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[Closed] Bans / Suspensions / Warnings

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This topic exists to keep track of bans, suspensions, and warnings.


It's a closed thread so as to not clutter it with messages that should be posted separately.


Currently banned:

Dejan, for 1) glorifying a convicted war criminal, 2) consciously spreading false information / propaganda about the war in Ukraine.

AQ, for intimidating and harrassing (an)other member(s) via personal messages, and playing the victim afterwards.



Currently suspended:



Currently at three warnings:

nzak, for self-promotion and advertising, as well as for breaking the rules of this forum mere minutes after having served a previous suspension, showing no growth or self-reflection.

Record_116, for intimidating and harrassing (an)other member(s) via personal messages. This is a final chance before a permanent ban - please show self-reflection.



Currently at two warnings:

pgibbs, for having served a suspension and for spreading false information during the cool down period.



Currently at one warning:

Futurist, for having recently served a suspension.



ddmkm122, Josia9353, EstebanGonzalez and 3 people reacted
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Suspension (of one month) for having sent a personal message containing inappropriate content.

I see no other option but to also revoke your trusted member status with immediate effect. You'll need to regain my trust in order for your TM status to be reinstated.

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Suspension (of one month).


The Admin team has had a long and thorough discussion about this decision, but it's been made based on the following:

1. You have brought up unrelated personal issues with GSCF members that have not originated on the GSCF forum. This is not in compliance with forum rule number two.

2. You have publicly posted another member's PM. While, in hindsight, you may have had good reason to do so - although I still frown upon it - what we were most disappointed in was the fact that you continued playing the victim card even AFTER we had publicly announced the suspension of that member, as well as the revocation of his Trusted Member status. This could all have been dealt with via personal, direct communication.

3. You have continually sought to put other members' supposed (according to you, that is) misdoings in the spotlight, thus framing them as the actors - yet you continue to ignore the fact that you are the one trying to bully and boss your way around here. A mirror would do you wonders. This is not in compliance with forum rule number two.

4. You have sent disturbing messages to GSCF members via other platforms, who have subsequently provided evidence of your harrassment towards them. These messages also contain libellous remarks about the Admin team of the GSCF. This is, once more, not in compliance with forum rule number two.

5. You have sent a PM with a rather aggressive, intimidating tone towards the Admin team of this forum, once more proving you have not learnt from your previous warnings. In addition, the PM ended with a direct threat to not just the Admin, but also to all other members of the GSCF.


The Admin team felt the only appropriate step that could be taken was to suspend you for one month. Hopefully you will take that time to cool down and get back to your senses.


As a heads-up to everyone: expect "third-party collateral damage" from suspended member Ryoung122. Please report to me/the Admin team if you continue to be harrassed/threatened by suspended member Ryoung122. Appropriate legal measures will subsequently be taken.

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Update: it's been brought to our attention that stoa-oid had actually already apologised to Ryoung122 for his unwarranted PM before Ryoung122 decided to publicly post the contents of stoa-oid's first PM on this forum. This manipulation by Ryoung122 (presenting not even half of the information available) is strongly condemned by the Admin team.


We appreciate that stoa-oid had already offered Ryoung122 his sincere apologies before our interference (in the form of a suspension), but we still feel the contents of his first PM are inexcusable, and therefore warrant the month-long suspension.

Methuselah, Ell, WellAbove110 and 6 people reacted
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As of today, @stoa-oid and @ryoung122 have served their suspensions.


Welcome back to the forum! 😊 

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As of today, @dejan has received two warnings for spreading false information and subsequently denying this. See this post.

Also, @stoa-oid 's and @ryoung122 's warnings have been lifted due to good behaviour.

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As of today, @pgibbs has received two warnings - one for promoting his own work, and another one for provoking reactions from members from another forum. See this post.

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As of today, @nzak has received a warning for personally attacking another member of this forum. His apology is appreciated.

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As of today, both @nzak and @pgibbs have been suspended for the duration of three months (so until 14 February 2023). The reasons for the suspension can be found in the opening post of this thread.

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As of today, @nzak and @pgibbs have served their suspensions.


Welcome back to the forum! 😊 

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@nzak suspended for the following six months due to self-promotion and advertising (both of which break the rules of this forum) - and for doing so mere minutes after the previous suspension had been served.

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@futurist is currently at one warning for continuing to post and ask inappropriate, insensitive questions that are completely unnecessary and devalue any discussion.


Futurist, I realise there are (most) probably no ill intentions behind your questions, but you're thirty years old now and you should really know by now which questions or remarks are ok to ask or make. Learn to apply the basic social skills online that I am pretty sure you also have in real life.

Metajore, Gabriel_PT, Amck and 1 people reacted
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@futurist is currently at two warnings for continuing to write off-topic posts, despite having been given instructions to post these in his own topic.

Metajore reacted
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@futurist is currently suspended for one month (welcome again on 26 March 2023) for having made racist comments in multiple posts. Remember, making racist comments is an immediate suspension, skipping any warnings.

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@pgibbs has been given a second warning spreading false information.

@dejan's two warnings have been reduced to one after having shown signs of improved behaviour.

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@futurist has served his suspension. Welcome back!


EDIT: after deliberation, we (as the Admin team) agree on the following: there are no more excuses for you to not heed our advice. A next transgression will result in a permanent ban.

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@dejan has just received a six-month suspension for acting as a GRG Forum puppet on this forum, as well as for spreading propaganda, but mostly for ignoring and undermining requests. A next transgression will result in a permanent ban.

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After careful deliberation and after reviewing the rules and regulations of this forum, I have lifted the suspension for @dejan, as I have responded too strictly. He is still at three warnings, though:

1) for acting as a GRG Forum puppet and spreading propaganda;

2) for ignoring and undermining requests;

and 3) for a previous misbehaviour.

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@nzak's suspension lifted. He is at three warning, pending better behaviour.

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Suspension of one month for intimidating and harrassing (an)other member(s) via personal messages. The Admin team has received undeniable evidence of your behaviour, and has unanimously agreed on this consequence. The suspension will be lifted after one month, so on 27 December 2023.

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Suspension lifted on the following conditions:

- Your member group has changed so you have fewer options. Trust is not easily regained.

- This is your final chance before a permanent ban. We don't wish to see any more harrassing / stalking on this forum. If we are notified of any negative behaviour on other forums or anonymous bulletin boards, we will also permanently ban you.


It would befit you to pause and reflect on your previous behaviour. What could and should you have done better?


Good luck with this final chance. 🙂 

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@dejan has just been indefinitely banned for the following.

1. Glorifying a convicted war criminal &

2. Spreading false information / propaganda about the war in Ukraine.

Both offences are in clear violation forum rule #2, especially the latter. To quote Dejan's words, he said "the war in Ukraine, which was imposed by the Western powers," an obvious transgression of "all types of [...] provocative posts [that] will not be tolerated," as stipulated in the aforementioned rule #2.

024Tomi, 930310, Simon Frogg and 2 people reacted
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@AQ has just been banned for intimidating and harrassing (an)other member(s) via personal messages, and subsequently playing the victim. We have noticed this as a recurring pattern, and feel they are better off cooling down and working on themselves. Their behaviour is disproportionate.

musicotic and 024Tomi reacted