budapest Jewry, thankfully.

And are you only using Trianon Hungary borders here or 1941-1944 Hungary's borders here?


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