Shizu Narita turns 112 today, so she was born on 17 August 1910.
(Confirmation from two days ago, hence posted here as opposed to the birthday subforum.)
My grandmother, Shizu Narita, is finally No. 1 in Aichi! On top of that, the day after tomorrow is her birthday and she will be 112 years old! Awesome❗️
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The oldest living man in Shiga prefecture, Sōhei Ono (小野惣平), died from cancer on 20 August 2022, aged 107. His successor as oldest living man in Shiga prefecture is Seizō Masuda (増田誠造) of Kōka, born in December 1915.
109-year-old Sumie Inoue (井上住栄) (b. February 1913) was confirmed as the oldest living person in Shiga prefecture.
May Mr Ono rest in peace.
県内最高齢男性、小野さんが死去 彦根、107歳 /滋賀
県内の男性で最高齢だった彦根市の小野惣平(そうへい)さんが20日、がんのため亡くなった。107歳だった。 県医療福祉推進課によると、小野さんの死去に伴い、県内の最高齢男性は106歳の増田誠造(せいぞう)さん=甲賀市=となった。増田さんは1915(大正4)年12月生まれ。県内最高齢者は109歳の井上住栄(すみえ)さん=長浜市。
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