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Personal Attack

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Senior Consultant for Gerontology, Guinness World Records
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[Admin: post content moved to Admin part of the forum for publishing content from a personal message.]

Administrator Admin
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Posts: 454

@ryoung122, this is a worrying indication of intimidation / a personal attack made behind the scenes. Please send me a screenshot of the original PM, so appropriate measures against this member can be taken.


However, I also disapprove of you posting the content of privately sent messages publicly. This violates the idea of privacy between our members. Therefore, consider this a second warning (out of three before a month-long suspension).

Josia9353, Amck and Ale76 reacted
Senior Consultant for Gerontology, Guinness World Records
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When privately sent messages veer this far off the rational and invoke name-calling, threats of stalking, and other serious offenses, such as private 'crimes' become public offenses, the right to privacy ends when certain levels of norms are exceeded. If someone sends a threat privately, it's still a threat.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Ryoung122

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

I don't know if Robert's actions deserve a warning or not, but at least Robert's disclosure of malicious message understandable for me.
In late 2020, I have published emails and private messages in the thread of the Japan forum containing threats to me from the notorious Japanese troll, Shoichiro Morita.
However, Morita was already known as a clear troll at the time, but Nick (stoa-oid) wasn't.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (
