Maria Farrugia (MLT...
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Maria Farrugia (MLT) - 110

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Maria Farrugia - of Hamrun, Malta - celebrated her 110th birthday, becoming the first known supercentenarian from Malta.

She was born in the same place on 7 March 1912.


110th birthday post:

""Life is in the hands of the child. There are no secrets. ”
- so Maria Farrugia told us that today she is celebrating 110 years. Maria, who is from Ħamrun, is the oldest person in Malta. She was born on March 7, 1912.
Maria had a simple life. In her life she went through everything. Her mother lived to be 100 years old. They were 5 brothers and some of them died young. She remembers one of her brothers who died at the age of 37 when he was hit by a bomb in one of the first airaids in Malta. Maria was born in Mosta, raised in Msida and lived in Ħamrun during the war. She has been a widow since 1962. She had three children, two of whom died. Maria is cared for by daughter Carmen and grandson Stephen.
"Maria is a very positive person. Try to be as independent as possible. I've never heard her tgerger or say uff and ahh, except when she's really hurt.
She was a seamstress, her hobby and trying to earn a living for her family. She even worked with a hook, she made blankets. At that time everything was done, even going around with the family goat and selling milk. As another hobby she has cooking and don’t tell me how much she loved going bingo!
You live day by day. That was for her to lend a hand in everything. But be careful, we are a little scared. But sometimes we get her to help us fold a shirt. ”
She told us that her old life was wonderful. Maria remembers how every Thursday evening they went to the 'Holy Hour'. It survived the Spanish flu pandemic, but it was still small, and now even the Covid-19 pandemic.
"I love the family. In the evening, if you do not say the rosary do not sleep. She likes to flip through the photos and tell us what she went through and tell us the stories. What do you like to eat Maria? Something simple; the soup and a piece of bread with oil and olives. ” - daughter Carmen and grandson Stephen
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"Life is in God's hands. There are no secrets."
- this is what Maria Farrugia had to say to us on this her 110th birthday. Maria, who hails from Hamrun, is the eldest person in Malta. She was born on the 7th of March 1912.
Maria has led a simple life. She has gone through everything. Her mother lived to a 100. They were 5 siblings some of whom died young. She remembers one of her siblings who died at 37 years old with a bomb during one of the first air raids on Malta. Maria was born in Mosta, grew up in Msida and went to live in Hamrun during the war. She was widowed in 1962 and had three children, two of whom have passed away. Her daughter Carmen and her grandson Stephen now take care of her.
"Maria is a positive person. She tries to be as independent as she possibly can. We have never heard her grumble or complain except when she is in real pain.
She was a seamstress, it was her hobby together as a means of earning something for the family. She also used to crochet, making blankets. At the time she used to do everything, even go around with the family goat to sell milk. She also enjoys cooking and used to love going to play bingo!"
She lives day by day. If it was up to her she would help everyone. But we are careful, it is understandable that we are cautious. But we do sometimes ask her to help us fold some clothes."
She told us that life when she was younger was better. Maria remembers how every Thursday evening they used to go to the "Ora Santa". She lived through the Spanish Flu, but she was still young, and now again through the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Her family is very dear to her. She will not sleep without saying the rosary. She loves going through old photographs and recalling what she went through and recounting anectodes. What does Maria like to eat? Simple food like vegetable soup and a slice of bread with oil and olives." - Maria's daughter Carmen and her grandson Stephen
Happy Birthday Maria!"

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Robbie, Marco and 024Tomi reacted
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A very significant birthday.

Congratulations to Maria Farrugia!


ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Awesome! 😀


Happy birthday, Mrs Farrugia!

Overduidelijk misschien.

Supercentenarian Fan
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Happy 110th birthday, Ms. Farrugia!

A really significant birthday, 1st known SC in Malta 😀
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (
